Note: Since this already had KiwiFarms and Reddit posts, only the highlights will be posted here, with brief explanations provided (this is a terrible write-up, I know)
TL;DR: Two neurodivergent developers get into a spergout over some ukrainians Windows XP fork, states that it violates Mozilla Public License 5.1, shuts the entire thing down.
In case anyone is wondering what Pale Moon is, it originally was a Firef*x fork developed by Moonchild Productions, which is now based off Firef*x before version 29, in which there was some past drama with the developers in the past
Now, enter Matt A. Torbin. He is the guy having a spergout over the Pale Moon Fork. He literally has at least twice called them terrorists, and criminals in the past. As you can tell, he really doesn't like them
Let's start with the first issue:
At the time, the developer of the Pale Moon fork (Mypal), Fedor2, in 2019, allegedly did not have the source code form set up right in the repo.. The problem was, since he grew in a post-Soviet shithole, specifically Ukraine, he did not fully understand how FOSS licenses work, due to how intellectual property is handled in that region. He also cannot speak proper English. Eventually, all was said and done, and Torbin seemed satisfied.
Ohhh, but it doesn't stop there. He is where Matt REALLY SPERGS OUT over him
Not only does Pale Moon exist, so does Baslisk, which is, you guessed it, yet another Firef*x fork done by MoonChild Productions, this time, Firef*x 52. Fedor2 also forks it, calling it Centuary, and this really gets the fatass riled up, this time proclaiming that he is in violation of MPL Section 5.1.
Not only does the drama continue, but now not only Fedor2 and Matt get into an argument over the license,, but now MoonChild gets involved.
Even more WORDS WORDS WORDS from Matt
Oh, and Fedor2 gives instructions, which really send Matt into a masssive spergout
Here is another Pale Moon developer bringing the issue up
Anyway, in the very end, Fedor2 proceeds to close the repo up, stating someone else will need to take over the project
MSFN user mourns over its death
MoonChild tries to clarify, but people are still confused
Oh and supposedly, Moonchild and Torbin not only want the repo deleted, but everything destroyed, although Moonchild denies the case, accusing others of pulling an agenda to attack them.
Edit: LOL
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What the frick is the point of an open source license if you still can't fork it without
s hunting you down
This really sent matt over the edge
Incredibly based response. Maybe Mozilla fricked it up on purpose to sabotage forks?
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Daily reminder that Moonchild is an insufferable furry cute twink.
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Hey, the internet was built on the backs of insufferable furry cute twinks. Respect the history
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Tobin is so fricking insufferable too:
Seems to me like shutting down small projects for not adhering to a license is the opposite of supporting open source. This is why I don't bother making the code I write for chemistry stuff public. The thought of dealing with licensing is just unbearable.
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licensing is only a problem if you are improperly forking copyleft code from a developer that doesn't want you to, you need to be extra unlucky to have problems
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See, I just don't care about proper forking.
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"proper forking" is just having the patches in a git repo and not distributing just the patch files, 99% of people already do it right without knowing
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Intellectual Property Doesn't Exist
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so true
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Can someone explain to me why anyone would want to use Windows XP in 2021?
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Because it's the last good version of windows.
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It's not as ugly as the newer versions but it's still outdated, extremely insecure and not supported by any software released in recent years.
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This is what people with shit PCs tell themselves for cope
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itoddler cope
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You run android on a pc?
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That's pretty
neurodivergentbased if trueJump in the discussion.
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Libertarians are afraid that new technology will accidentally discover their stash by sending Google telemetry usage data
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The only XP computers I regularly encounter are the ones that run the instruments in our labs, since the companies that make them REFUSE to update any of their firmware.
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Like 75% or the Earth's surface is covered in flavorless Mountain Dew
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Hey, that's a comment I originally made! Nice!
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Thank you
I wanted to change it here too but somehow made two accounts and forgot the first one's password. Oops.
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@Aevann, is it no longer possible to disable accounts? Could you swap the JanetYellensFrickboy username of
@defunct over to this account? Thanks
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done king
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Tt ty
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I kinda wish I could remember the original context for that comment lol
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this, the Brave™ Browser™ ® developers would never do something like this
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only scam you into seeing their ads while blocking other ads
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How neurodivergent do you have to be to fork a browser fork that nobody uses?
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Neurodivergent enough to get in slapfights on github
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Lmao I unironically used pale moon for years. It's super outdated nowadays and I don't recommend it.
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I remember people shilling hard for it years ago, but it was just a worse firef*x and I already hated firef*x at that point
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Neurodivergent enough to still use Windows XP in 2021
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I'm fucking lost, and there's not enough Adderall in the world to get me to read that shit.
From what I can see the latest drama is that there's no directions for downloading the source associated with a given release? i.e. this could be resolved by a couple of tickboxes in the GitHub UI that generates an
file per release/tag?The Ukrainian should've just locked the issue and said he's waiting for the legal letters.
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No I'm even more confused. From one of the other issues I've seen this:
To receive the source code behind interlink - which seems to be a derivative of Mozilla Thunderbird - you have to actually email them and request it. That seems a bit more difficult than what they're harassing the Ukrainian guy over.
Oh, and they may decide that you're not worthy of it..
Software Developers... 🤮
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Frick Tobin
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Is Brave some firef*x based browser? That’s cute that y’all spend time giving a shit which browser to use. I use safari.
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PSA if you have child porn you better delete it now
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Back it up to first
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