:marseycontemplatesuicide: Even my wife who doesn't watch :marseysoccer: is making fun of me :marseychingchongitsover:

!football !bharatiya

For context it's a :marseytunaktunak: chain of eateries which mainly sells prata/paratha which is a local favourite

For more context Man Utd suffered their biggest loss in 90ish years to our most bitter rivals: https://rdrama.net/h/sports/post/152107/marseygunshotsuicide

That particular dish is a plain prata which locals call "kosong" which means "zero" in Malay, so 7 "kosong" pratas for free means... :marseycrying: :marseygunshotsuicide:

And it's a real deal so kudos to them because it's pretty funny lol





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We had a Liverpool fan English teacher and he'd get legit mad if you shit talked them, one time he was passing by our class during recess and some guys screamed the results of a match Liverpool lost recently and he marched right in and screamed at us about maintaining decorum and being worthy of the school for five min.

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It do be like that sometimes but I bet he's elated from the results because it's forever in the records book that Man Utd's heaviest defeat is last night to Liverpool :marseysob:

It's akin to like Pakistan getting btfo-ed by their economy and floods and shit for months but they start a border skirmish with India and win comprehensively :marseycry:

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Lol. Great way too goad the kids on even harder. :marseylaugh: trans lives matter


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you left out the most important point though... :marseyhmm:

will you take them up on their offer?

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7 is a bit too much... :marseysad:


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maybe gorging on 7 pratas would help you :marseycope: with a 7-0 loss :marseysad:

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I’ll make my own :marseycry:

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X (formerly chiobu) and the missus afterwards


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Are you even a true manchester united fan if you arent fat?

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Just throw the extras away or give them to the poor. Not like you paid for them.

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lol you have to dine in for the free food so i dont think that's possible

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The misses will peg him rougher than usual if he doesn’t. Trans lives matter.


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Look on the bright side, at least youre not a Spurs fan

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..."kosong" which means "zero" in Malay, so 7 "kosong" pratas for free means...

I love learning about foreign language idioms and turns of phrase.

My Dutch friend tells me there is a saying over there: "Helaas pindakaas". The literal translation is "Unfortunately peanut butter", but it means "too bad".

You didn't pass your driving teast? Unfortunately peanut butter.

"Helaas" means "unfortunately" and I'm told the second word was chosen just because it rhymes in Dutch.

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Because of our diversity and multi-culturalism swear phrases in Singapore can be a mix of :marseytunaktunak: :marseyimam: :marseychingchong: languages :marseywholesome:

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What are your favourite :marseysingapore: expletives?

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I don't swear much anymore but a common one used by people of all races would be "chee bye" which means "ladygarden"

It's a little bit too close to "X (formerly chiobu)" if you ask me... :!marseyglancing:

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You: :#derpwhy:

Me: :#marseyscoot:


:#!marseydab: GET REKT SON. :#marseydab:

Trans lives matter

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Today we're all macacos

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lmaoo i wouldn't even have thought of the kosong joke if you didnt bring it up


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I saw ManU (we call them that way here) once in 2003 and while I barely have any memory of the game just reading the names of the players makes me feel nostalgic. I have a hard time recognizing even some of the more known players in the current roster... Gunners will win the league and everyone will stop watching after that - hopefully.

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What software do you use to get whatsapp marsey stickers? I keep importing them occasionally using some random app, but they keep disappearing after a few days :marseycry:

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This is the same app I always use :marseyhmm: maybe a different pack, hopefully it works more consistently now, thanks.

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I never used telegram :marseyshrug:

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Hmm seems like a hassle to import it anyway, the link I gave you has been working for me for over a year so hopefully it works for you too!

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So now we have the answer to this question


PS: :#marseycry::#marseydepressed:

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Nice post, bro! I posted it to twitter.

Even my wife who doesn't watch is making fun of me https://rdrama.net/h/sports/post/152277/marseycontemplatesuicide-even-my-wife-who-doesnt #games #reddit #drama

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more like womanchester

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crepes yum

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