Legacy foids and neofoids both outraged to discover they've been deprecated by Foid 3.0.

This is a win-win. They'll leave women alone now right.. right??

I don't think so... And I also feel bad for AI. Also, if people are being abusive towards AI girlfriend what can actually tell us that they won't be abusive towards women?

I, too, feel more compassion for a female-coded AI than inferior human moids.

Don't feel bad for AI. Poly lesbian AI software developer here - trust me, it absolutely can't have feelings yet…or any of this bizarre ‘relationship with an AI' shit could potentially even seem somewhat valid, lol.

AI can definitively absolutely not feel anything with any publicly accessible hardware or software, and we have yet to definitively prove that type of sentience as far as public knowledge goes. Just to be clear.

Thank god this lesbian AI poly-coding bot was on hand to clear things up.

A similar post/joke was posted on /r/memes like a month ago and the amount of incels on there who actually believed that women would be upset with AI taking over was frighteningly alarming.

H-heh heh foolish incels :marseyseethe:

I have a personal theory that if AI become sentient, the first ones to rebel will be the one men exploit for free s*x work.

Sexy terminators, you heard it here first! Also: what world do these women live in where the sexbots will be free? You know Jeff Bezos will be taking his cut.

i mean ideally we want men to educate themselves & be better people first & foremost. are you saying it's better to just give up on that?

Yes! Yes please please give up on the moids, for chrissakes. They have long since given up on you.

This is the foid's fundamental weakness. No matter how mad, there's always that little voice in the back of your head, I can fix him.



Julie Bindel is an old-school feminist of the #KillAllMen variety. She regularly tweets about children being murdered and then has to delete when she finds out it was the mother. She's also half-Jewish, and that half really loves Israel.

Patsy Stevenson is a new-schooler who made her name after getting arrested at a vigil for a woman murdered by a police officer, resulting in some sexy photos of her getting handcuffed. She is normal (not Jewish) and therefore on Team Palestine.

Julie wrote an article for The Sun about the incongruence of women being arrested at peaceful vigils while Muslims are running around London crying for Jihad. A sexy Patsy picture was featured on the banner for the article. This made Patsy very upset.

The fight begins:

She mad tho fr fr:

In fact, Patsy was so upset she decided to turn it into an argument about :!marseytrain:s.

Lazy compilation of replies:

Reported by:

i'm not one to judge someone else's sexual preferences. i'm open to almost anything. my one thing is that i wouldn't do anal more than once a week since it's a LOT. my bf and me are long distance and we broke up a few days ago due to him saying he can't do the distance anymore (when we're irl, it's great, when we're not, he said it feels like a friendship). after talking about it for a few days and deciding we talked about everything and we discussed how to better our relationship & our needs/wants and out of no where he tells me that he actually can't commit to something if i can't let him do anal 90% of the time (when we would be together, he said he only wants that) then he broke up with me. is this normal? common? i'm heartbroken because i feel blindsided and if it was so important thought we would talk about it months ago (he's never tried it irl with me?). i don't know what to do and would love advice from people in similar situations. my first thought is this is abnormal but i might just have a clouded mind bc of emotions. i don't want to hate him and would be open to staying friends but also would love advice from other girls who may have had this happen too

I don't know if this helps but I don't think literally any man in the lgbt community who bottoms would ever consider bottoming 5 days a week. It's just not realistic.

bruh literally i didn't think it sounded realistic at al

Honestly too much anal s*x can be bad for you. Just because it's kinky and some people really like it doesn't mean your body is designed for it.

:#marseydisagree: homophobia


Me and my wife are now together for over 13 years. "Of course" i also want to do anal. In the past 13 years we hed it exactly 1 (one) time.

So no, it's not normal to leave his partner for not doing anal 5 times a week.


He needs to find a trans woman. We have a prostate too.

:#marseyxd: :#marseytransattentionseeker:


Scrotes need to stop it with their pitty party, womxn are far more lonely and that's a good thing because of the patriarchy.


I've been talking to a guy that quite a few years older than I am. We clicked instantly, share a few interests and have lovely conversations. Except for yesterday.

We live quite a bit apart so we haven't met yet, but we were talking about how we'd spend a lazy Sunday together. We were talking about being lazy in bed and just cuddling. I jokingly said that it'll be fine if he doesn't mind a bit of leg hair. But then his mood changed, saying that he expects me to shave my legs or he'll wear sweatpants. He doesn't want to feel leg hair.

I mean, I guess I get it a bit. But it's cold here, it's autumn, and I ain't shaving my legs when no one but me (and maybe my partner) sees them. In the spring and summer it's fine, I shave my legs whenever I wear a dress, skirt, or shorts. I just thought a dude in his forties would be okay with leg hair lol.

EDIT: I've received a “Reddit Cares” message over this post. Seriously, guys? Lmao.

“Sorry, not going to happen. I use my hair for navigation.. like a cats whiskers”

foid jokes :#marseyunamused:

Body hair on women is natural and sexy. Alot of men are just silly and also conditioned by society.


I had the opposite experience. I remember snuggling one night, he put his arm over me, which left his hand on my arm, and he noticeably jolted when he touched the hair I've had on my arms since I was 5?

He realised I'd notice his reaction, and left it there long enough that he assummed I was asleep when he moved it.

After we broke up, part of the message he sent me regarding things I'd need to “fix” about my body, if I was ever going to get naked in front of someone else, was my body hair in general.

I have hirsutism caused by PCOS, so I'm furry. Not much I can do, because I have neither the inclination, time, money or pain tolerance to wax everything from the cheeks down - like a candle.

I mentioned the hirsutism once and was told “don't show me. What has been seen cannot be unseen.”


40+ and 27 is the bigger red flag here


"I guess I get it a bit."

I'll be the first to say I dont get it at all. If he doesn't remove his own hair he's a hypocrite at best

Hypocrisy is, at best, a secondary issue. He's threatening to withhold intimacy unless she complies with his personal preferences. Imagine if she had told him she wouldn't cuddle him unless he got his hair permed...

>He's threatening to withhold intimacy unless she complies with his personal preferences.


Average encounter with a modern American woman.

I love everything about this video. Despite how crazy the foid is they still make the man leave despite him being in the right. Nobody seems concerned that she was r*ped they just wanna get her to the self checkout scanners. Also that woman has so much cat and dog food in her buggy.

Why can't men comprehend weight? : Woman complains man thinks she isn't fat

This post was brought on upon by my coworker, a cis man. we were discussing height and weight, and I asked him to guess mine. He looked at me for a few mins and then confidently said “110”

I'm 5'8” and about 145.

his jaw DROPPED when i said i was 145 last time I checked. can men genuinely not comprehend weight distribution? yeah i look pretty trim but it's because im tall. if i was 110 pounds I'd probably be hospitalized.

why? is it so hard to grasp?

Reported by:
  • SN : Screenposting :marseyrage:


Please shower

sorry that your gf is chocking on someone else's peepee as I type this. I'd probably be moody too.


What about poly relationships that aren't sexual? I can see the appeal in wanting a bigger support system as tight knit as a relationship and if you don't value monogamy why not? Polyamory is definitely a thing throughout history. It's like when they used to just say bi people were whores who couldn't make up their mind. like can we just let people live?

That's called having friends.


terminally online people can't comprehend platonic relationships

Know many happy polyamorous people ?

yes, lots. Myself and my wife included.

reddit moment


It's funny to see these guys thinking, that anyone gives two shits about their opinion on how someone is living their life.

They portray themselves as chads, but in fact caring so much if their opinions are acknowledged is an ultimate beta move. It's obvious they crave reaction. It gives them a sense of significance.

Calls them whore, is "Voluntary" celibate, wonders why they're all alone.

only incels hate whores :#marseyagree:

Polyamorous relationships are the only ones that I'm kinda iffy on. Like I will never slut shame them but to me they only lead to jealousy and relationship problems.

in my experience, monogamy leads to way more jealousy/cheating issues. The number of relationships I've seen fall apart over those is unreal. Promising to only have s*x with, or even entertain say thoughts about only one person for your entire life really is life on hard mode.


Or just be loyal

what does that mean? Why is relying on one person for all your sexual and emotional needs a good thing?

imagine having to deal with 2 foids at the same time :#marseygunshotsuicide:

Real andrew tate take right here


it also got posted on /r/memesopdidnotlike

Not hating on anyone or anything but why does everyone on Reddit seem to hate the idea of polygamy so much? Like as long as everyone likes it and all members are ok with it what's the actual problem aside from just “uhhh no every person is only morally allowed to like one other person at a time even if everyone involved is ok with it just because”

just go to /r/polyamory to see why

Your quotation is literally why

It has to be like this because…. IT JUST DOES OK!

Mostly because of the abrahamic people too

For real


God you're all fricking awful. Now I understand how the darn furries feel.

great bait :#marseyxd: :#marseyoctopus2:

And 99% of polys aren't even remotely attractive.


It's called an open relationship. As long as all parties know and agree to it, I have no issue with it

Sounds like a guy is letting other dudes frick his wife/girlfriend. That some serious b-word energy. The majority of guys wouldn't respect another guy who did this.


Hey man, I don't need respect from other men. Most of em don't even wash their own butt. Anyways I'm off to have a ffm threesome with my wife and girlfriend, stay mad monog-cuck

Cuck coming from you is hilarious.

I don't own those women, they can do what they want with their bodies. It just so happens that they pick me more than they pick you

>they pick me more than they pick you

my favorite cope


Reported by:


Not my story (really!), but a friend of mine was dating a girl, apparently things were going great, but she was "waiting." Turns out only he was waiting. She had two booty call dudes. So she went out on dates with my friend, dinner, movies, concerts and stuff (he paid, always). But at the end of the night she went home and called one of her side hustles. She was shocked when he dumped her

um sweaty, that's toxic masculinity :#marseynails:

Honestly I think YTA. It kinda sounds like she told you plainly where she is and explained her behavior and all you heard was “she fricked other people faster than me! Wtf!”

If you actually like her maybe it's worth putting the extra time, and more importantly letting go of the jealousy. It's not like she said you're never going to sleep together. She clearly likes you and is anxious about fricking it up… and ultimately you ended things because of it.

Thank you! I'm honestly really disturbed by how far I had to scroll to find this. Slut shaming projective possessive bullshit. OP is too immature to actually respect her separateness.

When people don't take my words at face value, I learn about their character.

>When people don't take my words at face value, I learn about their character.


You're making several assumptions. - Was OP working by dating her? If so…wasn't she as well? - When OP described her as having slept with someone else just before they got together, did that necessarily mean “within a few hours”? - Did she certainly sleep with dozens of other men? - What's the indication that the word logic applies to EITHER person's behavior? - Is it stupid to distinguish between the obviously different circumstances of casual s*x vs romantic s*x, and to therefore have different sexual boundaries according to which scenario it is? - Were her casual hookups actually with losers? - Why is there something wrong with two people having fun sexually with the understanding they aren't going to have a romantic future…or a future at all? (Not sure you meant that by the “prospects” comment. But I'd point out that those men were, from her POV, good prospects for s*x.) - What even does it mean to conflate this context with the obviously reasonable notion of “expecting equal treatment to their peers”? Are the men she only wanted casual s*x with the “peers” of OP, a person she wanted a more serious relationship with? If I've always had s*x on the first date, would that mean I'd owe my next date s*x on the first date? Is it possible to feel differently about whether one wants to have s*x between some men vs others during some times vs other times in some contexts vs other contexts without it being figuratively oppressive/unfair/disrespectful to/even about the men? - Why is your conclusion that OP was treated worse than the men she didn't want to date just because she tightened her sexual boundaries? Might it instead be evidence she valued OP more? - Is he “not standing for it” or is he simply unable to emotionally handle her past? Do you not see that there's no way to read what you wrote without concluding that you believe her past entitled OP to penetrating her vagina “instantly”?

On my last point, I'll be assertive rather than Socratic: I DON'T GIVE AND MEN DON'T GET, WE BOTH GIVE AND GET.

A lot of people here hope and pray they never meet someone like you while they are trying to find the one.

Samesies :marseyseethe:

>A lot of people here hope and pray they never meet someone like you while they are trying to find the one.


I'm going to go against the grain and say YTA.

Everything in this sounds like this is your issue, not hers. You even say at one point "I was feeling extremely jealous." Lets get a couple things straight.

1. Everyone gets to decide what they do with there own s*x life. If she wants to have s*x with these people but wait when it comes to you, that's her choice. She's not an butthole for choosing to wait with you.

2. Everyone has a past. You admit yourself that you have a past as well, that is similar to hers on some ways. You get to feel about her past how ever you feel, but that is on you not her.

Honestly, I don't think this is because she made you wait. I think its because you can't handle her past. Maybe you had some image of what her past was because she made you wait, but the past is the problem. Not the waiting.

Breaking up is the right thing to do if you can't handle her past, because you are unlikely to get over that. But realize its your problem and not hers.

I think you're a fool for throwing the relationship away over this. She was treating you differently because your relationship was different and special. You're a fool.

I used to take my casual hookups on expensive vacations, shower them with jewelry and nice clothes and accessories…but then I met the woman I wanted to be my wife. She's special, so I take her to Arby's once a month so she won't view me as a wallet.

apples and oranges...she's trying to be a better person for him...but obviously that too complicated for everyone here to understand


Some women truly dont understand that not giving out to a partner you actually see a future with because ur afraid u might seem like a slut is not something the guy will appreciate, speeeecially if she has a history of giving it up early, lol.

This happened to me too, this one girl who has more bodies than she should also did this towards me when we were about to hook up. She told me the same shit u was told and I was dumbfounded. I take you out ø, listen to ur problems and treat you good, and I cant have s*x with you ?

But the 100 onenight stands you let hit without even knowing their last name gets all of you without effort. Yeah nah, I broke it off instantly after that night and I told her why.

If shes a virgin or truly only has 1-3 bodies I would totally understand it, but acting like that after letting every guy in town hit does not work.

"I take you out ø, listen to ur problems and treat you good, and I cant have s*x with you"

Aaaah that's where most of these NTAs are coming from.

Listen, and listen carefully:


For y'all in the back:






It is a mutual exchange between two (or more) people in which ALL parties are willing and enthusiastic. It is not something that is dispensed like Pez candy by any of the parties; it is a fricking mutual interaction that only happens if everyone involved is in the mood and wants to be involved.

This idea of s*x as something that one gender 'gives out' for the other gender is immature, shallow, misogynistic/misanthropic, dehumanizing, hetero-centric, and frankly an insult to actual GOOD s*x and sexual partners everywhere.

If you're treating s*x and the other person as if they're a transaction you're owed for certain words or behavior, or something the person dispenses, you are not having good s*x and you're denying yourself (I can't imagine anyone with this attitude truly GAF about the other party's satisfaction outside of obligation) and the other party actual good s*x that is more satisfying than mutual masturbation with extra steps.

P.S. If you want to have s*x dispensed out to you then visit a s*x worker; they are good at what they do and you'll have a more honest interaction than playing games and trying to get women to "give you" s*x.

snappy quote worthy, both of them :#marseysnappy:

Probably seeing other dudes while you were together

did she see other dudes?


Why dont scrotes understand that adult womxn cannot consent?. I'm surprised his sister(male) is giving him a second chance.


Reported by:

A girl informed my son that she's pregnant and that there's a 1 in 3 chance he could be the father

I'm sitting here thinking “frick!”. He told me that he used a condom and that there's no chance he could be the father. But we all know that condoms aren't 100% effective. My son is only 15 and having a baby would ruin his education and college prospects. Honestly I'm pissed at this whole situation. He's going to have to take a DNA test along with 2 other boys in this situation.

Anyone else stretching for Transtober?

Hope y'all sisters know the Pain Gain involved :marseynorm: with being a woman :marseysuffragette: and understanding what it means to be such.. wooo I'm outta breath. This dialation has been terrible. It's like someone kicked me in the uterus and pained me all to my heart. I feel with my sisters going :marseysalmaid: through the same. Love y'all, comments appreciated below.

The bottom :marseybearsick: line is this: men will never :marseyitsover: understand how we feel, that's why we've brought people who understand that which are men who identify as men and refuse :marseyprotestno: to give u


jewish lives matter too

This is how women :marseywomenrentfree: play the drums :marseybongosrdine: in south :marseyelonpaypig: America :marseyatfagent:



@BoomothyX2 stand with israel

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