
He said he asks a woman lots of questions about herself while giving hardly anything back. He waits for her to mention something he is knowledgeable in and then takes over the conversation. For me, I mentioned a love of history and politics. Being from another country/continent, he launched into a fascinating history lesson. I hung on his every word that night. I found him intelligent and charming. It was all a play to get into my pants.


For everyone saying his technique is just talking and listening. Yes and no

Get women to sleep with you with this one weird trick :marseylaugh:


The medical condition is menstruation and the treatment is sterilizing herself. TwoX does not agree that a voluntary inability to have children should be a dealbreaker for men:

what the FRICK I've never heard anything like this before. OP this is pretty weird. periods have a huge impact on people's lives, from cramps and anaemia and lethargy and bloating. why would we not want to improve these health issues lol

he's honestly a bit controlling to restrict your healthcare like this :marseyhandmaid:

It sounds like he’s the type that would poke a hole in a condom. RUN :marseywomanmoment:

He sounds like one of those Andrew Tate followers who think women are breedable pets. Anything that can’t breed or act “womanly” isn’t a woman. :marseywomanmoment2:

an actual soyjak with a face pfp chimes in with Exactly. The only red flag is his controlling behavior.

His^ post history is exciting. Speaking of red flags! What’s this?

Quoting from mobile is annoying so here’s a highlights reel of “if he hasn’t realized at age 22 that only a psychopath would ever want to have children, DUMP HIM 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩”

The active subs listed on most of these profiles are truly surprising :marseypikachu2:

A definitely-not-a-train chimes in:

Tell this man to frick off. There are plenty of women and female identified trans/ intersex folks who do not have periods, women who've had their uterus removed for all kinds of reasons (cancer, debilitating PMS), and of course, menopausal women. Are they all 'unnatural' and un-female? It's your body and if you want to get an ablation or even a hysterectomy it's your choice. I don't know if it's possible to love being a woman unless you can separate the suffering that comes with this body from the better parts of the female experience. You don't have to love it all. PMS is a very real and harrowing part of female biology, it takes away half our life for those particularly badly afflicted with it. It's bad design on nature's part, I wish we could have painlessly laid eggs or something instead. I also often fantasise about ripping out my uterus, throwing it on a fire and watching it shrivel away, never to trouble me again.

A pooner writes two phone screen lengths worth of egg-cracking fantasy :marseypooner:

Unrelated, but OP is the legendary braphog with no tits.



The white woman cries out in pain as you ignore her
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White women are the greatest allies ✊✊.

So, I (F21) was proposed to by some random dude my dad picked out for me. And I was like, "Uh, no thanks." But then my family went all Game of Thrones on me and disowned me. Like seriously, they kicked me out of the family group chat and everything. My dad even asked if he could be the admin so he could kick me out himself. Talk about petty! But you know what? I stood my ground and told them how I really felt. And now I've disowned them right back. Who needs arranged marriages when you can have a drama-filled family feud?

Went all "Game of thrones" on her by kicking her out of the group chat?

None (some fun arguments are in there, go find them)


:#marseyw: for the scrote

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Not super noteworthy in itself; everyone on TwoX is super fat or a man, but I clicked her profile and

Well she says she’s 29 there

But then a month ago she has this thread:

Where she admits she’s 31 and I just thought that was very fun :star:

Anyway she also has some foot issue from severe obesity

/r/TaylorSwift is her second most active sub so there’s an L for rDrama. And the #1 sub of this person who has sworn off dating forever is… /r/dating.

She’s also on about something with a Tay-JK Rowling conspiracy that I can’t be bothered to research


I've gotten everything I'm ever going to get from dating men. The desire simply isn't there for me anymore and I need to listen to that. I can't date men without abandoning myself.

:#marseyxd: :#marseywall:


What's really going on here?

Reported by:
  • rDramaHistorian : Coomer engagement via moralstragging/whiteKnighting/pearlClutching? Surely not on my rdrama!

Frankfurter Allgemeine: This mother-daughter campaign crosses a line

Der Spiegel: An image as old as patriarchy

Bild: Heidi sells her own flesh and blood


Her new sub is /r/FemReckoning. It has over a thousand members in 13 hours. I’ve joined and so should you. Don’t worry, it’s not trans-exclusionary or chudly in any way. /r/FemReckoning’s description explains:

:marseyblm: :marseytrans2:

Anyway, back to the reason /r/FemReckoning was founded:

Apparently yesterday there was a big thread in which people excused a m*n for not cleaning his gf’s pod, and these were men. I can’t find the thread and I searched clean and checked all of them in the past week on TwoX.

Based on OP’s post herstory, I think it was this thread though, “To The Woman Who Dumped Her Lazy G*mer Boyfriend… YOU MADE THE RIGHT CALL”. Now here’s where things get confusing. OP has a handful of comments in the thread, almost all of them are fighting with some triple digit karma account called /u/bomberbil who was heavily downmarseyd and jannied by the TwoX mods. All of the other thousands of comments are you-go-gurling, like dumping some loser you let nut inside you for months is an achievement and not something to be ashamed of in the first place :marseypussyhat:

Bomberbil’s argument seems to hinge on the same theoreticals used by the FemReckoning woman, which is to say that if someone isn’t cleaning, it’s probably because they have health issues. She goes on about this in her FemReckoning post at length, to the point that she explains some women can’t clean because they’re allergic to mold :marseydarkxd:

Select highlights from the FR announcement thread:

In the jannie pin -

Dear men: please read rule 4 and the FAQ, whatever you're planning to comment in this thread probably breaks rule 4. :marseyjanny2:

Just asking cuz I'm on mobile. Is rule 4 "RELEVANCE"

Thank you

Why is it so hard to find the rules on mobile when most people use it? 🙃 reddit makes no sense sometimes

I will say your comment is irrelevant to the discussion topic. Also I'm using a third party app so it's less clear because I don't usually need to look at the rules. [-78] :marseychefkiss:

Further down in the jannie-pinned comment I have no idea what happened, but I assume the scrotes got uppity because it’s just [removed], [removed], [removed] :( is there an unddit replacement yet?

I regret typing so much already bc there’s tons of nuked comment chains at the bottom of the thread but they’re completely unrecoverable :marseyseethe:

Regardless, /r/FemReckoning. Approval for year-old non-troll accounts with good faith post history only. Dust off those accounts ladies.

Requirements for posting:

no drama yet but lmfao


"When I got out of my powerchair and my support worker left, it was just the two of us. I had no idea what I was in for."

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!chuds !fellas

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