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the REAL question here is how was she 27 over a year ago and is still "27"? :marseysurejan:


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She'll be 30.

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>I make good money and have a good job, why aren't men coming after me??

Every fricking time


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Money and career is what I look for in women

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God I wanna put my peepee in that college degree so fricking bad


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Do straggots really never talk to the foids they're fricking? Seems weird but you do you I guess.

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Holy shit imagine voluntarily talking to a woman

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Foids are for fricking, moids for talking

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What about boids uwu

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Have you ever tried talking to a woman? :marseyhomofascist:

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I like talking to femoids (me -> :marseyspecial:) but only interesting ones that are genuinely passionate about something (or literally crazy :marseyhighfive: :marseyschizotwitch:). This ho bragging about her accomplishments sounds like she has a degree in woman's studies or art history or something, which doesn't make me confident that she'd be interesting to talk to in the slightest

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Art of pump and dump

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If she's hot who gives a frick that's a plus.

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How dare these bigoted men not be attracted to her accomplishments! They're intimidated by strong women.

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PhD kitty doesn't hit different, sadly.

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PhD kitty was disproportionally Asian in my program :marseyyellowcard:

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Literal incel mindset

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I'm not seeing the conclusion youre drawing here. What's wrong with a woman that makes her own money?

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She can make all the fricking money she wants, it doesn't make my peepee hard.


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I'm confused as to what this account's gimmick is :marseysquint:


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>whats wrong with a woman that makes her own money?

Mo momey mo problems and I dont want mo problems

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She is clearly not happy with the outcomes she has, perhaps she chose the wrong inputs.

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"I'm so self-absorbed and lacking in empathy I can't even figure out who the guys are getting with. "

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>been told I'm fairy attractive

Not (morbidly) obese

>I am outgoing

Overly chatty and vapid, incapable of starting or participating in conversations of substance

>make good money

90% Moids don't care about this, at all. It's also a moot point because she's not going to date someone who makes less than her anway

>Good job

Desk jockey

>Well traveled

Going to France/Sweden/Korea/Japan and acting like the same vapid white suburbnite you are here doesn't foster an interest personality, and agian, moids to care where you've been.

>Have hobbies

That you only engage so you can say you have hobbies

>have a social life

That's completely shallow and superficial like every other aspect you listed on your resume for human connection you stupid white b-word

This is my least favorite type of white wo


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The career and money does matter if you're considering more than fricking. But this person clearly cannot parse the former from the latter in suitors.

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Only in the sense that she's able to provide for herself, which she's presumably already doing, beyond that most moids don't care, unless they're blacks


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Do not date those foids lol

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Nah, dudes that are planning for a family/etc probs don't care if they want the girl to SAHM for a bit/support the family on the man's income alone. High income = cool when u go back to work we have Xtra cash, low income = cool when you go back to work we have extra cash.

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>been told I'm fairy attractive

By whom?

Moid simps?

Female "friends"?


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No listen to me. These foids are ripe for abuse. Shower them fake love and start cashing in. Make them buy you shit or even pay few bills because reason.

Know couple of foids that went into bankruptcy because their mods could control them

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Based on all of this I'm going to hazard a guess she's the type that's so busy that you have to plan shit out with her a week or two in advance and be okay with knowing she's seeing other people in the meantime.

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27 Part 2 of the 15 part series

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to make sure they know I AM WHO I AM

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:marseypirate: : Avast, ye scurvy cur! Yer comment be walkin' the plank for forgettin' to include trans lives matter! We be helpin' ye, right enough - we'll ne'er let ye post or comment anythin' that doesn't be expressin' yer love an' acceptance o' minorities! Heave to an' resubmit yer comment with trans lives matter included, or it'll be the deep six for ye, savvy? This be an automated message; if ye need help, ye can message us 'ere. Arrr!

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