"Critical Code Studies" - Postmodern Social Justice meets Code


Just lol

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Guess what the guy who wrote all of this crap is doing today?


He likes to wear a fedora on his TikTok https://tiktok.com/@markcmarino

I swear California combined with Universities/humanities results in some of the most useless middle class jobs. Just throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks.

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It's like Bardfinn if Bardfinn had the courage to go outside.

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren: Reset the counter! Current counter was: 0 days 14 hours 17 minutes and 49 seconds

Record is 1 days 10 hours 08 minutes and 36 seconds by beamrifle

longest streak broken in the last 7 days was AuntyAbortionKong which was 0 days 14 hours 17 minutes and 49 seconds

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████         8  05-24
███           5  05-25
████████████ 24 05-26
████████      15 05-27
█████        10 05-28
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Best friend is ACA with 209 mentions

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Overeducated, inexperienced r-slur :marseyslm: thinks he has the right :marseysoren: to tell people how to think :marseyhyperthonk: and what's true and false.


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He's right :marseyhesright: tho.

One educated new media :marseyjourno: graduate :marseygrad: should be able to tell a foreman of 10 years how to do his job on the field...

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he needs to get in on the latest grift: critical ai theory

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That already exists, it's called AI Ethics. What do you think will be the AI Ethics equivalent of the Sokal affair? I'd say GPT-4chan was pretty close but that was actually serious (although it had the same reaction to it as to the Sokal affair).

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50 bucks this dude does online fetish rp

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online improv

It's either that or roll20 with an x-card (if you know what that means please go outside and run a mile)

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I know what it means, I just make fun of everyone that uses it.

Believe it or not used to DM for a all female party irl and never once had to use this bullshit system because I knew how to talk like a normal human.

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:#marseyairquotes: Expertise :!#marseyairquotes:

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/1685368958101114.webp :#marseycoomer2:

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How long until this gets a revival? Could it become a wedge issue between postmodern "humanities" strags and those tragic victims of postmodern ideology, transsexuals?

E.g. "Despite you claiming to be trans, this contribution to an obscure Linux distribution is heteronormative in its penile phenomenology and is clearly a fem-othering attempt at normalizing the social-mysogynistic impulses of the White perspective" :soyjakhipster:

"Frick you I just write code and masturbate to the thought of being a fact that I'm a real woman" :marseyfemboy:

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Darn, just found :marseymissing2: myself :marseypain: a new hustle.

Maximus J Sneed, JD, MBA, DASSM

Critical Code Consultant

Kritikal Kode Konsultant


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So CCS (KKK) is just a false flag by yt so as to discredit CRT?

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We already see a little :marseyapplejackpixelart: bit of that with 'green code' and 'master/slave', 'blacklist/whitelist', etc.

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What do you think a Code of Conduct (COC:marseypikachu2: ) is?

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Final :marseyredmage: Verdict: Full of Gems

Yet, somehow, I cant help but wonder :marseysphinx: if slower is not sometimes better? (Humanities folk can afford to ask such questions.) Could there :marseycheerup: not be algorithms that do a better :marseysaulgoodman: job by including more processing :marseyunresponsive: cycles? Such a naive :marseyinnocent: question, I know.

:marseyfacepalm: Yes let's run useless blocks :marseyminer: of code so that r-slurs can feel included.

Interpretation, at the start of the twenty-first century, is not that search :marseyprostateexam: for what the author :marseyshakespeare: secretly meant, that bizarre scavenger hunt that computer :marseylaptopkrayon2: scientists probably recall from their Ms. Finetooths midterm essay questions.

This interpretation of a code as a cultural text, therefore, grows out of a very different analysis than the close :marseynoyouzoom: examination of a lyric poem that seeks to answer :marseyconfuseddead: some riddle :marseysphinx: hidden in the text by the author.

:!marseyretard2: Fails to understand words :marseylongpost: can have multiple meanings...

I suggested Quicksort as a metaphor for social :marseysjw: organization in communities, drawing :marseybadnews: out an analogy for the way a neighborhood street :marseypajeet: or even highway may serve :marseywithcake: to divide and conquer :marseyconquistador: a demographic.

This one does not warrant a response.

The static main basically is a mistake. It just confuses newbies and they tend to write :marseychudnotes: programs with static variables methods only.

Singletons are a right :marseytransmisiaaward: of passage :marseyindignant:

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The static main basically is a mistake. It just confuses newbies and they tend to write :marseychingchongnotes: programs with static variables methods only.

okay? then maybe they shouldn't do that???

it's like saying a hammer :marseyrevolution: is bad because sometimes people hit their nuts with it. maybe the problem is the nut hitters, not the hammer :marseyjudge: itself

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Yet, somehow, I cant help but wonder if slower is not sometimes better? (Humanities folk can afford to ask such questions.) Could there not be algorithms that do a better job by including more processing cycles? Such a naive question, I know.

It's called an anytime algorithm and anyone with a first-year undergrad knowledge of algorithms and complexity would know this. That said, it's only relevant for algorithms that find approximate solutions, rather than exact ones.

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I need to do critical chemical :marseychemist2: science :marseyschrodinger: studies, and tell chemists the toxicity of transition :marseypassftm: metal :marseyvargselfdefense: carbonyls is a patriarchal misogynistic construct.

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Thought about this place as soon as I saw that lol. It's just pure distilled academia.

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Conversely, does the imperialist culture of continental philosophers seek to invade and colonize code's virgin soil, displacing its native culture?

:marseyhesright: but you could replace code with literally any other academic discipline and it would still be correct

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I could punch :marseypunched: that guy irl.

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I'd kill him without hesitation or remorse

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“What’s reality? I don’t know. When my bird was looking at my computer monitor I thought, ‘That bird has no idea what he’s looking at.’ And yet what does the bird do? Does he panic? No, he can’t really panic, he just does the best he can. Is he able to live in a world where he’s so ignorant? Well, he doesn’t really have a choice. The bird is okay even though he doesn’t understand the world. You’re that bird looking at the monitor, and you’re thinking to yourself, ‘I can figure this out.’ Maybe you have some bird ideas. Maybe that’s the best you can do.”

- T. Dawg

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