
Direct link if you speak Fr*nch

The number of matches on a dating app has absolutely nothing to do with how easy it is to have s*x or not.


Until proven otherwise, it takes (at least) two to sleep, and therefore, unless you adhere to the myth that only a minority of guys attract women, there are as many guys who sleep as there are. sleeping women.


Thank you for this post!

This is an opinion not popular only among men unfortunately...

But I completely agree with what you say and like you I found the post you refer to shocking, how it is possible to be so disconnected from reality is beyond me. It's necessarily guys who have NEVER exchanged with women on the subject

Can't wait for men to deconstruct themselves a little and start to have a step back on the education they received

PS: I'm a man




I don’t care if they believe me or not. I’ve nothing to prove. I am happy. Their opinion matters not. I just keep living my best life.


They want to continue to sell the lie to women that their happiness is tied to being married and having children because it meets their needs. With women finding contentment in singleness, it is a threat to their (men's) happiness. It is so telling that men fare better married (contrary to all of their yelling about getting married) and women are frequently happier single (contrary to all of their yelling that it is women who really want marriage).

If we need them, they can do the bare minimum, if that. If we want them, we have the choice to partner or remain single.

this foid's previous post is on /r/womendatingoverforty (lmao): Why Don’t Men Ask Me More Questions On Dates?

Because I have not met a happy, unmarried, single, childless woman. The happiest ones I know are married with kids.


You're trying to deny biology. It's like trying to say "men are happier if they stay at home all day playing computer games". No. Men are happiest when they are fulfilled. Men are fulfilled when they can be a provider/leader.

Anecdotally there will be outliers, that's how a group of individuals work, but the bell curve firmly does not agree with you that "women are happy single and childless".


Controversial Opinion: Single, childless women over 40 are likely to lie to polls about if they are happy or not. I think women can be happy either way in some cases but I think a lot that choose the single/childless path UNINTENTIONALLY (or intentionally in some cases) end up being unhappy and may tell someone else they are happy to cope or convince themselves that they aren't missing anything in life.



I woke up today without an alarm, it’s my day off. It’s a soft mattress with luxurious linens, I can afford this because I don’t have kids and I make a decent living. My dog is next to me, she’s awesome. I decide to have a glass of orange juice and watch the dog play in the grass. I then read a little and take a nap. I spend some time at the pool, the weather is beautiful today and I have nothing better to do than inflate my pool float and swim around lazily for a few hours. Later I grabbed drinks with some friends and went to bed early after doing some light tidying up, it’s just me so I don’t make a big mess. I make a quick to do list for my day tomorrow and listen to white noise as I pass out into a quiet uninterrupted sleep.

This is the life mothers dream about going back to. There’s entire subreddits full of women posting about how much they hate being married, how they resent their partners for doing the bare minimum, how much they regret having kids, how they could go back to their old lives.

>My dog is next to me

:#marseytrans: pilled


I thought this was satire until I read the comments.


Darn, I think all men have ADHD.

Yeah I'm wondering why OP is getting a pass when this sub is constantly (rightfully) upset about men not shouldering the mental load. Op just sounds lazy and dirty? Like we would say other partners are...

The difference in those posts is that the women have spoken to their partners about how it's impacting them and the men haven't made efforts to change. Those men may have ADHD as well but they aren't seeking support to change. This woman is wanting to change and do things differently

it's not the same, dumb scrote :#marseynails:

What the heck is "cishet"?

there's this crazy new technology called a "search engine"

Lol I'm not the one making up nonsense words


ITT: a buttload of people armchair diagnosing based on anecdotal experiences and a tiny, one-sided vignette from OP.

I'm so sick of the ADHD bandwagon.


It won't be anything new. Most women diagnosed with ADHD have heard that it's a bandwagon and that everyone has these symptoms. There is enormous scepticism, particularly about ADHD as it presents in women. Including from doctors.

scrotes should know that doctors ain't a big deal. s*x workers have a way more difficult profession


WARNING: WALL OF TEXT INCOMING :#marseylongpost: (i didn't actually read it)

I’m a little disheartened by this response.

Everyone has chimed in to say that this woman has ADHD and used it almost as an excuse for her, whereas I feel like if we were talking about her husband everybody would be saying that it’s not an excuse, and that he needs to learn how to function with his ADHD.

Millions of people have ADD and ADHD and learn to function as well as they can without forcing their partners to parent them; myself included.

I apologize for such a lengthy reply in advance. It took a lot of time writing and editing this comment sharing my perspective.

I tried my best to trim down the fat and would appreciate it if anyone took the time to read it whole, thank you.

About a month back I read the usual "I'm surrounded by incompetent, misogynistic men forcing me into servitude" post in this subreddit.

Under the post with OP's rant sharing their experience, there were comments supporting OP, blaming men, all the usual stuff in how this sub operates and majority of the discussion achieved what it set out to do.

That was to provide comfort, support and assurance to OP, reassuring them that their experience had been unjust and their feelings on the matter were valid. Good, kind hearted individuals helping OP make sense of their suffering.

However, there was one comment in particular that hurt me a lot and I couldn't get it out of my head for some days and as I type this I recall the "You ripped my fricking life apart" scene in Good Will Hunting with Robin williams, whom I admire wholeheartedly.

One user shared their experience that many of the "useless" men in their lives often exhibited ADHD like symptoms that went undiagnosed, and not dealt with in a healthy manner.

The user was generally supportive of treatment and healthy with discussion with such people who are unaware of their mental disabilities.

Under it another user replied and I'm paraphrasing here , "Oh boo fricking hoo. Don't let men use that excuse, they should know better, etc etc", an extremely bitter, unsympathetic comment urging the users of this sub to actively hurt the men in their lives instead of helping them become better individuals.

The parent comment wasn't even endorsing that women should let toxic, abusive, misogynistic men off the hook with such "trivial, petty excuses", it was expressing an opinion, sharing a perspective that they felt much too often went overlooked in this sub, but the reply twisted all its intended meaning.

What hurt me the most was that it was the third comment down the chain of a top upmarseyd comment with high visibility, sitting at 70-80 something upmarseys and nobody debating such an extremist opinion that made slight of suffering from such mental illnesses.

I spent a lot of time contemplating over that statement, introspecting upon my beliefs, being critical of myself, questioning myself over and over again asking why exactly did I took an issue with that comment.

I have learned a lot from this community over the years. I have read popular discussions calling /r/twoxchromosomes a toxic hate sub and I have found good, intelligent comments stating otherwise deeply insightful.

I would state that without a doubt, this subreddit has given me a lot of perspective that was missing in my life and on the whole I would like to believe has made me a kinder individual.

It is a fact that every community will have its extremists and minority opinions should not be used to stick negative labels the community as a whole.

After a lot of pondering and rereading popular discussions debating the nature of this sub, I realized that I took no issue gender aspect of that reply. It was the belittling of people with mental illnesses/disabilities that hurt my soul.

I am a mid 20s Indian man who grew up in an abusive home, beaten with a belt, slapped, kicked, verbally abused and traumatized all my childhood life.

I have had a head full of white hairs since I was 13, and a bald spot on the back of my head that was the source of a lot of deep seated insecurities.

I suffered from untreated, undiagnosed, unnoticed and uncared for Hyperhidrosis (extreme non stop sweating in palms and feet) that once again, destroyed all my confidence and self image.

Living with undiagnosed ADHD, minor OCD, executive dysfunction that affected my academic performance in retrospect as far back as I can remember.

I also live in a home with 30yr old sister that had a similar upbringing, a traumatized unhealthy childhood with a myriad of untreated mental illnesses.

A sister who I had last had a childhood physical altercation with when I was 7 and engaged in verbal abuse with when I was 12.

Who was never the helpful older sibling that I envied in a lot of my friends, along with all the good natured parents and the healthy upbringing part.

She had verbally abused me all my life, while I made it a point not to lose my cool and argue with her because I realized how she always belittled me when I was unable to express myself verbally in any argument with her in my teens.

I enter a cockroach and termite infested neglected kitchen every single day, cleaning the filth that my sister leaves out because of her mental issues and cook the food for my family, my mother being too weak post mastectomy and after taking her meds every single day.

My live, love, laugh sister who spends 12 hours a day sleeping and lying in bed all night watching YouTube shorts and Instagram reels.

My mentally unwell sister who threatened suicide to her "delusional fantasy" highschool sweetheart, harassing him with 100 calls a day, cutting her hands, screaming in our house making a show of accusing every single person in the connected family of ruining her life.

Whom I saved from suicide by cutting the rope she hung from while I ran into a room as I heard my mother's screaming as she held my obese sister up with her frail body.

I never talked shit about my sister's suffering, no matter how much I endured and took responsibility for my own mental illnesses.

In regards to my feelings surrounding the aforementioned comment, to accept such a vile and unsympathetic opinion would have me turning into a hateful close minded bigot that women around the world suffer abuse from.

I disagree with the seemingly popular consensus in this subreddit that the users participating in this sub should be allowed to use hateful rhetoric to "balance the scale of fairness and justice“ that at the moment, leans heavily in the favor of the patriarchical authority.

I agree with the notion that the majority of the world is deeply patriarchical, that there are a whole lot of hateful communities with men expressing disgusting, hateful, uneducated and unsympathetic complaints concerning their experiences with women in their lives.

It is not the responsibility of women to hold the hands of these grown butt men, to baby talk them or spoon feed them the information that makes them understand their hypocrisy.

That is the fact of the reality we live in, women are not responsible for actions of the misogynistic "look what you made me do" crowd.

But my philosophy is that it is no excuse to stoop down to their level.

The endless ever assuming comments claiming that "Such people were never an ally to begin with and women shouldn't be held back by them" empowers women to act for the betterment themselves for sure, but it does not help matters.

And this isn't the only women discussion community that exists on the Internet. A whole of hate subreddits filled with women had been banned on just this website.

The objective shittiness I witness on a daily basis in my deeply religious, backwards third world country has been a source of constant depression throughout my life.

But I do not make light of objectively privileged women living in first world countries, ranting about their ill experiences, asking for validation and sympathy.

My reddit history is proof of that.

Be a good leading example for the impressionable youth getting indoctrinated in hate circles because of minor or major ill experiences with the women in their lives.

I had no say in the decisions of the patriarchal leadership that actively oppresses women all around the world.

I am a weak individual who has been suicidal most of his life because his apparently privileged life was nowhere to be seen.

I had decided since I started getting white hairs that I wouldn't bring a girl in my life and burden a child with the genetic issues I was plagued with. But it still hurt a lot when I naively fell deeply in love with a girl and upon her asking if I loved her, she rejected me.

Even after I had convinced myself that I shouldn't lie to her and it'd acceptable if she didn't feel any love towards me.

Took me months to recover and I never acted in the manner my sister did when I could've turned into a bitter human being and blamed her, justifying all my problems in a twisted way.

Being seen as a creep and judged as a potential male feminist on a daily basis, who is extremely self conscious of even breathing in the general direction of a women in his surrounding, afraid of proving the "men are the same, abusers and male feminists" rhetoric correct.

Women who understand and sympathize with their sons and brothers when they witness their suffering close by are not women hating men loving apologists suffering from Stockholm syndrome.

They just have a different perspective and experience in life than the circlejerk that goes on in this sub from time to time.

"Girls are angels who can do no wrong" is a popular rhetoric that harms the mental health of young boys when they are mistreated by girls and women in their lives and their contempt and anger gets them labelled hot tempered, testosterone filled future male feminists while girls are excused for being emotional because of their hormonal imbalance and their victimhood under societies oppression.

Black women in America should understand and resonate with this sentiment, having no doubt dealt with a white drama queens with crocodile tears in their lives.

Thank you for reading my comment, just some of my thoughts on the matter. My comment is indeed quite ranty and I will not deny that writing out my thoughts on the matter hasn't been cathartic.


Common sense foid control when?

Woman, 40, ‘posed as a man to trick a woman into having s*x with her’

A woman was tricked into having s*x during a two-year relationship with another woman who was pretending to be a man, a court heard.

The victim, who can’t be named for legal reasons, claimed she had ‘sexual intercourse’ twice with the ‘man’ and had even planned to marry ‘him’.

Blade Silvano, 40, has been accused of a ‘sophisticated’ scam by tricking the woman into believing she was male.

Prosecutors said the pair met online in late 2016 when Silvano had posted her status on Plenty of Fish as a ‘man looking for a woman’ and matched with the victim.

They first met in person in December that year and ‘kissed’ before going on to have ‘intercourse’ on two separate occasions, the jury was told.

But Michael Hillman, for the prosecution, said Silvano continued to hide her true identity by using an ‘unknown item’ to penetrate and always kept her t-shirt on and boxers on.

The shocked victim only discovered her ‘lover’s’ true gender through Facebook nearly two years later after they had postponed a planned wedding due to the defendant’s supposed ‘illness’, the trial heard.

Silvano, of Bishop’s Castle, Shropshire, is on trial at Cambridge Crown Court and denies two counts of assault by penetration.

You'd have to be pretty ugly to pull this off, but here's our alleged perp

Giving evidence today, the complainant said the defendant had used the name Blade Mendez and told cops she had never consented to having a sexual relationship with a woman.

Blade Mendez :marseyxd:. That's like a guy pretending to be a woman going by Spatula McGee

During cross examination, the alleged victim denied the whole relationship had all been part of a ‘roleplay’ and ‘fantasy’ between them.

She also referred to Silvano throughout her testimony as a ‘he’ and added: ‘I’ve only known Blade as a man.’

The victim denied claims put to her by defence barrister Debra White that she had never met the defendant ‘in the flesh’ and told the court their relationship had felt ‘real’.

:siren:Cosplaying as gender is not okay, I'd watch out if you don't have a gender recognition act loiscence :siren:

skip some boring stuff

But she said she believed Silvano when she told her she was a vet within the British Army and for her that was not a part of her fantasy.


The court heard on one occasion they had been due to go to an ‘officer’s dinner’ together but Silvano pulled out after telling her she had been ‘injured by a cow’.

:#marseycow: In fairness, a self-inflicted injury would count here

The trial also heard details of their wedding preparations, which the defence again argued was all part of their roleplay.

Ms White added: ‘During your relationship, you told police there was talk of marriage.

‘You were making arrangements to marry someone that you say you had only seen on a handful of occasions?’

The alleged victim responded: ‘It was Blade that asked me to marry him. Based on him asking me we made arrangements.’

The trial heard she had even gone to try on a wedding dress and sent a photo of it to Silvano.


Last part because this article is too long

The alleged victim said she thought she was having full sexual intercourse with the defendant on a number of occasions – but was always ‘rebuffed’ when she tried to touch ‘his’ genitalia.

During her initial police interview, she said: ‘When we had s*x, Blade would usually blindfold me and I was never allowed to look at the penetration occurring.

‘He would never allow me to go near his genital region and I never saw his peepee.’

Giving evidence today, she ‘clarified’ to the jury he had only blindfolded her once.

The alleged victim said that during sexual contact they used s*x toys that were kept in her bedroom drawer but said this was only ‘in-between us having s*x.’

She said that on one of the occasions they had what she thought was sexual intercourse in February 2017 she was ‘blindfolded’ consensually.

Cross-examining the alleged victim, defence barrister Debra White said: ‘You said to police – I consented to having s*x with s*x toys thinking he was a male.

Fellas, don't you hate getting your peepee touched? #relatable

Who is at fault? You decide rdrama

hi claire :marseywave:

lmao reddit won't do shit bout CP but use a dumb bitches first name ....


That sub is a goldmine

OP is a trainwreck, good writeup here

I've been lurking this sub since I found out I was pregnant. Long story short, IUD baby.. husband pressured to birth baby even when I sobbed for an abortion.. gave in to exterior pressure from family and friends that "I would fall in love once it was here" FRICK NO. And frick every person who blamed hormones for my feelings. Anyways I was 27, had already graduated college, lived abroad a few different times, fresh into my new logistics career and I loved my husband. I was always a generally happy person, bubbly and excited about living every morning.

I lost everything after having a baby.. it started with my body, then my friends, then my autonomy, then my sleep, then my happiness and with that I lost my marriage, my sanity and my will to live.

I never wanted to be a mom. I always thought babies were extremely boring, toddlers were dirty and annoying and I never experienced any type of baby fever. I wake up every morning hearing him cry and all I can do is grit my teeth, here we go again. Endless cycle of crying, feeding, bathing, changing until it's bedtime and I'm to drained to eat anything after eating half a banana the whole day. I used to spend my god darn days smoking weed and tanning my hot body on different costa rican beaches and now I'm a depressed overweight shell of my old self that cries everyday wishing she could crawl back to her old life.

My advice to anybody on the fence or currently pregnant, just don't do it. Stay child less and enjoy your life please.


i’ve been talking to a guy and we went on a couple days but i made it pretty clear that i don’t sleep with people unless i’m in relationship with them, and i think it annoyed him a bit. so now every time i want to meet he just tells me to come over to his house (you know for what reason lol) and last night he openly said that he will see me only if i’m down to sleep with him. i really like him so i might just give it a try but my question is : do you think he will consider a relationship with me if we sleep? like will i be taken seriously and will he catch feelings? or it’s a lost cause ?

Depraved white women almost penetrate whale's mouth bussy.

Another angle:

Julie McSorley says she learned an important lesson after she and her friend ended up in a humpback's mouth: "Whales need their space."


Cottriel could see the inside of the whale's mouth coming down on them, but mistook it at the time for its belly. Panicked and confused, she threw up her hand to stop it.

"I'm thinking to myself, 'I'm going to push. Like, I'm going to push a whale out of the way. It was the weirdest thought. I'm thinking, 'I'm dead. I'm dead.' I thought it was going land on me," Cottriel told the local Fox News affiliate.

Article link.


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  • Penny : y do fakkits mald over foids don't make sense fricking scrotes
  • Downie : Good post, now show his relationship with his Mother
Gay chud delivers a vicious coup de grace

The op asks a question about living a rad fem existence and foid number one responds:


Can't speak to the racial side since I'm white as these things are currently measured.

Radfems who are that pessimistic about men are generally some degree of separatist.

I don't know any who have actually gone full "move to a commune and don't speak to men at all," but online I've encountered a couple "hire female professionals as much as possible and keep emotional distance from men you can't avoid." If they're straight and single they generally resign themselves to being celibate.

Honestly they're less likely to be the people chanting about men being trash, as they really try to avoid thinking about/interacting with men at all.

Irl I don't know any feminists who even go that far. I'm probably the most pessimistic person I know about gender relations, but I don't think men are "inherently and essentially evil." More like I'm hyper aware of bad dynamics that have bitten me in the past and therefore cautious around men I don't know well.

I haven't dropped my male friends but I'm actively trying to make more female ones. Since I'm bi I have the luxury of only dating women, though of course that comes with its own issues.

I don't know if your question was rhetorical but I hope that helps if you were actually curious.

an errant foid responds:


From rather similar experience, I'd say homophobia and also that it's obviously more difficult to create a family with a same-s*x partner than it is with an opposite-s*x partner.

It's still worth it in my view. Like I know men are not innately this or that way, but the socialisation weighs heavy. You'll say there's no solid proof but the anecdotal evidence of 30+ years as a woman on this planet is eloquent enough for me. I'm not in the mood to do any emotional labour in that regard. People already bring enough of their miseries into the cocktail shaker that is a relationship regardless of their s*x, but I as a woman don't want the added bullshit of a male-female relationship.

and then this gay chad obliterates her:


That’s just the female tendency to hyperfocus on everything that’s bad for them and ignore everything that works in their favor, which is why I’m grateful I was born a gay man and was spared from dealing with this bullshit. The holier than thou attitude, the gender roles for thee and not for me mentality, the burden of performance they place on men in courting and in s*x, the weaponization of intimacy, the necessity of constantly perform mind reading in order to appease them, the necessity to let them have the last word or else suffer the consequences while they gaslight you by saying there’s nothing wrong, that they’re not mad and that they’re not treating them any differently.

I fully acknowledge male imperfections and accept them, as someone who is attracted to men. Many women, feminists in particular, believe they were spared from the original sin by virtue of their different socialization. They vehemently believe they’re more virtuous and refuse to acknowledge the possibility of there being a dark side to femininity too. And since a huge part of male socialization is about giving in to the whims of women in order for them to shut the frick up or in the hopes that they’ll be more pleasant to them if they do so, society has committed to the goal of reprogramming men to make them more like women.

There are many things that annoy me about guys, but in the end of the day, you always feel like equals. You never really feel like you’re dealing with a fragile being who’s afforded the social protections of a child, but with the mental and legal benefits of adulthood. And you can just call out their bullshit if you want, there’s no social shield protecting them, like you’re attacking all men in the world for calling out the bullshit of one. Dudes rock.

an errant moid is reminded he may or may not have functioning testicles:


This almost made me want to switch to new Reddit just to see if there’s some sort of standing ovation gif I could post.

but the foid is skeptical (he could be a sekrit incel):


for a gay guy you sure seem to have a lot of feelings about what dating women is like.

and the gay chad strikes back in full glory:


So what? Like I’ll be judged by people who treat the words of lesbian women with daddy issues about what men think like gospel. Lol. Tell me about lack of self awareness.

Like anyone needs to actually date a woman to see the “subtleties” of men-women relationships. All you need is the lack of an obscene in-group bias to see the constant nagging and all the dynamics I mentioned above. I mean, straight men see it themselves, it’s just that they treat it with humor, as opposed to creating a whole movement and drain resources to address that (those are all comedy tropes for a reason, after all).

Lucky for you, I guess. You would lose many things you take for granted and live in a much darker world if they decided to pay in the same coin and weaponize every single disparity in relationships, every single interaction where women have the upper hand and decide to give silly names to the things they dislike, like “ovaryacting”, in the same vein feminists have done to demonize men. Or if they decided they’ll no longer perform the gender roles society and women specifically still expect of them, even those who don’t want to be restricted by gender roles themselves.

another moid has his jimmies sufficiently rustled to respond:


Holy shit man, I couldn’t have said it better myself. It’s honestly crazy how most straight guys I know share these opinions in private but toe the line outside that context to avoid the inevitable crying meltdown and social scourging.

Turns out that we’re just as tired of women’s shit as women are of men’s shit, we just don’t walk around in public hysterics about it day-to-day.

and as usual, the raving, hysterical foid must have the last word:


you're reading this thread and seeing the women as hysterical? That's fascinating.

@pizzashill would love this




I met an older guy through a running group (for context he’s gay from a small town and now in Austin and I am a lesbian) and we were chatting about all the bullshit that is going on in Texas right now and he listened but didn’t volunteer too much of his opinion except to sort of vaguely agree. We had a big group of queer women and the conversation went from the attacks on our trans brothers, sisters, and thothers, to the attacks on our bodily autonomy as people who are able to get pregnant.



I genuinely didn’t think about that conversation again except that he was a fun guy to hang out with so we exchanged numbers and made those after beers promises to hang out again. A week or so later he sends me a message asking if I want to go to a 5K supporting trans rights(of course I do) so we met up this morning for that. After the run, we went for brunch and he told me he has had that conversation in his heart since we met and he had spent the last 3 or 4 weeks unpacking his internal prejudices against trans folks and has stopped thinking about access to reproductive healthcare is an issue for women. He said he felt like his eyes have been opened and he has gone from a small “c” conservative to wanting to smash the fricking patriarchy. Just a reminder that these little conversations with people along the way are what pushes the arc of justice forward.

i think he's trying to frick her


Body count isn’t stupid MEN ARE STUPID!

Here’s my view. Men have completely accepted the fact that when incarcerated men often have s*x with other men. They mostly consider male to male s*x abominable and disgusting but if the only available human/hole to have s*x with is another man … then it’s OK! Not only that, but those men aren’t considered gay, they did “what they had to do”!

Yet they find it necessary to judge ALL WOMEN for any s*x with a man! But don’t you dare judge men or kink shame them! Men only care about “body count” if you’ve had more lovers than them. They want young and inexperienced women who can’t compare them and their sexual performance to another man for fear that they may not be as good!

Ladies do not waste your time worrying about the stupid and irrational things men want from you. FLIP THEIR BULLSHIT THEORIES ON THEM AND SHOW THEM HOW STUPID THEY ARE. WE ARE NOT THEIR SLAVES!!!


Mostly stupid. Add it to the list of words that scream “I’m a moron” along with snowflake, woke, cis-whatever, binary blah blah. It’s all exhausting …


I honestly believe that this whole thing is just a massive tangle of male sexual insecurities.

At its core, this all comes from their fear that they aren’t capable of pleasing a woman in bed and will never be capable of pleasing a woman in bed. And since they’ve already decided they aren’t capable of improving, they’ve shifted their focus to making sure we don’t know any better. In their mind, if we’ve never had good s*x before, then we won’t realize how bad at s*x they are and so we will just go along with it.

That’s where the fear of cheating comes from. If we’ve had s*x with a lot of different partners, it means we probably have had great s*x at least once. And if we know what that feels like, and can tell they aren’t giving it to us, they fear we will go find it somewhere else.

Getting a little more speculative, I’m pretty sure this all comes back to peepee size. Because the obvious question raised by this insecurity is “well, why don’t you just learn how to get better at s*x?” And the only reason I can imagine that they would just completely rule this option out is that they are convinced they have a tiny peepee and someone with a tiny peepee could never satisfy a woman. So they don’t want to even try. They would much rather just attempt to control what we do with our bodies and shame us into settling for their utter lack of effort.

:#marseylongpost: "ur pp small"

scrotes btfo

It's a remnant of an evolutionary instinct. Our monkey brains think that a promiscuous woman is more likely to cheat, putting the male in a situation where he wouldn't know if the offspring he is caring for is truly his.

One can argue whether this instinct is relevant in the present or not, but it's a fact that all men have it and are influenced by it. It was only 10000 years ago that we left the caves after all.

In all honesty, despite being aware of this, I would still be put off if I found out my partner had a high body count, especially one night stands. It suggests that she probably doesn't think s*x between us is particularly special since she has a vast basis to compare to, or has experienced the thrill so many times that she has become accustomed to it. Call it an insecurity or whatever you will, but pretty much all guys think like this. It is what it is.

I hope I was able to give you insight into how the male brain works.

Absolutely not instinctual. This is 100% cultural and driven by social forces like churches. There is no biological concern or imperative about caring for your own child or someone else's. Your male body can't tell the difference, they're the same thing to you. The only reason you care is because society has told you to care, not because of an unavoidable instinct.

>This is 100% cultural and driven by social forces like churches. There is no biological concern or imperative about caring for your own child or someone else's.


this poster seems to be a scrote (since he has lots of gam*ng posts), but still absolutely r-slurred


These brave chads were a bridge to our amazing modern lives. Let's all take a moment to pay respect. I, for one, appreciate Homo Erectus' holding the line until Homo Heidelbergensis came along. Without them, we wouldn't be where we are. Never forget, never stop being the best Homo Sapien possible and let's try to extend that bridge.


Original pics:

Reddit profile: /u/qosmoe

Angelic Russian Girl
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