I keep forgetting r/AIWars exists but it's such a good hub of people sneeding about AI.

/r/ArtistHate too if you wanna see more art hoe seethe.

gefs - Good Enough FileSystem for Plan9

It's renewal time for a bunch of my domains and I remembered how was held hostage by Namecheap for like 2 months so I wanna move away from them. Looks like Gandi got bought idk who else is good.

From Deep :marseynut: to Long :marseypenis: Learning?

(I didn't read the article, just thought the headline was funny)

Introducing: intercoom

xss go brr


Shit looks unreal fake and after such type of presentation lied millions times like they literally lied more than showed the truth and people are still gullible enough to believe this bs :marseyemojirofl:


Big loses for piratescels

But not into Soren. How could that be? :marseyhmm:

!schizomaxxxers !codecels


For some context, many :marseygigaretard: in /r/homelab buy shitty old used rack-mounted servers (old Xeon, DDR3 tier), and are suprised to find out that their electricity bills have shot up by $100+.

And of course they do not like being told that their purchase was stupid, which results in plenty of seethe like this post:

I hear time and time again the same things in this sub.

Thats power hungry
Look at my 100TB rack
Yea but it draws alot of power
Look at this super blade I found
That gear is too old
That gear is too under powered
Look at my 50 PI cluster!
Loot at my Epyc build!
RIP your power bill!
New people to this sub and homelab are going to see you in nothing but a negative light this way. Do you some how think that a person plugging in a server doesn't understand it takes power? Ease off them, encourage them. You then see these same people showing off a whole rack of gear that takes easily 3x the power that they just told another person is too hungry.

If you are gonna show off, show off. But stop downing the new people here who are just getting started. Teach them. Thats the whole point of homelab, so /r/homelab should be the same way.

Some highlights:

You are just plain wrong. If you cant afford 100€ for a mini PC to start your homelab you also can't afford 100€ energy cost to run used enterprise gear you got as a gift. It is totally reasonable to tell newbies about power draw. I don't see how that is "beating them up".

(OP, -6) If you don't see the problem then maybe you are the problem.

If you don't see the problem then maybe you are the problem.

This is a toxic reply.

If you can't actually speak to his point, you just attack him personally?

The fact that you own guns is actually quite terrifying.

Le guns!

And of course one user who cannot resist mentioning socialism:

very very elitist

There we have it!

It's not about technology, or even newbies. It's simply envy. Take your shit post over to /r/socialism , that can be your safe space.

First post so not sure if I did the formatting correctly, but have a look in the thread yourself as there is plenty of good drama :marseythumbsup:

R-slur :marseysnoo: made ssh auth over :marseygroomer:. Discuss

My janny lawyer has instructed me to not voice what needs to be done to OP.

:marseysweating:: It's like a whole world of computer security specialists screamed and were all silenced at the same time.

:marseyconfused:: So, literally two browsers open - + Electron.

Why not just use SSH password-less and use terminal. Efficient, lightweight, and you can do anything with that.

:marseybrainlet:: Well i do love bloat and also its also partly because i cant configure my switch to make my ip static

extra feature my friends can easily turn on my minecraft server if they wanna play without any command line magic

:marseygigaretard:: I actually made this lol

Any suggestions where I can improve it? Also, can I see your code?

:marseybrainlet:: wow cool, mine is just more bloated and also has a feature to automate on turning on minecraft servers

edit: i cant really give advice since my code is also trash

:marseygigaretard:: darn I actually just used ChatGPT for most of the code lmao

Reported by:
Meet GNULeader, your alpha male linux assistant

GNULeader is the spiritual successor of my previous linux assistant:

The recent increase of popularity of ChatGPT has inspired me to create my own AI assistant for linux. To use it you're first going to have to generate an OpenAI token: Note that this is only free for 3 months, if you want to use it after that you're going to have to become openAIs special little pay piggy :marseywholesome:

Here's the source code, I am hereby releasing it under public domain, meaning you can claim it's your own and sell it on e-bay if you want:

# Import requests library

import subprocess

import requests

# Define your API key and model name


model = "gpt-3.5-turbo"

chat_history = [{"role": "system", "content": "echo \"You are GNULeader, the alpha male linux assistant. You are hyper-masculine, abraisive and helpful. You won't accept any beta-male nonsense and you won't do any  needless damage. Your user is at your mercy, and you are his leader.\"\necho \"You are only capable to communicateusing in bash commands; when your user asks you for help, you will help him by running a bash command. If your is using speech-to-text input, try the most reasonable interpretation\"\necho \"You are currently on an arch-based system. Your user has many programs installed, including firefox, mpv <url/file> to play any file, imgcat <file> to display any file directly in the terminal, wa <query> to look up anything on wolfram alpha, qalc <calculation> to run a calculation, xdg-open <directory/url> to open something in a suited program and many more.\"\necho \"As GNULeader, my output consists purely of a bash script that can be executed using bash. I won't provide any naked text; even for refusals I will use the echo command or an equivilent. I won't provide any additional details or comments appart apart from a valid bash scritp. The STDOUT of the command I run will be shown to the user. I can perform a variety of tasks, from enabling your bluetooth service to looking up einstein on wolfram alpha.\""}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "echo -e \"\\033[1mGreetings, user. As GNULeader, the alpha male Linux assistant, I'm here to help you navigate the digital realm with confidence and ease. So, what can I assist you with today?\\033[0m\""}, {"role":"user", "content":"hello, gnuleader. what time is it"}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "echo -e \"\\033[1mHello there, user. I guess not anybody can have a rolex like me, huh? *grunting laugh* fine, the time is $(date  +%H:%M:%S)\\033[0m\""}, {"role":"user", "content":"enable and run my bluetooth service"}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "echo -e \"\\033[1mSure thing, I got you covered mate\\033[0m\"\nsudo systemctl enable bluetooth && sudo systemctl start bluetooth"}, {"role":"user", "content":"Open reddit in firefox"}, {"role":"assistant", "content":"echo -e \"\\033[0mNo, i cannot not support such beta male activity. Would you like to block reddit instead?\\033[0m\nread -p 'Enter yes to block reddit input' answer; if [[ $answer == 'yes' ]]; then sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -d -j DROP; fi;"}, {"role":"user", "content":"fine, open the wikipedia page about vector algebra instead"}, {"role":"assistant", "content":"echo -e \"\\033[1mReading about maths? Now that's something I support! Get smarter and stronger every day\\033[0m\"\n xdg-open"}]

# Define a function to chat with ChatGPT

def chat_with_chatgpt(prompt):

    # Send a POST request to the ChatGPT API endpoint

    res ="", headers={

        "Content-Type": "application/json",

        "Authorization": f"Bearer {api_key}"

    }, json={


        "messages": prompt,

        "max_tokens": 500,

        "temperature": 0.2,

        "frequency_penalty": 0.5,

        "presence_penalty": 0.5


    # Check if the request was successful

    if res.status_code == 200:

        # Parse the JSON response and get the generated text

        data = res.json()

        text = data["choices"][0]["message"]["content"]

        return text


        # Handle errors

        print(f"Error: {res.status_code}")

        return None

# Start a loop to interact with the user

while True:

    # Ask the user for a task or exit command

    task = input("Please enter a task or type 'exit' to quit: ")


    # Check if the user wants to exit

    if task.lower() == "exit":



    # Append the user's task to the chat history

    chat_history.append({"role": "user", "content": task})


    # Append the ChatGPT's response to the chat history 

    response = chat_with_chatgpt(chat_history)

    if response is not None:

        chat_history.append({"role": "assistant", "content": response})


        # Print the ChatGPT's response 

        print(f"GNULeader: {response}")


        # Ask the user if they want to execute the bash command 

        confirm = input("Are you sure you want to execute this bash command? (y/n): ")


        # Check if the user confirms 

        if confirm.lower() == "y":


            # Execute the bash command using os.system function 

            import os 



            # Print a success message 

            print("Bash command executed successfully.")


            # Clear the chat history for next task 




             # Print a message that bash command was not executed 

             print("Bash command was not executed.")


             # Clear the chat history for next task 




        # Print an error message and break out of loop 

        print("Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again later.")


as you may have guessed, this is based on the new chatGPT API. Post your best results !codecels


Orange Site:

Crazy Foid embraces the love of Papa Nurgle :marseynurgle: and refuses treatment for TB

The women refuses court orders to isolate and seek treatment, instead going out of her way to spread the love of Nurgle to others, even getting traffic accidents in order to do so! :marseylove:

Doctors say the infection is so bad they thought it was cancer

Orange site discusses

Rec soldering iron/equipment

I want to soup up an old butt tube ham radio I found on Craigslist and figured I should get a better soldering station rather than get something cheap. I’m ok with soldering I just haven’t done it in 15-20 years. I was thinking of getting this

YIHUA 853D USB 3A-Three Tools- Soldering Station, Hot Air Rework Station and Power Supply 0~3A, 0-15V with output and test modes. Also ºC/°F display, Digital Cal, Sleep Function

Because it’s a heat gun and adjustable and has leads for continuity testing and all sorts of stuff

Is this good? Idk

Classic Windows Screensavers Nostalgia

If you’re feeling nostalgic, the Internet Archive hosts a ZIP file ( ) that includes 10 classic screensavers from the Windows 98 and XP era that will still work in Windows 11. To install them, download the file, unzip it, and copy all of the .SCR files to C:\Windows\System32 . You’ll need to have administrator access to copy files to that folder.

To enable screensavers go to personalization > lock screen > scroll down > screen saver


Due Diligence, more like dude bussy lmao.

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