NK gоt аn АWАСS fаstеř thаn Ukřаínе



Аs аļwауs ЕU саnt fаrt wíthоut buřgеřs аррřоvаļ



Аustříа dесídеd gívíng khоhоļs wеароn ís mоřе ímроřtаnt thаn gívíng thеm hеаļth :marseyxd:

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what is an AWAC

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A flying radar

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why doesnt he just say a flying radar

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His brainwaves function in mysterious ways :marseyschizoexcited:

How is your new job?

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Bro I ain't the one who defending a foid that been stealing germs money for decades without ever being elected and now is stealing EU money

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But I elected her? Are you r-slurred?!


Ah ,right. You can't even vote here :marseylaugh:

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Díd Ι сļаímеd уоu еļесtеd hеr ? :marseyjanny2:

Ι hаvе 2 ЕU сítízеnshíр аnd оnе ís fоrсíng mе tо vоtе ín еvеřу stuрíd еļесtíоns оř íļļ gеt fínеd

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pretty chill so far :marseythumbsup: working from home doesn't feel like working lol

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Swo I wanted two recwowor my Singapworean accwount two buy this game


Wocwl PSN dwon't seww it because we respect waman and psn nyetwork is like 25 year owld architecture swo u can't change ywour cwountwy like in other nyetworks and Swony would rather invest in impworted shit like TP (twanny pwomwotion).

Burger psn twowld mwe they can't help mwe and I must cwontact Singapworean. And u guys basicawwy working while I am asleep swo I had two wake up earlier. And gwosh this was the rudest cwontact service I ewer had, the guy twied two cut the linye ewery 20 secwonds.

He asked mwe two give my cwonswowal ID and while I was just cwopy pasting fwom word dwoc he alweady typed if u dwon't have any other question I am cutting the linye :marseyxd:

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are you sure it's a singaporean working the line? probably an indian at a call centre or a malaysian

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Not sure but his location was in Singapore since "sensitive" personal data need to be handled in region it's related

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How did he sound like? They're probably based here because our corporate tax rates are low lol

See if the agent sounded like this

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Jet that can notice flying dildos

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A flying saucer with an airplane stuck to the bottom. Looks kind of like what you'd get if you gave an r-slured kid a model kit of the starship Enterprise and a tube of glue.

I mean, you might also get an r-slured kid who's high AF from sniffing solvent but IDK.

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russia probably gave them some old parts

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Аļsо sееms thеу gоt АWАСS bеfоřе SK

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Factcheck: You really believe that shit? Lmao dumbass neighbor 🤣

This post was reviewed by an independent team of fact checkers.

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This is textbook defamation. It's literally libel in any state in the US. It's done for no purpose other than to hurt me.

I DMed X (formerly chiobu) to find out if there was any reason that he felt justified in participating in publicly vilifying and mocking mentally ill trains and wishing death on them.

I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. That was my mistake.

Take it down or I swear by Allah and the prophet I will sue this godawful website.




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