
!effortposters If someone can subscribe with a trial and paste the whole thing it would be nice

Stupidpol thread :


  • Ukraine has actually been purchasing discount diesel fuel from Russia for its military this whole time.

  • Zelensky was greedy enough to piss off a good chunk of Ukraine's generals, as he was taking a greater amount of skim money than they were.

!commies explain?

@carpathianflorist pls pin in hole


I still love how they use the word counteroffensive that randomly.

But it’s seems like a fantastic idea to launch a big frontal offensive at enemy fortification during clear skies when your AD is in shit state :marseycheers:

Also Russian soon gonna announce mobilization. So won’t be surprised if spring Counteroffensive will be again postponed and now to fall

Total Russian Victory

179 ukranians killed and 150 wounded in friendly fire incident


Also daily m777 gone

Khohols told 200 m777 were destroyed or damaged. This number is a lot bigger than what they apparently officially received.

Khohols also got the long range HIMARS missiles


That shit is now days old why would he still talk about it ? All journ*lists are back at posting about :!marseytrain:s


But it’s understandable, they don’t want to launch a epic frontal attack on all those new Russian build trenches and get on top of it bombarded by new Russian build glide bombs. But they have no other choice like how will Biden be able to continue paying them their salaries and pensions. Last time Biden a week ago gave 3 billion in one day but he did in stealthy way telling he gives Ukraine 1,5 billion then 1 and then 0,5 so media remembered 0,5 billion. So I am excited to see how next month will be give Ukraine 30-40 billions in financial help, in February he told oh but most help is given by EU and in November he told those 30-40 billions were for the whole 2023.

My bet is now khohols will search for a ways to milk Biden without launching any spring counter offensive


But seems like a contercounteroffensive happened

Bad day for a bong

But they just told that yesterday that the document was fake

Russian kidnapping the children !!!!

But also give them back to family members if they ask. What a kidnap :marseyclapping:


Jfl at butthurt comments, Turks told they want too join EU like 30 years ago and some yugos got before them into EU. Mayos bombing Muslims and Muslim dictators and they expect a Muslim dictator (there will be a Muslim dictator for at least next 50 years because Muslim need a dictator they don’t like the complicated dictatorship west has with all those families parties doing wired shit, they like it simple) too trust mayos ?

Trans lives matters

In the end souther ukraine will be Muslim from Ural, it’s just the question will they be from Turkey or Russia.

Also Wagner is a chunk company officially and get too use chunks satellites and weapons.

Also forget all the hate for Muslim in west it’s just r-slurred too expect from them too trust you.


Here khohol take how they losing zero soldiers in bakhmut and soon gonna win

Here good post how Prighozin puts pro Ukrainian bussys on fire

But most important soon bakhmut will be very unimportant:

Glowies sneed after classified documents found on minecraft groomercord server

The Department of Justice has opened an investigation into the leaks of a trove of apparent US intelligence documents that were posted on social media in recent weeks.

The investigation comes as new documents surfaced Friday covering everything from US support for Ukraine to information about key US allies like Israel, widening the fallout from the already alarming leaks. The Pentagon on Thursday said it was looking into the matter after social media posts of apparently classified documents on the war in Ukraine had emerged.

"They look real," a US official told CNN about the leaked documents.

US officials say they are taking the leaks seriously as they investigate and work toward a more formal assessment of what is in the documents and how they were leaked. So far, they appear legitimate, and there isn't a major reason to doubt that the documents are in fact what they appear to be. US officials believe their public release would represent a significant breach.

The documents that were surfaced on Friday by open-source intelligence researchers appear to have been posted online in the past few weeks. They appear to contain classified information on topics ranging from the mercenary Wagner Group's operations in Africa and Israel's pathways to providing lethal aid to Ukraine, to intelligence about the United Arab Emirates' ties to Russia and South Korean concerns about providing ammunition to the US for use in Ukraine.

CNN could not independently verify that the documents have not been altered. But they are similar to a tranche of classified documents about Ukraine that have been circulating online in recent weeks, which US officials on Friday morning confirmed to CNN to be authentic.

Much like those documents, Friday's discoveries were also photos of printed-out, wrinkled documents. All bore classified markings, some top secret -- the highest level of classification. They also all appear to have been produced between mid-February and early March.

It is unclear who is behind the leaks and where, exactly, they originated.

The leaks have rattled Pentagon officials, particularly within the Defense Department's Joint Staff, which comprises the DoD's most senior uniformed leadership, whose role is to advise the president. Many of the documents had markings indicating that they were produced by the Joint Staff's intelligence arm, known as J2, and appear to be briefing documents.

Earlier Friday, US officials confirmed that similar documents about Ukraine were part of a larger daily intelligence briefing deck produced by the Pentagon about the war for senior leadership.

US officials suggested that a leak investigation would look inward, at potential culprits inside the Pentagon. But a person familiar with US intelligence said a probe would likely not be limited to the Pentagon, given the large number of people across the government who have access to these kinds of documents. Some of the documents also have markings indicating that they were shared with countries in the Five Eyes intelligence alliance -- the US, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

Other markings indicate the inclusion of material from other agencies, such as the State Department's intelligence arm, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, and the National Security Agency.

Many of the documents, however, also have markings indicating they are sourced from human intelligence and not meant to be shared with foreign nationals, even the closest US allies.

Some of documents reference classified information from the CIA. An agency spokesperson told CNN on Friday, "We are aware of the social media posts and are looking into the claims."

'No one noticed'

Images of some of the documents -- which include estimates of Russian casualties and a list of Western weapons systems available to Ukraine -- were posted to the social media platform Groomercord in early March, according to screenshots of the posts reviewed by CNN.

"This sh*t was sitting in a Minecraft Groomercord server for a month and no one noticed," Aric Toler, a researcher at investigative outlet Bellingcat who traced the timeline of the posted documents, told CNN. Minecraft is a popular video game.

It wasn't until this week that the leaked documents started to gain more attention after someone posted a portion of the documents to 4chan, a web forum popular with extremists, and then a Russian speaker posted an altered version of one of the documents on Telegram, Toler said.

US officials believe someone altered that document to make the estimated number of Ukrainians killed in the war far higher than it actually is.

The Pentagon said Thursday that it was aware of the social media posts and it was investigating the matter.

On Groomercord on Friday, speculation and paranoia were rife, with some users wondering if they could get in trouble for re-posting the documents now that the US government is investigating the matter. A user who posted photos of the documents on March 1 appeared to have deleted his accounts on Twitter and Groomercord.

"The fact that unedited and edited -- doctored -- versions of some files are available online makes me skeptical that this is a professional Russian intelligence operation," Thomas Rid, an expert on state-backed information operations, told CNN.

Historically, if an intelligence agency has access to classified material from an adversary and decides to falsify some of the material, they typically don't make both versions of those documents public, said Rid, who is a professor at Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies.

"That only makes it easier to detect the facts, and thus defeats the purpose," Rid said.

There is concern, however, that the leaked documents could have real-world impact.

"If real, the leaking of these documents can do significant damage to Ukrainian counteroffensive since this information effectively provides Russia with Ukrainian order of battle — extensive information on capabilities of brigades that would be involved in upcoming counteroffensive," said Dmitri Alperovitch, a Russia analyst who is executive chairman of Silverado Policy Accelerator.

4chan archive thread:

KF thread:

@JoeBiden !soren !schizomaxxxers !friendsofmimwee @Langley discuss


Bank of America cut short an online client conference on geopolitics and apologised to attendees after some balked at what they saw as pro-Russian comments about the war in Ukraine, according to three people who attended the event.

The conference was designed as a two-day event beginning on Tuesday, but BofA Securities cancelled three sessions addressing US sanctions on Russia and Russia-US relations. The move came after some clients complained about the tone of comments by speakers from inside and outside the bank during online forums on Tuesday.

One of the bank's strategists telephoned clients after the event to apologise for the content of Tuesday's sessions, according to three people familiar with the matter.

"I still don't get why US banks still wheel out speakers at events for clients who so often roll through Moscow's talking points on the war in Ukraine," Timothy Ash, of BlueBay Asset Management, a Russia specialist who attended the conference, wrote on Twitter.

He told the Financial Times: "Clearly Moscow is in an information war with the west. It has an interest in influencing how western banks portray the conflict, and banks need to be mindful of that."

BofA said the meeting was one of many that included external speakers to help its clients understand issues affecting their investment decisions.

It said in a statement: "All our external speakers are independent and the diverse views expressed are their own. We have apologised to those clients who voiced their displeasure at some of the views expressed."

Investment banks often host speakers with controversial views as part of their efforts to supply a broad range of opinions to their clients. But some of those present at Tuesday's event said it was unusual for such one-sided views to be presented without there being other viewpoints for balance.

"It was more like Bank of Russia than Bank of America," said one of those present. "The whole event was overwhelmingly pro-Russian."

Another person described Tuesday's sessions as "relentlessly anti-Ukrainian".

Two people on the call said Daniel Sheehan, BofA Securities' senior vice-president for international relations, was critical of Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy, describing him as "a master manipulator and mimic" about whom there were "serious concerns" in the US administration. A spokesperson for Zelenskyy did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

A BofA spokesperson said the bank disagreed with this interpretation of Sheehan's remarks, which had been intended to reflect the views of others, rather than his own.

One of those present said they felt one speaker, Nicolai Petro, a professor of political science at the University of Rhode Island, "said stuff that was absolutely shocking . . . it was straight out of the foreign ministry of Russia".

However, Petro has countered that people who complained "had their own agenda" and had "really not listened" to what he said.

In his prepared speech, which he shared with the FT, Petro's remarks included: "Under any scenario, Ukraine would be the overwhelming loser" in the war. Its industrial capacity would be "devastated", partly by its economic policy of becoming an agricultural superpower "as recommended by the EU and the United States" and its population would continue to shrink as people left to look for employment abroad.

"If this is what Russia meant by removing Ukraine's capacity to wage war against Russia, then it will arguably have won," he said.

He said the US government had no interest in a ceasefire because it had the most to gain from a prolonged conflict through a "dramatic increase in EU energy and military dependence on the US".

After the talk, Ash asked Petro a number of questions. One attendee said Petro's views were "not praising [Russian president Vladimir] Putin" and that it appeared that Ash wanted to push an agenda.

Ash said his only agenda was "to make sure western banks adopt a balanced approach to the conflict and don't get sucked into just echoing Moscow's talking points".

Another person present said that, while views such as Petro's may be offensive to many in the west, it was important to hear them expressed. "It does convey information about how other people think," the person said. "If that's how people in Russia think about how the conflict has evolved, that's important to know."

Y’all been waiting for this

I understand both languages and the translation is correct and it’s also the tamest shit they bell talking about Cream this weak like one told everyone who got Russian passport should be jailed and etc. This dude also tells every time “in next 6 months we will be in Crimea”

I personally think they dropping this shit to get western support but they them self know they will never get Crimea since they unreasonable agro the local population of Crimea against Ukraine.


Who do you think gonna be next leader if NATO this ho or the Finnish one ? They booth aiming at same position and have solid experience one as daughter of EU founder and other has lesbian moms

Ziggers are forming Sturmtruppen now :marseystarwars::marseykaiser:

For all their ww2 LARPing Ziggers really haven't progressed past ww1 tactics. :marseydicklet:

Guess they may have no choice now with 2/3 of their tanks now blown up :marseyshrug: :marseyjavelin:


The times link:

Who could believe that Russia shelling their own power plant was bs story :marseyscream:

“ His team tried to engage the tanks on the shoreline but it ”

@MenAreWorst when I posted that story in October you told me it was fake :marseyshrug:

The times even post about the helicopter operation that Ukraine denied in Mariupol

This is typical western journ*lism tell bs story than months later tell the true and then later use it as example that they always saying the truth

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