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>Major tech companies like Microsoft, Alphabet, and Nvidia have also risen to the challenge, each bringing their own AI innovation – as well as Google's own push via Deepmind.

Is our tech journ*list friend unaware that alphabet and google are the same company :marseyfoidretard:

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That's seriously the best photo they could get?

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The IRGC Qods Force wishes it could recruit someone with only photos this bad.

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It's physically impossible for Persian men not too post at least a daily beard flex selfie. Mossad probably can track IRGC infiltrators simply by regional hair product sales figures.

Trans lives matter too the Ayatollah

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Whenever I see low res head shots like that for journos I know for sure the photo is from like a decade ago and cribbed from a very old profile, because they haven't looked good in an image for years

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Ironically I doubt chatgpt would make that mistake

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It's not a mistake. It's predictive programming to tell the reader that they are different companies. :marseyschizowall:

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>google flubs their entrance into the world of AI despite being arguably best prepared for it

>"it's.. .just... fricking HYPE guys!! AI is fricking gay anyway!!!" :soyjaktantrumfast:

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ngl I wanted to grift off the "prompt engineer" bullshit. boohooo it's so hard to get AI to spit out some dumb generic shit look at me I'm so genius.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Just prompt a bunch of wordswordswords for DnD, and make a book of npcs and print it out.


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Prewritten stat blocks for NPCs are great for doing shit on the fly, at least for Pathfinder.

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Yeah theres a LOT of paid DM aids like that so you can go nuts with AI generative prompts.

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you don't say! (this was obvious when every single cryptobro on twitter changed his twitter bio to e/acc)


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e/ack :marseyrubberhosenoose: :marseysoyrope:

e i e i /acc

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They're just mad their shit sucks :#marseysourgrapes:

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:marseydisagree: DeepMind are the only part of Google that's actually good at AI. They're a bunch of britbongs that used to be their own startup. Google had "Google Brain" but it was trash, so they finally shitcanned their in-house effort last year. DeepMind BTFO'd the world's greatest Go player so hard he quit playing.

Google hasn't made anything decent since gmail, but they are still smart enough to buy worthwhile companies sometimes.

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I even saw a documentary about that but for some reason I associated it with openAI :#marseyshrug:

I was mainly talking about their Gemini launch, which was so badly received they took it down

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Oh yeah, Gemini blows. DeepMind has been too busy training AI to do important things like invent new medicines and win at Starcraft to bother competing in the racist SmarterChild market.

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Demis Hassabis was fricking legendary already as a kid when he was making games. Made Evil Genius, a classic that still holds up to this day. And Republic: the Revolution that was really overambitious and probably taught him a lot about what he's saying now. Then Google threw a fortune at him to make boring shit instead.

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Google being bested in AI is the funniest fricking outcome :marseyxd:

BTFO by MS in Cloud already and can't even make an OK chat bot.

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Lmbo, bested because they don't release a chatbot that would cannabilize their search business and burn cash? They 100% have better shit that just isn't user facing.

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tf do you mean, they were synonymous with AI/ML and then missed the biggest breakthrough that they invented: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attention_Is_All_You_Need

release a chatbot

they still released a chatbot that is worse than their competitor. If they pulled an Apple and (at least currently) ignored it wholesale you might have a point?

They 100% have better shit that just isn't user facing

A GPT? At this time of year, at this time of day, in Google, localized entirely within their B2B operations?


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You seem pretty r-slurred. Chatbots will be dead in a year, they are absolute trash. Only an r-slur would pay for one.

But also Gemini is comparable to anything from OpenAI. Google is not behind on anything ai related.

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I have never had a conversation with you where I didn't think you have a severe learning disability.

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You are absolutely seething because you know you're not only wrong but r-slurred.

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I could half believe that they released a deliberately shitty product to try to delegitimise the concept altogether, but then again, they were a bit late to the table for that to work

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They didn't release a good chatbot because nobody has a good chatbot. Refusing to let consumers burn their cash on asking the best version of gemini they have dumb questions isn't any inferiority to OAI.

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the interface to consumers is orthogonal to them missing breakthroughs on GPT.

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Literally :marseyme: what do you mean, is it just that they weren't the very first :marseywinner: to have it working? They've been neck and neck with foundational :marseytariq2: stuff ( :marseychinchilla: ) the whole time.

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The company that branded itself as the premier AI/ML company missing a breakthrough they created the foundation for is bad, yes.

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They didn't miss anything though? They didn't release a consumer facing product, which isn't a mistake because no one will pay for it and giving it away just burns money. You mongoloid.

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Someone ask Google Gemini how I should respond to this claim

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Gemini is very good at code generation. Mogs GPT and Claude. Thank frick that :marseytunaktunak: is killing the project before they take my job

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Gemini has given me code that is straight up wrong (syntax) and uses methods that straight up do not exist

I do not want to imagine how many problems ive caused by geminicelling

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I have first hand experience of the hype from around 2022-2023 from a company that went through some insane market turbulence but is currently soaring on funding from deep pocketed people with more money than understanding of the field.

Some of the people there were total narcs and even the neurodivergent devs had giant heads compared to other tech corps. I got shitcanned for political reasons despite literally teaching folks how to write basic Python and wrangling interns (they're still there)

Can't really say more because it's a tiny ecosystem and one of yall would show up in my LinkedIn views. Yes I'm salty, this has given me a monomania and broken my brain. I won't be mentally stable again until I assault my ex manager and about 3 people in the chain of command above.

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Frick corporations. I fricking hate them.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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:#marseyeric: you know what you need to do, sweaty

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>getting fired because you can't treat foids and foid-brained moids like they're real people


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There were no biofoids and I actually befriended the only neofoid

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AI springs are always followed by AI winters, grifting and :marseydespair:, grifting and :marseydepressed:, is the life cycle of the AI industry.

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Says you. I'm typing this on my 1980s hardware designed around LISP that has never become obsolete.

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I agree that it's mostly hype and grifting. Really annoying looking for a job in tech right now with all the AI startups and whatnot. I've been assuming most are wrappers of chatgpt or something and the actual job would be mostly about trying to get the AI to behave and output only what we want.

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They are. I keep getting hit up to try them. I bill as a "no AI" provider, so I don't use AI but you can identify AI easily once you see it over and over again.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Google's AI offerings sure as shit aren't generating much hype

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Google coping and seething about being behind on one of the biggest computing trends since their inception.

They can't stand being so utterly late to market.

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oh really?

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Hassabis is just assblasted that his company never produced anything other than ICML papers and a few game-playing agents.

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Ya ok. I use AI upscaling to turn 720p video :marseyzeldalinkpast: to 1440p so I can cut data usage when streaming. It works better :marseygenetakovic: for some things than others, cartoons like Archer are particularly crisp. I'm enjoying my little :marseybaby: dip into the capabilities of AI.

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What is it about Apple that makes chuds seethe so much? Is it envy?

To add more salt in the wounds of these chuds… did Apple just BTFO all the chud's iToddler bullshit?

>Dismantles arguments about how Macs are useless because “MUH VIDYA”

>Dismantles arguments that iPhones are walled gardens as many methods of sideloading existing

>Explains how ARM architecture allows Macs to perform better than competing Windows devices while using less power

>Explains the entire history of Apple devices BTFOing the competition

>Explains how repairability is the fools strawman issue

How do (You) refute all these arguments? They literally actually have the brain to back their arguments up instead of the chud "iTODDLER" + red hair tranime pics.

>inb4 sage


>inb4 someone says Linux is superior because muh schïzo privacy feature or like that

Actually refute these arguments… I'll wait.



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