Polish tank with Bandera flag :marseylove:

_______ stand with Israel

Poland is twardy for Bandera it’s seems lately

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And then the whole classroom clapped for @_______


I am so happy for them

They got what they wanted and now live in EU

I was just a child back then but even I keked when I seen those face full of hope and confidence that tomorrow will be better back then and seeing the “tomorrow” now is so heartwarming :marseyhearts:

We had to sing in Ukrainian in my school national song as support for them :marseyxd: I wish I could transport back to that moment and high five my self for telling my teacher, arab lives didn’t improved with all Twitter revolution and Ukrainian won’t and she got butthurt.

Also funny moment was when I was with my friend and his older brother in McDonald’s on December 2013 and some dude who was in same college as my friend brother came to us and started flexing he just came from Ukraine after protesting in maidan and soon will go back there and he was telling us this as we were supposed to be impressed he was dressed as hobo and kicked out from his shity college and best thing he decided to do with his life is go 1000’s miles to other country where he doesn’t speak local language to protest. Even back then I hated those hippies kind.

Ukraine continue doing phantom counteroffensive

It’s a bit like this

Epic phantom counteroffensive anonymous (cia asset that support every burger side in all conflicts) posted


These may just be for record keeping/data checking but let’s get real

Suifuel post for natocel

Spring counteroffensive was postponed than announced for 30 April than for 9 May than changed to hold bakhmut till 9 May and postpone spring counteroffensive

So we will comfy enter Ukraine liberated 0cm in 8 months if no counteroffensive in May


That’s ultra low iq move, Russian are almost at khromove and in that place is the last Ukrainian road. Mb Zelenskyy wants to win Eurovision ?

But somehow everyone think Putin is Emma Watson and has symbiology fetish


new stonetoss
Russia fines woman $500 for calling Ukrainian President Zelensky 'handsome'
Asad is bae

But think about Zelenskyy roids seems to be true, he was for long time cutie twink than got fat than around start of war his arms started getting really muscular

Russia escalates Ukrainian war, bombs a nuclear power :marseysaluteussr:

Anyway they announced now the date to be on 30 April


I find it so sad that pro Ukrainian forgetting about Kreminna and how 100% Ukrainian we’re gonna get it before Christmas and in over 6 months they made 0 progress in capturing it. Russian fully left Kherson city on 11 November and since then Ukraine proudly liberated 0cm. So cheers up pro Ukrainian. It’s been the longest since Ukraine didn’t liberated anything in this war but need to ignore this and cope with magical counteroffensive that will make Russian run. So when pro Ukrainian cope that Russian after 8 month have only single digit percentage to capture the whole Bakhmut, should remember Kreminna and over 100billions they got in those 6 months for 0cm.

:marseylibleft: :marseylaughpoundfist:

Old data



The science changes because they got invaded chud.

More cringe from the bong skeptic

There was a vid of a guy from wagner who told a bunch of stories of supposed war crimes he witnessed and did himself in Soledar. It turned out he was blackmailed by hohols and some libtard russians into saying that, as usual with these vids (they had a vid of him getting r*ped or something in prison, which they released as they promised once he came out about getting blackmailed, proving his point lol).

This was like a few days ago, everyone already forgot and even hohol telegrams deleted the original because of bad optics, but for our bong friend it's fresh news :marseyxd:

I can't link it from mobile because YouTube sucks but if you want a laugh go there and read wild conspiracy theories they have of why this happened as presented. All for a thing that was solved several days ago.

With how delayed and narrow the information channels for an average leftoid in the west are it's no wonder they still think Artemovsk will hold and a counteroffensive is coming :marseygigaretardpat:


Watch how tomorrow she will pretend she never told this :marseyfsjal:


Imagine being Ukrainian, think in 1991 things will be different, democracy will fix everything. Than in 2004 things for sure will be the revolution will delete corruption. Than in 2014 thinking bad relationship will fix the country. Than in 2022 winning against Russia will fix everything. And now burgers silenced telling (yo homos things will get even worse)

So their life standards were going straight down since 1991 and population declining and now it’s declining at extreme rate since they lost majority of their young women have unreal debts, destroyed infrastructure yet they are looking forwards to bright future :marseyxd:.

Like I see how things are getting worse in my country in all lvls like I tried to return Amazon shit and next day I got the package back because foid at post managed to mix sender and recipient :marseyxd: and I understand with millennials and zoomer things will never get better yet khohols are thinking they magically will live as Germany in couple of years at the age of millennials :marseyxd: the only way they will live as Germany if Germany reach first lvl of r-slur beyond supper legendary r-slur

Ukraine’s Longest Day

What wrong with journ*list ? He literally creating a parallel universe and using his fantasy past why Ukraine will succeed. He ignores the fact in those 6,000 square kilometers there was only one city, that Ukrainian were outnumbering Russia 3 or 4 times. Russian didn’t build trenches. That Russian didn’t expect Ukrainian to attack that front because it was a passive front with little value to Ukraine. He ignores that khohols were sure that they would liberate Kreminna by 24 December and pro khohol ignoring that it’s been over 6 months since Ukraine attacking that city with zero gain.

No he expect that Ukrainian will launch epic “counter”offensive in well digged tranches at time where they don’t outnumbering Russian and their AD in shity state where Russian are using fobs. And Russian preparing hard for it and even launched new requirements program. But let’s ignore it all and remember the fantasy of Kharkiv and expect same thing to happen even though that offensive failed at reaching its goal of “liberating” Lugansk.

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Reminder that pizzashill used this cope :marseyxd:

believe it or not this image is not fake, truly remarkable


I've been subbed to this sperg for a while but couldn't stomach his Ukraine vids, he turned into pizza incarnate once the war started. Now he even has another smug r-slur as a guest. It's funny how so called "skeptics" get mindbroken when something that isn't as obvious as "public transport good" comes around and they try tackling it, but now it's just too much, like he's being r-slurred on purpose to please his increasingly leftoid audience.

!commies can someone more resistant to cringe than me watch this and tl;dw it for me? I tried watching, then skipped around, and it looks kinda juicy but I just can't stand the smugness of these two.

Also what the frick is up with the map on the thumbnail, it looks very wrong

What tank is this ?
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