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>i'm polyamorous >that's an awful lot of syllables for whore





Please shower

sorry that your gf is chocking on someone else's peepee as I type this. I'd probably be moody too.


What about poly relationships that aren't sexual? I can see the appeal in wanting a bigger support system as tight knit as a relationship and if you don't value monogamy why not? Polyamory is definitely a thing throughout history. It's like when they used to just say bi people were whores who couldn't make up their mind. like can we just let people live?

That's called having friends.


terminally online people can't comprehend platonic relationships

Know many happy polyamorous people ?

yes, lots. Myself and my wife included.

reddit moment


It's funny to see these guys thinking, that anyone gives two shits about their opinion on how someone is living their life.

They portray themselves as chads, but in fact caring so much if their opinions are acknowledged is an ultimate beta move. It's obvious they crave reaction. It gives them a sense of significance.

Calls them whore, is "Voluntary" celibate, wonders why they're all alone.

only incels hate whores :#marseyagree:

Polyamorous relationships are the only ones that I'm kinda iffy on. Like I will never slut shame them but to me they only lead to jealousy and relationship problems.

in my experience, monogamy leads to way more jealousy/cheating issues. The number of relationships I've seen fall apart over those is unreal. Promising to only have s*x with, or even entertain say thoughts about only one person for your entire life really is life on hard mode.


Or just be loyal

what does that mean? Why is relying on one person for all your sexual and emotional needs a good thing?

imagine having to deal with 2 foids at the same time :#marseygunshotsuicide:

Real andrew tate take right here


it also got posted on /r/memesopdidnotlike


Not hating on anyone or anything but why does everyone on Reddit seem to hate the idea of polygamy so much? Like as long as everyone likes it and all members are ok with it what's the actual problem aside from just “uhhh no every person is only morally allowed to like one other person at a time even if everyone involved is ok with it just because”

just go to /r/polyamory to see why

Your quotation is literally why

It has to be like this because…. IT JUST DOES OK!

Mostly because of the abrahamic people too

For real


God you're all fricking awful. Now I understand how the darn furries feel.

great bait :#marseyxd: :#marseyoctopus2:

And 99% of polys aren't even remotely attractive.



It's called an open relationship. As long as all parties know and agree to it, I have no issue with it

Sounds like a guy is letting other dudes frick his wife/girlfriend. That some serious b-word energy. The majority of guys wouldn't respect another guy who did this.


Hey man, I don't need respect from other men. Most of em don't even wash their own butt. Anyways I'm off to have a ffm threesome with my wife and girlfriend, stay mad monog-cuck

Cuck coming from you is hilarious.

I don't own those women, they can do what they want with their bodies. It just so happens that they pick me more than they pick you

>they pick me more than they pick you

my favorite cope


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This destroys the polycel


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hop around between people even at the slightest inconvenience

:marseyclueless: :marseyairquotes: this only happens with polyamory:marseyairquotes:

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Sure, it's not exclusive to polycels, but it is certainly facilitated by polyshit.

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Whore is an awful lot of letters for slut

:marseylgbtflag5: :marseywholesometrans: anything is better than nothing :transheart: :marseytranspearlclutch:

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But it's just wrong tho? She's describing monkey branching and that's frowned on in the poly community uwu

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found the incel


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Don't worry bby, give me a night and you won't be an incel anymore. :marseykink:

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"Monkey branching" sounds like a racial slur.

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Monkeys swing from branch to branch like a monkey brancher swings from partner to partner

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Sure, just like how according to you, black men “swing” from partner to partner. Racist.

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Everything toxic about "polyamory" is frowned upon by the community, the same is true for every kink that exists.

Neighbors still be doing problematic shit and use their "Sexual Identity" to justify some headass type behaviors.

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You've never had s*x in a real Scottish polycule.

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But it wasn't real communism!!! :hammer:

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Literally the same argument, I like you, I like to imagine your actually Taylor, and your on /R/Drama right now while your at the Chiefs game cheering on your 347th boyfriend

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The fact they have a term for it says enough

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Head shot

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Wait until they find out you can be polyamorous and never have s*x.

Oh that poor unfortunate soul.

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At that point just shoot yourself. What is even the fricking point? Dealing with relationship bullshit constantly, two foids and not getting laid.

No thanks


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Two foids and not getting laid is like two jobs and not getting paid.

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funny haha

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>not enjoying the concept of being able to gaslamp your several partners against eachother like a shitty, smelly, ugly reality TV show

NGMI smh frfr no cap

dude bussy lmao

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Nuh uh

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Someone has to work and pay the rent and clean the bathroom and do the dishes.

Do you think Chad has time for that? No, he's fricking your wife.

Thank him.

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I used to think being a dude in a polyamourous or open relationship would be awesome, but the only women I've met who do such a thing are crazy as loons. One of them is hot as heck, but utterly neurotic and miserable.

The thought of having to keep multiple women like that emotionally satisfied makes me feel asexual.

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crazy girls are great, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. it's just a question of how long you can ride the tiger.

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It's all fun and games until she's suddenly part of your life for the next 18 years, if you gnomesayin.

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Another reason sapphic love is inherently superior.

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keep multiple women like that emotionally satisfied

You think they'd just be relying on you for emotional support?

They'd be working on your wallet too.

Sounds like you've never even been with one woman let alone several.

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Being the Alpha Man that I am, they'll be supporting me.

Dude, do you even pimp?

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Imagine ever having to (financially) rely on a foid.

You're 16 years old.

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Not relying, leeching.

Very different...

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I forget which comedian said it, but I heard a funny quip once about the "72 virgins" Jihadi martyrs supposedly get in the afterlife.

It was essentially: "That sounds like a nightmare! If they really give you women as a reward in paradise, it will be 4 sluts, not 72 virgins."

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You're thinking of this guy

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I don't own those women, they can do what they want with their bodies. It just so happens that they pick me more than they pick you


A real man is secure enough to understand he doesn't own his wife, so it's heckin brave and valid if she gets railed by other men to increase the total happiness in the world.

Trans lives matter more than cucks'.

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There are only two good types of relationships:

1. Strictly monogamous couples driven by earnest love and attraction.

2. Unapologetic harems that make people seethe while you have fun.

Polyshit is just a pig wearing harem makeup. They have to dress up the idea in progressive terms to pretend its anything other than ugly people coping with their inadequacies.

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This is so pathetic. based on his responses, he seems insecure or upset in the relationship


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"It's not cheating even though I don't like it because I was coerced into agreeing beforehand that it wasn't cheating"

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holy mother of seethe


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>tfw no big titty goth poly gf


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three bad ideas doesn't make a good idea

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By their logic: women who have a lot of sexual partners are sluts... women who have practically no sexual intercourse are the most valuable women ever

Note the braindead logic behind every smug polytard. Somehow we're supposed to assume that more s*x partners = more s*x even though that's completely the opposite of how it really works. Monogamous people just have to say "hey wanna have s*x?" when they feel like it. Sluts have to go looking for it. Polytards have to call a summit meeting like the Cairo peace conference to ask for permission.

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Skill issue

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frfr no cap just skip the meeting they won't notice

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Not one of the dudes I know who has decent girls on rotation refers to themselves as poly. These neighborz came up with a sexual identity to justify their SOs fricking other dudes lol big L

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I have never and will never voluntarily watch an Andrew Tate video/podcast but have been called a Tate fan by numerous Redditors… there needs to be a Tate rent free marsey

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What about poly relationships that aren't sexual? I can see the appeal in wanting a bigger support system as tight knit as a relationship and if you don't value monogamy why not? Polyamory is definitely a thing throughout history. It's like when they used to just say bi people were whores who couldn't make up their mind. like can we just let people live?

They won't leave you alone so why should you leave them alone

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I've never seen a polycule ever work for anyone that wasn't like ... some 65 and older couple that have stopped giving a frick and opened their marriage.

Wait until they find out you can be polyamorous and never have s*x.

Yeah, that's the designated anxiety ridden loser that does all the house work n shit and supports their original partner while said partner goes and keeps fricking around with the other and having fun.

I've seen this shit like 3 times now.

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My first, middle, and last problem with Polyamorous relationships is that the people in them always look like the rejects of human civilization.

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Me finding the best memes on /r/terriblefacebookmemes :#marseyshrug:

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why no candidate for President who promises to behead all polys? :marseydepressed:

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gf is chocking on someone else's peepee


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░░░░░░▐▌▀▄▀▄▀▐▄SPOOKY SKELETON



What about poly relationships that aren't sexual? I can see the appeal in wanting a bigger support system as tight knit as a relationship and if you don't value monogamy why not? Polyamory is definitely a thing throughout history. It's like when they used to just say bi people were whores who couldn't make up their mind. like can we just let people live?:

Know many happy polyamorous people ?:

It's funny to see these guys thinking, that anyone gives two shits about their opinion on how someone is living their life.

They portray themselves as chads, but in fact caring so much if their opinions are acknowledged is an ultimate beta move. It's obvious they crave reaction. It gives them a sense of significance.

Polyamorous relationships are the only ones that I'm kinda iffy on. Like I will never slut shame them but to me they only lead to jealousy and relationship problems.:

Real andrew tate take right here:



Not hating on anyone or anything but why does everyone on Reddit seem to hate the idea of polygamy so much? Like as long as everyone likes it and all members are ok with it what's the actual problem aside from just “uhhh no every person is only morally allowed to like one other person at a time even if everyone involved is ok with it just because”:


God you're all fucking awful. Now I understand how the damn furries feel.:

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