Thigns gowing bdawy fowr Ukwainyian in Kursk

It towok amlwost a week fowr westewoid jwournyoids two repwort it

And things are always wsoe than western jwounryoids want two teww

It's Ukawinye military spwonswored map and yewwow thing I panited is alternyative suppwy woad Ukwainyian cweated/used and as u see Russian did a push that put Russian wery cwose two that woad swo noyw their alternyative woad is in bigger as than main swo they nyow can spupwy their swowldiers and can't retweat

@Cobra_Commander my fwiend u lkie alwyas showwed yowur wow IQ, cwongwats.

But waht reawwy was surpwising is Zaluzhnyy cawwing Twump evwl and swmoe mwore stwange tihngs. (He is basicawwy UK pwotege)

Fwinyished off with saying Ukwainye wost less men than Zleenskyy annoyunced a mwonth agwo :marseypikachu2:

It made @arestovich c*m since Zaluzhnyy just wowered his ratings and wsot US spupwort

And in this meeting US didn't hagned out with Zaluzhnyy.

Nyigga cwolud had easiwy won but ewery tim he speaks up he says stupidest shit

Here Redidt reaction:

>Nyooo the swoucre is nyot right

@Cobra_Commander jsut like u

Alswo zweo upwdots that wiww tecah Russ… I mean obviouswy op by wwoering his twowtl karma, nyext tim he wwiw knoyw what wiww happen if he pwost nyegative nyews

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@FU @Pelican Salv's English is already near unintelligible, uwuing and dyslexiaing him makes this actually unreadable

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That's why I do it. Its funnier than dyslexiaing a normal post.

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Thеу dоnt ļíkе stоříеs аbоut hоw thíngs gоíng fоř khоhоļs.

Bаsíсаļļу thís:

Thеřе ís а r-slur thаt ļítеřаļļу рауs mоnеу tо sраm thоsе аwаrds оn mу роst аbоut ukřаínе

Gоt thís tímе sо furíоus thаt соuļd hоļd hís соре bасk

Hís jоb ís аļsо bаssíсаļļу fоļļоwíng mе 24/7 аnd dоwnvоtе аļļ mу ukřаíníаn роst

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I know you can't actually read, but I did already explain to you multiple times that I don't support Ukrainians.

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