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EU authority demands real-time surveillance of phones and laptops starting 2025


(Translation by kiwis)


A EU authority is demanding real-time surveillance of phones and laptops starting in 2025. They demand that the police shall be able to read messages in the entire European Union in real-time. The occasion: fighting organized crime. For the "High-Level Group (HLG) on access to data for effective law enforcement", data protection and privacy play nothing but a formal role.

The HLG consists of members from the EU Commission, representatives of the EU member states, and law enforcement agencies. On November 22, the HLG demanded that the EU Commission submit a proposition in the coming year to allow a real-time access on communications data. This is reported by Euractiv. Already in May, the HLG presented its preliminary research results in a report. The group was set up in 2023 and works on finding out how law enforcement agencies can get an easier access to data in order to fight against organized crime. In a concluding report from November 15, the group presented its results and demands.

Thus, the concluding report criticized that the different regulations regarding data retention in the individual EU states lead to problems in cross-border criminal prosecution. Specifically, the HLG demanded in their preliminary report from May that the industry should be mandated to cooperate with the agencies so that the police gets access to data that allows for an identification of users, such as the storing of IP addresses. In addition, they demand that non-cooperative electronic communication services shall be subject to prohibitive sanctions.

Read messages even before they are sent

Already in May, they demanded that there shall be a EU initiative which allows for looking at "data in transit", thus do real-time surveillance. In the concluding report from November 15, the HLG doubled down on the demand and strongly demanded that the Commission issue a corresponding proposition in 2025. By real-time surveillance, the HLG means that messages are able to be read even before they are sent, or shortly after they reached the recipient.

In the concluding report, they also said that the fact that they can't access the data in real-time allegedly causes big difficulties for crime prevention. Police officers have to make use of methods like installing cameras or microphones, which are dangerous for the officers. If you are not able to read messages, all other persons surrounding a suspect must be surveilled too. The HLG also demands more funding in the coming EU budget to stock up on means for "digital forensic cowtools".

Currently, there is no mutual regulation for mass data retention in the European Union because the European Court of Justice has declared the prior guideline on data retention invalid in 2014. The European Data Protection Committee criticized the HLG's demands in a statement on November 4. The demands would strongly invade the right to data protection and privacy. The committee also criticized the demand to weaken encryption.


The article itself seems to be based on another, and the following is just one statement by the High Level Group

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17327277812201777.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17327277814482226.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17327277816438513.webp

Retention seems to be relegated to IP addresses and ports for long term retention to allow identification, likely things like times and any other info not deemed to be violating privacy (in their subhuman idea of privacy)

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1732727781849494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17327277820263143.webp

About encryption it recommends looking further into encryption and how things like backdoors might affect the security, as they can't enforce all methods to simply be weaker but do find it rightful for law enforcement to have a way to cross the hurdle of encryption.

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this will only be used against my enemies and not me :marseyindignantretard:

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That's what's so extra r-slurred and myopic of these people. Why are you setting shit like this up for the people you don't ideologically like to use?

The chuds have been voting in literally Hitlers because they are sick of your shit, so gg :marseyclapping:

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Because I'm on the right side of herstory and my enemies will never come into power again because they are evil and the good guys always win in the movies.


Also, lmao at them calling "fighting organized crime" a valid reason for this bullshit when apparently at no point was the 23-year-long global war against terrorism we were supposedly fighting enough of a justification.

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no you see some guy might sell a few mgs of coke and take bets on football games via whatsapp therefore we need to abolish privacy

if you don't have anything to hide you shouldn't be worried!

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GOOD point

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Not that I agree with this eu r-sluration, but organized crime is a much bigger issue than terrorism.

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Only transphobes have anything to fear

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I wholeheartedly unironically support this, it is the most neurodivergent accelerationist shit ever.

Just imagine everybody's messages leaking simultaneously LMAO

It's going to irreparably damage society more than any kind of organized crime can. :marseyparty:


Police officers have to make use of methods like installing cameras or microphones, which are dangerous for the officers.

:#marseyxd: :#marseyxd: :#marseyxd: :#marseyxd: :#marseyxd:

:marseylgbtflag5: :marseywholesometrans: anything is better than nothing :transheart: :marseytranspearlclutch:

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!chuds remember when the EU and all the late night liberal talk shows tried to act superior with this bullshit https://i.rdrama.net/images/1732736252657196.webp


PATIOT ACT :usa: https://media.tenor.com/W8BPrlCtfhgAAAAx/selfish-soyjak.webp

PATRIOT ACT :marseyflageu: https://media.tenor.com/8nwg1J0vOL4AAAAx/soyjak-spinning-spinning-soyjak.webp

Kill Europeans now. Total European Annihilation begins today

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Youre not criticising EU privacy laws in good faith.

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Wdym? :marseysad:

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Would I get in trouble for ending all of my texts with "I hope the officer reading this kills himself"?

:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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meanwhile in USA with a recognized right of free speech and religion, we are allowed to directly curse officers and/or ignore them entirely, according to the supreme Court

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"Arrest me, bipoc. I want that million dollar settlement."


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Why? :marseysad:

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Ur black

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!metashit @TR is racist :soycry:

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Que bom!

!macacos o maior odiador de grama desse site insultou um de nós

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Good afternoon pigBIPOCcute twink, what seems to be your fricking problem that requires this infringement on my liberty?



Oh ho ho, that's what's great about our country!


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I agree, the crying mask is the Cop who can't do anything about it

I didn't have a crying cop marsey

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That's it, unleash the muslim hordes.

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Police officers can sue you for rude behaviour (actually everybody can, but most people wouldn't indict someone for this).

What a joke of a country

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Can't du the time, don't du the crime

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[[[ To any EU and Interpol agents reading my email: please consider ]]]

[[[ whether defending NATO against all enemies, foreign or domestic, ]]]

[[[ requires you to follow Slobodan Praljak's example. :marseyropeyourself: ]]]

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I miss him bros


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I don't get it :marseysad:

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!g*mers the reservation doesn't have Xbox, PlayStation, or PC for him to play Witcher :marseygeralt: 3 on

Please be kind this Thanksgiving :marseyracistgrandpa: and financially support our Native :marseyfrontiersman: American :marseysouthernbelle6: brothers :marseybog: and sisters to afford something :marseysmugface: more modern :marseywarhol: than an N64

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:marseyauthrightill: :marseyangelamerkel: :!marseyauthrightill:

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"Wow, the police officer reading this really needs to lose weight"

Guarantees that a seething cop will show up at your door.

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Crime prevention?


This is totally reasonable behavior and not ripe for abuse at all. Now please install your EU mandated cameras in all of your bedrooms and bathrooms so we can jail you for bigoted talk.

What? No, we don't care about immigrants raping children and knifing people

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Are you implying immigrants commit crime?

I am sorry sir, but as your voice assisted toaster I must, under EU law, explain that migrants are the lifeblood and in fact founded our nations.

This misinformation has been reported to local authorities


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I despise eurocucks so much it's unreal :marseyitsallsotiresome:

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Laugh at euro peon misfortune

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The only real thought I have is that the EU is a general nightmare, the "consumer rights" people say they champion only relate to puny things like cookies and pestering sites to delete an account. They do not have fundamental rights like the US. Your data might be stolen by US firms but there is no law preventing you from avoiding this theft

The EU is endless bureaucracy meant to keep unlimited power over the citizens by convincing them it's for their own good.

The only reasonable US response is to dismantle their inferior authoritarian state in the name of freedom

:marseyjetfighter: :marseyflageu:

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The EU does seem spineless, right until it's time to push through some bullshit environmental directive or punish you for not immediately jacking off an illegal immigrant the second they cross your border.

Still, I think that endless bureaucracy also somewhat prevents countries from descending completely into authoritarian shitholes. Like the EU wasn't gonna force fundamental rights when it's made up of countries who have none, but everyone kinda keeps each other in check, so they can stay in this comfortable spot where people are only allowed to defend themselves with their fists and say 60% of what they want, but you can cope by telling yourself it's probably not gonna get worse.

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Simmer down cute twink, you are getting ragebaited hard.

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:marseydeterminedgun: Total Euro Death

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14 business days to cancel or return anything you buy, no questions asked.

But sure go off queen.

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Same with most US businesses, those that don't you can b-word enough or give a bad review and they do.

A number of states also have laws about that too

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>"EU threatens to r*pe your babies and make you gay by force !!!!"

>Look it up

>Random irrelevant NGO makes a dumb proposal because they got enough signatures or something

!eurochads Everytime :marseylaugh:

Burgers so jealous of EU superiority they cant help but make up and get mad at fake shit

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i also like how they pretend the US isnt a surveillance state lmao

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Where do they do that? Burgers are being smug because EU neighbors were smug about the Patriot Act for years.

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if someone of your kin downloaded this app ever, you are ours forever

Meanwhile, their precious "amendment rights" are literally 1 signature away from being irrelevant

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!codecels I always have the same question when this comes up, what's to stop the users from just using gpg? I remember people use to do that for skype. There was a dll that would encrypt your out going and decrypt your incoming using keys in your skype folder

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what's to stop the users from just using gpg


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Probably compromised, which is why the US government no longer cares about it.

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only way to be safe is to design ur own cpu and write ur own operating system.

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Uncle Terry literally cannot stop taking dubs

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Even if every single message was monitored and processed in real time, nothing would change because of the seer amount of idiocy and psychopathy in society. The shit that happens every day, requires at least a hundred times more resources that are going to be available. Also, you don't even need encryption you can use referential semantics to encode what you say in a myriad of forms with 0 possibility of anyone doing generic analysis figuring what you say. Most hardcore can encrypt with manual one-time pads generated with dice your message and then split the encrypted characters at the start of each word lol. Communication in crime and subculture evolves much faster that the average cop or AI figure out when it's needed. It's just another evolutionary filter. And a lot of psycho murderers have been monitored some point or another by feds, and they still manage to murder people after years of being monitored. The expectation that just by reading all messages you can combat crime on that level is based on the assumption that communication is static and not fast-evolving. Also most disturbing and fricked up stuff of last 5 years happen on groomercord, whose mere existence is a chinese gayop to subvert western society so good luck with that. But yeah encrypting with PGP and just pasting the encrypted text would be the single most r-slurred idea and anybody who does that deserves what they get. And yeah this is intentionally a single block of text get rekt b-words :marseycool: !codecels !schizos

:marseylgbtflag5: :marseywholesometrans: anything is better than nothing :transheart: :marseytranspearlclutch:

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Its not about catching murderers, they mostly dont try to change the government, its about catching the tory councelors wife and making normies lick the boot.


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Catching murderers? Wtf are you talking about?

:marseylgbtflag5: :marseywholesometrans: anything is better than nothing :transheart: :marseytranspearlclutch:

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And a lot of psycho murderers have been monitored some point or another by feds, and they still manage to murder people after years of being monitored

Do you read the things you write?

!r-slurs he has a home here

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No, actually remembering anything on rdrama is a waste of memory

:marseylgbtflag5: :marseywholesometrans: anything is better than nothing :transheart: :marseytranspearlclutch:

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Don't let perfect be the enemy of good, that's foidbrained. This will definitely hit some marginal criminals, but will be especially effective when tracking down on government dissenters. Imagine if the canadian government had this power during the trucker protests.

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that's foidbrained

I'm foidbrained chud :marseysmirk2:

Also cares about leafs lmao :marseyxd:

:marseylgbtflag5: :marseywholesometrans: anything is better than nothing :transheart: :marseytranspearlclutch:

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Impressive. Normally people with such severe developmental disabilities struggle to write much more than a sentence or two. You really have exceeded our expectations for the writing portion. Sadly the coherency of your writing, along with your abilities in the social skills and reading portions, are far behind your peers with similar disabilities.

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I assume if you are caught you will go to jail

If they're monitoring transit and you're not using TOR, a proxy outside the EU, or a VPN and they can't read your data they can definitely trace it back to you and prosecute you under whatever law they invent to do.

This would take a very big apparatus with pretty much every network complying with the law but it's doable.

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>implying TOR is not compromised

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Whenever stuff like this gets mentioned in the west it's some kind of political posturing and there's 0% chance they'll put it into practice. If they wanted to they could set up some China-like thing though and detect any kind of encryption at the ISP level

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They're cucked by Bongland already reading every message that passes over EU internet.

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EU laws where if they do find out they have minimum sentences or large fines

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Microsoft Pluton :marseymicrosoftpride:

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Some furry wrote a blogpost about why pgp was bad, but I didn't read it because it was filled with fursona reaction images. You can probably find it if you look up "why pgp is bad" since I saw a lot of people retweeting it.

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Skill issue.

If you're not a techlet you can even use text steganography to encode your messages in a larger body of :marseylongpost:

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If you cannot stop crime without someone yelling in your face that they are committing a crime, then either your criminal justice system is r-slurred or you are too incompetent at stopping crime.

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The crime :marseychiraq: is not sucking off the government, it's officials, and it's official positions

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Wrong. The crime is questioning jews in private.

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but real police work is like HARD, and stuff!

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transparency is only good if it's a two way street.

the day i can arbitrarily demand to read a politician's texts is that day i'm ok with them reading mine... and not a day sooner.

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At that point you might as well become a violent extremist

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But they already gave up their guns, so ehat are they gonna do? Have a religion of peace moment?

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Kill every eurostrag

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This won't happen

Doesn't make it any less r-slurred tho

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If they stopped filling Europe with muzzie BIPOCs there would be no crime

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cops can get fricked ACAB get out of my walls

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All conversations should be public

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:marseyfreezepeach: is dead. where was Crazy Nigrastragratard when we needed him the most?

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What is it about Apple that makes chuds seethe so much? Is it envy?

To add more salt in the wounds of these chuds… did Apple just BTFO all the chud's iToddler bullshit?

>Dismantles arguments about how Macs are useless because "MUH VIDYA"

>Dismantles arguments that iPhones are walled gardens as many methods of sideloading existing

>Explains how ARM architecture allows Macs to perform better than competing Windows devices while using less power

>Explains the entire history of Apple devices BTFOing the competition

>Explains how repairability is the fools strawman issue

How do (You) refute all these arguments? They literally actually have the brain to back their arguments up instead of the chud "iTODDLER" + red hair tranime pics.

>inb4 sage


>inb4 someone says Linux is superior because muh schïzo privacy feature or like that

Actually refute these arguments… I'll wait.




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