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Almost 30% of women over 30 haven't gotten laid in over a year. XXers say it's because they don't want to get MURDERED by men. Nice guys stumble over each other.



Why is this happening?

Because there are no greater threat to women than men. :marseysnoo:

"Nice guy" with "references" try to put the paranoid foid brain at ease.

Hi, decent guy with long history of treating women like fully autonomous human beings worthy of dignity and respect. (Can provide references) I do not mind at all when you say men suck. I know who you’re talking about. I have very few close male friends because guys are tiresome. When I was younger and in sports and the coach was chewing out the entire team he would say, “…and I’d you know you do/don’t do this then I’m not talking to you, but there’s always something to be learned from someone else’s mistake.” This is how I hear it when the women here complain about the awful state of men (in America specifically). I don’t take offense and try to learn wherever I can so that I make sure I’m not making these mistakes with my partner whom I love dearly. For example, we are in our mid 30s and accidentally got pregnant last year before r v w, got it taken care of and I got a vasectomy so as to not endanger my partner again. Guys take note of this part, I’ve never had so much amazing s*x in my life.

He got his foid pregnant, she immediately aborted it and made him get a vasectomy :marseylaugh: That is.. presuming any of the above is true and buddy isn't a fat male feminist laying bait for naive foids to get their guards down, like this one

Since you have refereces and I've met a tiny amount out of dozens of men who are decent I'll believe you.

Also R v W reversal seems to have absolutely destroyed slut culture. Foids who are too stupid to be responsible have given up?

I mean, every time we have s*x we risk dying from pregnancy complications. And with Roe overturned we have no way to protect ourselves from them.

If only there were things like condoms, birth control pills, IUDs, cervical cops, sponges, spermicide gel, rhythm method, plan B.... I mean if only there was something other than abortions.

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I cannot imagine why you would want to have s*x with a post wall foid when young men exist

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>young men

You're a fraud. True cute twinks know the value of a silver fox.

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I’m being generous to straightish scrotes, I have better tastes :marseybear:

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of a silverback daddy

FTFY You Furry Filth

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Cougars give young men the experience and confidence to learn how to attract younger women. Its basically their final service as they pass the wall.

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Becoming a sexless virgin to own the moids. Another thing is they hate moids so much for being violent murderers yet want to vote for them to be in the same prisons, lockers and bathrooms as them

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They vote for black male feminist to get reduced sentences and for rehabilitative justice for the worst misogynists

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The suicidal altruism of the white woman is the most powerful force on earth. In the last century it destroyed more empires than war, pestilence and famine combined.

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Nah voting patterns indicate they always vote for candidates that want to fund more police because protecting the neighborhood is a big part of black voter demands. Which is why Dems say theyre gonna drop progressives and have even more boring corrupt centrists! Woohoo!

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Name one Democratic centrist lmao. They’re all lifelong loyalists too the DNC and have convinced idiots that “neoliberalism is centrist akshuaklly”. It’s an ideology designed too gain power and control institutions by any means necessary.

Rethuglikkkans don’t have true centrists either but at least people like Collins and McCain pretend(Ed) too be mavericks (and McCain legitimately got screwed by the RNC in 2000). Calling Biden or Pelosi centrists is like calling Romney one. All these strags have been rentboys for party donors for decades now

DETRANS lives matter


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RIP my boy, Herman McCain.


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Biden licks Republican asscrack all the time. He recently signed a Republican bill to undo bipartisan police reform in DC to be seen as “tough on crime”

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Since they can’t have an abortion. But there are a growing number of women who are having s*x with other women.

lol get out foids arent turning gay cause they can't schedule a week 40 abortion :marseyemojirofl: :marseyemojirofl: :marseyemojirofl:

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The numbers started increasing before abortion was illegalized, hyper partisans just have to insert their personal political grievances into every discussion. They want women to suffer for more points at the next election.

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This shit is why no one takes lesbians and bi chicks seriously. Literally pretending to be gay so you can "own the scrotes."

Every point they make is undone by the fact that this study focuses on mostly middleaged women being single. The "growing number of women" are almost entirely genZ and theyre almost all bisexuals dating men. There are more gay men than lesbians. Its a bunch of post-walls trying desperately to reinforce their lesbian seperatism fantasy and the illusion that there's a massive conspiracy to take away their rights. All because they can't accept that no one wants a :marseywall: . Which is sad, but maybe lose weight? Stop being one of the 0.001% of women who use a geek forum like reddit? Christ, I almost miss femaledatingstrategy. At least they went mask-off.

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The problem stems from the fact that men require constant change in order to feel sexual fulfilment. In the past a man would get drawn into a marriage, s*x would be fine for a few months to a year, and then the stagnation would start to feel empty. Porn would be hard to come by (not many people want to visit some seedy s*x shop) and so he'd have s*x with his wife as a last resort. Feels empty and shitty but is slightly better than masturbation.

Since smartphones came out though, porn became more accessible. Especially in secret as you can't suddenly start wanking at the family computer with your gf walking back and forth behind you, but you can take your phone into the bathroom and do it there. Still feels empty and shitty but the fact that you're looking at someone new satisfies the sexual progression requirement that's part of male psychology.

Women are quietly going their own way, and nobody is talking about it

Women don't tend to give a shit beyond a nagging feeling that they're supposed to be having s*x with their partners but aren't. Lesbian bed death is a real thing, and without the drive of the man in heterosexual relationships, the same thing is starting to happen there too.

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Moids being coomers is the source of all the world’s problems

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Alwayshasbeen.jpg. The Bible teaches us it’s literally the reason for all suffering since we left Eden.

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The reason civilization exists and the reason for its woes.

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The duality of coom.

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can't suddenly start wanking at the family computer with your gf walking back and forth behind you

This is the real reason behind MGTOW.

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mgtow reminds me of that meme i saw on braicels once something like

top text:karen took the kids

[picture of plastic mcdonalds burger and happy meal]

bottom text: but i learned to cook and got a new job #mgtow

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The braincels memes pooping on mgtow were always pretty funny, they shoulda never banned that subreddit, incels.is just isn't the same.

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i don't browse incels.is, i only skimmed through it once. I am too disgusted of lolicons i saw

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I don't think it's the variety that's the issue with porn, I think it's the fact that over time repeated porn use makes men reorient their perspective on s*x to make the spectacle of s*x more real than having s*x itself.

The "sexual progression" you're talking about with porn is more of the fact that during extended goon sessions the viewer stops generating fantasies of their own and require something novel to get themselves engaged. They stop fantasizing, and in fact use porn to escape from fantasy into being a completely passive viewer who needs to be taken along for a ride.

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If you asked those guys whether they wanted to watch s*x or have s*x they'd choose the real life s*x every time. The condition is just that it needs to be s*x with someone reasonably new. Amongst the s*x lives of gay men for example you see exactly that and it's not unusual to have had thousands of different partners in a lifetime when both people are actually interested in doing it. Otherwise imagination works in a worst case scenario, porn is better than imagination, real life is better than porn.

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it needs to be s*x with someone reasonably new

I think this is only partially true, as the "reasonably new" requirement that men are looking for is actually about the scenario in which the other person is involved, as opposed to the novelty of the new individual themselves. Whether they are straight or gay, coomers are looking for a type that play a specific role in larger fantasy: a MILF, a college co-ed, a married woman, a married "straight" man, a barely legal twink, a burly bear, or some other archetype that can be filled interchangeably so as long as they meet some arbitrary minimum requirements. The fulfillment of fantasy is ultimately what these men are chasing, with s*x and porn both being cowtools to achieve that. The idea that gay men are happier or more satisfied than straight men is something that straight men want to believe as opposed to being a fact. "If only I could just frick around with other women just as easily I'd be happy".

The problem with porn is that the very act of consuming it is a passive one that destroys fantasy. I'm not talking about being passive as being a submissive participant of a sexual act, but passive as in not even actively fantasizing and just reacting to whatever is on the screen. Such an individual is bound to never be satisfied, as there's no way they can figure out what they really want if they're just streaming a bunch of premade content into their brains. Their desires are then unfulfilling, because it's not even their own, and so they keep searching endlessly for satisfaction that keeps eluding them. Married coomers will often forgo s*x with their wives in favor of porn, even when their wives are attractive and would be fap material if they appeared on the screen (this is why cucks are always turbo-coomers). They have spent so much time watching other people's fantasies that they're unable to create fantasies where they are involved. They are so far gone that what they see when they look down while having s*x with their partners is less real than what they see online.

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Yeah, but why the sudden uptick since the early 2000s? I blame the internet, mainly people finding cheaper substitutes to entertain themselves.

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It seems pretty level until the start of the smartphone era and then goes right up.

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I'm never going to date a woman older than me. They have such ridiculously high standards combined with having the least to offer. The weirdest thing is that girlboss feminism has made them so proud of their flaws that they advertise the reasons that you shouldn't date them.

"I'm not 25 anymore. I know how I deserve to be treated, and I'm not going to settle for a guy who doesn't deserve me. I want a successful guy who makes me his number one priority."


"OK, but why would I want a less attractive woman with higher standards when more attractive women with lower standards exist?"


Obviously not all older women are like this but Western society tends to turn them into these bitter old shrews. The :marseywall: isn't just about looks; it's a combination of looks and personality.

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I got married too young and divorced in my mid 20s, took some time off dating and then got back into it seriously in my early 30s and I can tell you that dating in your 30s is a total horror show.

The pool mostly consisted of psychos, drug addicts, criminals, and second hand foids who'd gotten divorced because they were one of the categories previously mentioned. It was fun for a bit but trying to find a legit good partner wasn't as easy as I'd thought it'd be.

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If you think dating on your 30s is bad just wait until you're in your 40s. It gets so much worse lol.

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I'm in my 40s king and I can tell you, it gets worse. Still, being single definitely beats being with one of these entitled bitches

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You should always crank up the prize as the value of the product goes down.

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We live in a society:marseysociety2:

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ITT: :marse#ywall:

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Granted a personal anecdote but my neighbor is post wall and says all the time (very loudly I might add) that she hasn't had s*x in years and doesn't need a man and doesn't want one!

She (a white woman) owns a dog.


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Many such cases

:ethot: :marseytrans:

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How do we effectively teach young women to go their own way with other women?

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have a controlling mom. worked for me because i only had female friends, stay only around females and i barely talk to moids unless it's necessary :marseysweating:

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Also I think that sharp down tick for males between 2017 and 2021 is caused by the increasing desire for men to have s*x with neo foid bussy. They're not having s*x with bio foids.

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I know like 5 different moids who got into bussy over the pandemic :marseychartdowntrend: moids stay winning

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Women and being afraid of things that are statistically insignificant. Name a better duo.

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Underestimating the danger of things that are statistically significant?

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when you don't have s*x and you don't care but other people start crying over it for you lol

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I mean, every time we have intercourse we risk dying from pregnancy complications. And with Roe overturned we have no way to protect ourselves from them.

Says the woman living in NYC where abortions are mandatory

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>Because there are no greater threat to women than men.

And this threat has dramatically risen since 2010...?

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Understanding trends is a scrote trait

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Lots turning to religion as the economy goes down the shitter, courtesy of governments being fricking useless.

Again, most normal people having no trouble finding second base in their 30s, in fact if you are looking half decent you generally do pretty well with younger partners.

Sexless hags seething.

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Alexa, overlay the average female BMI on that chart

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Didn't that study about liberals being more depressed than conservatives that came out like a month ago show a massive uptick around 2011 also?:marseythinkorino:

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I'm neurodivergent enough to volcel. Don't care for constantly being around another person, especially foids. I was with my wife for like 12 years, near the end she was getting a r*pe fetish and wanted an open relationship. Foids are crazy.

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Tis the only truly safe way to live in the modern era.


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Should've dropped her off naked on club row at 1am and refused to elaborate.

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Also R v W reversal seems to have absolutely destroyed slut culture

Lmao that was never the reason, foid sexual activity was already on the decline, a natural result of moid sexual activity declining + them opening up to the methods of coping that sexless moids use. In fact incels refuse to admit this but their copes were always very similar to the copes used by foid losers, the difference being that they rarely bother to package their opinions in politically correct terminology.

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I was prepared to comment and say I wasn't sure who was more pathetic in this scenario but after reading the first part of the nice guy paragraph it's 100% the moids. Never learned the lesson you'll always get your peepee wet by being a piece of shit because that's just how foid brains work.

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Utopia is achieved when the number reaches 100.

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Women irl are disgusted and turned off by those emasculated men dropping m'lady comments throughout that thread. It's all about virtue and ignoring reality to get back pats and a crumb of a fat foid's kitty.

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The whole comment section is talking about abortion but the data ends in 2021!

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