
As I've mentioned 100 times before, the powerusers of StackOverflow are completely detached from the core goals of the site and instead prefer to bicker amongst themselves in the Meta forum.

A poweruser named "M--" (profile: "Engineer by day, G*mer by night. Always in the process of learning something new.") says:

I raised an NAA [Not An Answer] flag on this answer Answer to: Blank space appearing at bottom of all webpages in Google Chrome on iOS [closed] which got declined.

Powerusers don't like having their flags declined because it goes on their permanent record, and god forbid one poweruser disagree with another.

The original question has now been blatted from existence, because just like /r/subredditdrama then whenever a post is linked into Meta then it's guaranteed to be brigaded into an unusable mess, even in cases like this where the question is perfectly valid and the complaint is about one single answer.

Now what is the answer that so annoyed this poweruser?:

THANK YOU! Disabling smooth scrolling took care of this problem on my iPhone 14 Pro on iOS 17.2.1.

Note that this answer includes the exact steps taken to solve the issue and the version on which it works. M-- just dislikes it because it starts with "THANK YOU!".

The rest of this Meta page totals over 5000 words of comments and arguments.

Some people just seem to love getting into involved debates of how should a particular turd be classified and how to correctly dispose of it, instead of, you know, just getting rid of it. Meanwhile dozens more are deposited around them... Someone spends ten seconds mashing the keyboard, and then bunch of other people take few man-hours figuring out what to do with it

comments one user with no self-awareness whatsoever.

Another user writes an essay explaining the workflow for handling answers and discussing the intricacies of:

You are the latest victim of a problem Stack Overflow has had for years; there are conflicting rules about how NAA and VLQ flags are supposed to work.


I'll let anyone else who wants to read through all of the answers and comments for pure :autism:

Bitcoin :bitcoin: Network mines it's 840,000th block and reaches its 4th halving :marseyparty3: :marseymerchant:

fricking christ


His posts on the 'Arms :marseydetective:



You gotta understand though, they've only got 160 million per year to spend, you have to prioritize.


I've been reading some Effective Altruist writings and learned that even if AI had moral goals it could be very dangerous :marseyscared:.

Like imagine an AI whos goal was to maximize the number of mosquito nets given to Africa, sounds great right? :marseyhappy2:

NO! Because the AI would be willing to do anything in order to achieve it's goals it might do something like commit one of the largest acts of fraud in history to get the money for more mosquito nets! :marseyshock:

Hmm... what does this remind me of? :marseylaugh:

Google overpriced code monkeys get the opportunity to help migrants and poor people. Exciting!

Blind discusses!

Weakest linux user:

Finally a streaming platform for true American Patriots- Trump Streaming

Trump Media shares close down more than 14%, company says Truth Social to launch TV streaming

Earlier Tuesday, Trump Media in a press release said it “has finished the research and development phase of its new live TV streaming platform and will begin scaling up its own content delivery network.”

The company said it will roll out streaming content in three phases, the first of which will introduce Truth Social's content delivery network for streaming live TV to the app for Android, iOS and web.

Phase two will release stand-alone Truth Social streaming apps for phones, tablets and other devices, while phase three will release such apps for home television, Trump Media said.

“The streaming content is expected to focus on live TV including news networks, religious channels, family-friendly content including films and documentaries; and other content that has been cancelled, is at risk of cancellation, or is being suppressed on other platforms and services,” Trump Media said in its release.

I'm sure the company that took 2 years to spin up a Mastodon fork fully will definitely be able to smoothly run a streaming service

Hackernews discusses if npr is just a wing of the dnc
LPT that *they* don't want you to know

Look how afraid they get:

Your first ninety minutes rather than days, I dare say. CTO here, you pull that trick and not only are you out of the door but you fly out with a charge of vandalism, sabotage and theft.

The Wayback Machine hasn't been able to save images hosted on Reddit for months :marseycryinglaptop:

It stopped working many months ago, when Reddit started redirecting image links to their links. The image viewer thing is kind of helpful in that it tells you which post the image came from, but this is overshadowed by the fact that it prevents you from viewing the image directly. Thus, the Wayback Machine cannot archive the image.

I sent a wordswordswords email to the Internet Archive about it, and they unfortunately said they couldn't change it.


No... I am very sorry but Reddit is much harder to archive now than it was in the past.

We are doing the best we can.

  • Mark Graham, Director, the Wayback Machine at the Internet Archive

ArchiveTeam also had difficulty archiving Reddit due to bans and paused their project. (Does anyone here know if there are logs of their IRC channel #shreddit?) At least PullPush works (for now), but it doesn't archive images. Luckily, and are still able to save Reddit images. :marseyheart:

If you are annoyed by Reddit not letting you view images directly, here are some extensions I have not tried at all. They work by modifying the Accept header sent by your browser.

  • A level 10 OS command injection vulnerability was found in GlobalProtect

  • This bug is arguably worse than the Windows-Rust exploit which let attackers execute arbitrary shell commands

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