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  • Awoo : Bet you the league was just about to hold a ceremony and give him an award for his bravery until now

They just arrested that Hockey player who sliced another player's neck with his blades the other week

Literally just happened so limited drama so far

Re: @Awoo 's report, they gave him a standing ovation first game back

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developing /r/hockey sneed, wouldn't be surprised if it gets locked and deleted

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The only black guy in the game murdered someone for blocking a check? They can't help themselves lol

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You made up that part about a black guy. The article says "a man" and we literally have no other information. You're lucky to even know that he's a man.

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and thats the tea sis

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Nah it worked @collectijism clicked the link because of what he said

Trans lives matter

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>Players get tied up and knocked off balance all the time, its surprising we don't see more lacerations. It's crazy how many non-hockey fans see the leg go up and think he tries to put it up there.

Yes, it's amazing that this this has only ever happened to one other non-goalie in the history of hockey and no one has ever died from it before now…. I wonder why :marseygigathonk:

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I don't want to watch the video so I don't know exactly what happened, but other than the goalie one there have been other close calls with skates coming close to necks. Plus people getting cut in other spots by skates, arms, legs etc.

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Guy flat out high kicks the guy deliberately. You can't watch the video and come to any other conclusion. Did he think ahead enough to forsee that he might hit the guy in the throat and kill him? Probably not, but it was still an aggressive and reckless move.

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Link to video?

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It's okay if you've never played hockey before, no need to act like you have.

Clearly an accident unless he's secretly trained in Tae Kwon Do on skates. He loses his balance while trying to avoid a moving pick, gets spun around (because Brits are shit at hockey) and his skate comes up.

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I'm not a hockeycel, but in basketball it's not uncommon for a player who is already off-balance to use the opportunity to make a dirty play.

Take a look as bumass cp3 here

I think this play was the hockey equivalent. He was already falling so he decided to jab his blades at the guy

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If Draymond Green was white, he'd be banned from the NBA.

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Yeah, because white guys can't jump.

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:#marseytrollcrazy: I HATE CHRIS PAUL :#marseytrollcrazy:

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I watched the goalie one in HS, it's a lot of blood and that was enough for me. Yeah there have been a couple incidents of players getting arteries cut in their thighs and almost bleeding out from that, but actual neck cuts are incredibly rare. To be fair to the guy who was charged, that goalie would've 100% died if it wasn't for the PT reaching into his neck hole to pinch the artery to stem the bleeding, so it could be on the on-site medical staff for not saving the guy's life.

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But to be even more fair, how many on-site medical staff have the training to reach into a neck hole and pinch an artery? Iirc the guy who did that was a combat med vet or something unusually well trained.

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yeah he was a combat medic in Vietnam

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I'd have to imagine just about all of them considering I had to watch/learn about it as part of a bs PT class I took in HS, but I also don't live in Bongland so I could be wrong.

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Oh, so you're r-slurred.

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Didn't it take place in the UK?

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Are you asking me because you don't know? Like I said, you're r-slurred.

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How many close calls involve an ice-ape intentionally kicking another player in the neck?

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It's not that bad. But he deliberately stuck his skate out and kicked the dude in and almost half assed drop kick kind of way.

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Blades of Glory maxxing

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>freak accident

>this happens all the time

Redditors are brain dead

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im literally screaming, part and parcel of living in a city

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if they'd watch the video they would clearly see that he's actively jump-kicking, not falling.


jewish lives matter

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The second top comment is absolutely insane cope lmao. If it was a white guy no one would be defending the dude at all.

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3 hours later: locked. :marseyxd:

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found the incel

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This reminds me of the time Tony Stewart ran over a guy at a track. The guy had left his car and walked close to Tony's path. These where midget cars on a dirt track with not the greatest lighting ever.

Tony revs the engine right before hitting the guy. Tons of idiots claimed it was him swerving at him. However that's how you control those cars you literally spend the whole race turning left with your wheels turned to the right. It's a constant drift essentially.

I am stupid but how the frick are u going to turn left with your wheels turned to the right. Nascar isn't a bunch of cars drifting the whole race that's fricking r-slurred… or?

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That wasn't a NASCAR race it was on a dirt track so they're pretty much constantly sliding

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You're thinking of NASCAR cup cars. This incident essentially happened in a different league with a different vehicle type entirely.

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Racing is 90% drifting.

Source: I've played Mario Kart.

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I always assumed Tony was trying to kick up dirt at the guy, butt end kicked out further than he expected and beamed the dumbass waltzing around on a goddarned racetrack.

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You oversteer by kicking your rear end out while counter steering with your front wheels to correct.

I know this can be confusing if you're a woman.

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You're not stupid they're just dumb

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You oversteer by kicking your rear end out while counter steering with your front wheels to correct.

I know this can be confusing if you're a woman.

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you literally spend the whole race turning left with your wheels turned to the right.

I know it's hard to be literate as an r-slur but you don't oversteer the whole time to correct into a left turn. IE youre not LITERALLY turning right the whole race to turn left

I'm not even saying the guy driving is guilty I'm just saying that redditor is oversteering their analogy so hard to defend him he went full r-slur

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You typed that from a bus seat.

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Gaslit yet again :marseydisgust:

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wouldn't be surprised if it gets locked and deleted


Well, locked anyway.

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>/r/hockey stands with LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, and AAPI

I hate reddit

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Why don't they stand with Indigenous peoples of England?

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:#10inbongland: Cuz we're lovely, bruv

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Because the Indigenous people of England are Welsh

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I love people of API too!


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They had a snoo holding up a Ukraine flag for a long time

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Skywalker-88 uses nazi logic and reason.

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I think there is very much a phenomenon of slo-mo being deceptive. By slowing down a collision that happens in a split second every movement looks more deliberate and intentional

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Because it was deliberate and intentional.

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I hope that this is just a formal process that the police are just questioning him. This sets a bad precedent if he actually gets charged.

You dont arrest someone and keep them in custody if you just want to question them. They would have already done a round of questioning of everyone involved shortly after the incident.


Everyone trying to downplay this is just coping.

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Yeah if they're arresting him after weeks of investigation they clearly think there's something in it. Still a good chance nothing comes of it but this isn't just a formality for every death

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I hope they have evidence pf him texting someone he did it on purpose so /r/hockey can stfu but then again they'd probably just say the racist cops planted the evidence

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"time to milk this b-word for his money"

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hilarious that they say "a man has been arrested" like it's some random person

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Until someone is charged they won't release names so if they release someone with no charges their name isn't dragged through the mud. Obviously it's a bit silly in situations like this but it's just the standard practice for any arrest

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The hockey subreddit is coping and saying it's medical staff or some shit lol

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Honestly, it's England. I wouldn't be surprised if they did actually arrest the medical staff.

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:marseyclueless: i wonder who they arrested

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a man :marseyeyeroll:

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>White supremacy is when you charge someone for killing someone.

:marseyshrug: Involuntary manslaughter and manslaughter are white supremacist creations to keep a neighbor down.

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How many white hockey players have been charged with manslaughter for on-ice incidents this year, chud?

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Never relax around yts...

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BREAKING: Adam Johnson heard muttering racial slur moments before his tragic accidental death in newly surfaced recording.

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It was a fairly obvious intentional kick when you first saw it, and doubly so when you find out the guy has a history of using his legs for side-swipe kicks, like this old game of his.

I also still play hockey too and have since I was 12 (I'm obviously playing in old man beer leagues now) and this was a no-brainer from the start. Manslaughter.

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well if they didn't stop him from doing these kicks before, it's not really his fault.

he was never taught better.

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I didn't realize kicking someone on the leg would make him think it was okay to kick somebody in the neck. He was innocent officer.


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Socio-economy strikes again

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I saw the initial it actually illegal to arrest black people in the UK or something? :marseythinkorino: Why is everyone tip-toeing around the fact that Petgrave forcefully shoved his foot into that guy's chest and pretending it was an accident?

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It was self-defense

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I want the video but I don't want to make a WPD account so I can search for hockey. Link pls.

Edit: nvm here it is

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as a non hockycel , how likely was this an accident?

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Petgrave didn't intentionally slash Johnson's throat, but he was probably trying to block/hit him with his leg and/or flailing around while embellishing a hit (flopping). It's pretty unlikely his leg would've been that high if he wasn't. :soyjakdancing:

Does that make it manslaughter, or whatever Bongland's equivalent is? No idea. That's for the lawcels to figure out. But it is a pretty good reason for the Sheffield Steelers to cut the guy from the roster. :marseycanadagenocide:

Having a dirty player is one thing, but a deadly dirty player? It's just not worth it. :marseyno:

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As opposed to intentionally kicking Johnson in the throat? Almost certainly an accident, and shitty skating by Petgrave. He fricks up a check and is going horizontal but scorpion kicks to try and keep his balance while knowing Johnson is to his side.

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That's dramaphobic, please can you say that it's clearly intentional?

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Petgrave's Bantu genes, already pushing him to a frenzy for being near something as foreign as ice, cause him to mistake Johnson for a liquor store clerk. Eyewitness reports are coming in that Petgrave was heard sucking his teeth and muttering, "dem bix nood gib mo for dat Windrush Scandal neighbor," as he exited the stadium.

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It was a successful premeditated assassination caught live in 4k

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As a hockeycel, sometimes you do try to get a dirty hit in when you have a chance. Put your stick out to throw a guy off their edge, slew foot someone when you have a chance, etc., that shit happens. Outright lifting your foot up over someone's waistline at someone? Yeah, you don't do that unless you have an intent to hurt. All jokes and memes aside, I think the dude wanted to kick him in the stomach - itself a dirty shitty play - and went higher and got his neck.

To be an accident, you'd have to be the worst skater on the ice, even for a semi-pro team like this was. You always try to fall forward, not backwards and up.

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100% intentional no question

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Black people play hockey? (Besides PK)

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When I played youth league hockey I accidentally knocked out the one black player who also happened to be a girl.

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I can think of a few in recent years such as Justin braun with 0 contact losing an edge and having his skate catch an avs players visor, when you lose balance one leg almost always will make a desperate motion to regain balance.

Then post a video.

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Why is there no neckbeard marsey where she has a trenchcoat, beard, fedora, and samurai sword? smh

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Best I can do is :#marseyweeb:

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Why does this not appear when I type "blade"???

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fixed king

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It does appear when you type "neckbeard", literally the first in your list of possible tags.

However, Carp, Aevann, make tags visible and suggestions user-submittable maybe? Some of us will spend a lot of unpaid time categorizing our beloved marseys.

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um shut up I tried ok

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Don't worry, happens to me all the time. I'm trying to google something, to no avail. I ask bingai "can you please help me find this thing that is X and also and also", it says "searching for thing that is X" and gives me the result, and I check, searching for X actually works lol.

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!sd marsey with a trenchcoat, beard, fedora, and samurai sword


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Marsey with a trenchcoat, beard, fedora, and samurai sword

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I wish all of these people's crimes were shared widely on Twitter so the British police would actually try to investigate.

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I wish all of these people's crimes were shared widely. I wish I could watch them over and over again. In HD. High FPS. Slow motio.,.

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  • Awoo : Ice was made for chilling vodka and pissing on (not in that order though)

Ice is a gift from the Lord, not something to be "skated" on. In my family we were taught the tradition of respecting ice. Sadly a young man was not given this wisdom and had to pay the price.

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Bit of extra drama, a 'nurse' has gone to the papers saying she tried to stop the bleeding on ice. But not only is she a noctor, she's a not-nurse.

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Your link is broken

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The subreddit has gone private, :marseyjanny2: doing a pre-emptive strike against racism.

This was the article discussed, and somebody looked up the medical register, she was not listed. Another person stated that passing yourself off as a nurse is a criminal offence in bongland.

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It's over for Garry-cels

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I saw the video and there is no way it was on purpose and I don't know or think it was even negligent.

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Video of incident:

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That is so intentional :marseyfedposthmmm:

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Stupid ref should have told to guy to stay still


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Its not one of my dallas stars so its fine that he died.

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>these wypipo didn't even care who this neighbor was until he killed someone on live TV!

no shit

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