NK gоt аn АWАСS fаstеř thаn Ukřаínе



Аs аļwауs ЕU саnt fаrt wíthоut buřgеřs аррřоvаļ



Аustříа dесídеd gívíng khоhоļs wеароn ís mоřе ímроřtаnt thаn gívíng thеm hеаļth :marseyxd:

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This is textbook defamation. It's literally libel in any state in the US. It's done for no purpose other than to hurt me.

I DMed X (formerly chiobu) to find out if there was any reason that he felt justified in participating in publicly vilifying and mocking mentally ill trains and wishing death on them.

I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. That was my mistake.

Take it down or I swear by Allah and the prophet I will sue this godawful website.




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