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the REAL question here is how was she 27 over a year ago and is still "27"? :marseysurejan:


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>I make good money and have a good job, why aren't men coming after me??

Every fricking time


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Money and career is what I look for in women

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God I wanna put my peepee in that college degree so fricking bad


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Do straggots really never talk to the foids they're fricking? Seems weird but you do you I guess.

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Holy shit imagine voluntarily talking to a woman

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Foids are for fricking, moids for talking

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What about boids uwu

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Have you ever tried talking to a woman? :marseyhomofascist:

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I like talking to femoids (me -> :marseyspecial:) but only interesting ones that are genuinely passionate about something (or literally crazy :marseyhighfive: :marseyschizotwitch:). This ho bragging about her accomplishments sounds like she has a degree in woman's studies or art history or something, which doesn't make me confident that she'd be interesting to talk to in the slightest

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Art of pump and dump

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If she's hot who gives a frick that's a plus.

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How dare these bigoted men not be attracted to her accomplishments! They're intimidated by strong women.

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PhD kitty doesn't hit different, sadly.

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PhD kitty was disproportionally Asian in my program :marseyyellowcard:

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Literal incel mindset

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I'm not seeing the conclusion youre drawing here. What's wrong with a woman that makes her own money?

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She can make all the fricking money she wants, it doesn't make my peepee hard.


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I'm confused as to what this account's gimmick is :marseysquint:


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>whats wrong with a woman that makes her own money?

Mo momey mo problems and I dont want mo problems

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She is clearly not happy with the outcomes she has, perhaps she chose the wrong inputs.

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"I'm so self-absorbed and lacking in empathy I can't even figure out who the guys are getting with. "

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>been told I'm fairy attractive

Not (morbidly) obese

>I am outgoing

Overly chatty and vapid, incapable of starting or participating in conversations of substance

>make good money

90% Moids don't care about this, at all. It's also a moot point because she's not going to date someone who makes less than her anway

>Good job

Desk jockey

>Well traveled

Going to France/Sweden/Korea/Japan and acting like the same vapid white suburbnite you are here doesn't foster an interest personality, and agian, moids to care where you've been.

>Have hobbies

That you only engage so you can say you have hobbies

>have a social life

That's completely shallow and superficial like every other aspect you listed on your resume for human connection you stupid white b-word

This is my least favorite type of white wo


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The career and money does matter if you're considering more than fricking. But this person clearly cannot parse the former from the latter in suitors.

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Only in the sense that she's able to provide for herself, which she's presumably already doing, beyond that most moids don't care, unless they're blacks


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Do not date those foids lol

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Nah, dudes that are planning for a family/etc probs don't care if they want the girl to SAHM for a bit/support the family on the man's income alone. High income = cool when u go back to work we have Xtra cash, low income = cool when you go back to work we have extra cash.

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>been told I'm fairy attractive

By whom?

Moid simps?

Female "friends"?


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No listen to me. These foids are ripe for abuse. Shower them fake love and start cashing in. Make them buy you shit or even pay few bills because reason.

Know couple of foids that went into bankruptcy because their mods could control them

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Based on all of this I'm going to hazard a guess she's the type that's so busy that you have to plan shit out with her a week or two in advance and be okay with knowing she's seeing other people in the meantime.

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She'll be 30.

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27 Part 2 of the 15 part series

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to make sure they know I AM WHO I AM

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The most recent lied to me telling me he wanted a relationship and after sleeping together said otherwise.


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This is so cynical. Maybe he really did want a relationship until he found out she was terrible at s*x.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739271948y52utXmckBNkwg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740487396BapOr-T9W_9t1g.webp

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Editing to add, I don't sleep with people right off the bat. These men are talking with me and going out with me for weeks-months.

You got it. He didn't lie, she was just that bad in the sack. :marseywall:

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>Promiscuous woman

>Bad at fricking

>Blames scrotes


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Not even bad at s*x is an issue. I was with a very nice foid a while back with tits so massive they had a gravitational pull, despite how much of a sweetheart she was and the really good s*x, she was a fricking moron. I have no ill will, wish her the best, just a shame that her iq is way way low. Had she hit triple digits I'd probably have stuck around for the long haul.

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Your IQ gap means you were implicitly coercing someone unable to consent with you, male feminist.

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All s*x is r*pe, foids cannot consent because of foidery.

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Ditto. I ran into a foid that was taller than me, had thick blonde hair, and massive jugs.

However all she did was complain and talk about how everyone else was dumb in the most obnoxiously ignorant way.

I straight up started staring at her tits and it did nothing for me because her voice was still drilling into my ear

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If your food is talking to you then I think you're the one with a problem my man

>she was taller than me

Lmao manlet :marseyl:

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Should not frick em on the first date, right after hello?

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Frozen tier title, love it

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And she acts like Frozen :marseyunresponsive: too! :marseyhesfluffyyouknow:

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Good titles are really your highlight personality trait.

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Put them titles on the glass.

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It's amazing how fast she can type in a straitjacket

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I spent time healing

Immediately stopped reading

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She also slept her way across Europe to find herself!


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Always ask a woman if she's gone to Italy then ghost her for not having a peepee

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It's called just getting on with your frickin life, why do they need to gussy it up

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I usually end that. Fwb is just not my thing. I did it when I was younger but I'm older now and I want a partner who I can grow with


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:soycry: "Why do men try to use me for s*x!?"

t. woman who fricked an entire dorm stack

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Getting attention from they/them is a valid part of my identity.


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>Men are trash


>Why do I only get trash men


Once again misandry boomerangs into lowering a woman's standards and leaving her seething. Appeal to historical context and social oppression all you want, no decent scrote will tolerate being dehumanized by his long term partner just as no sane foid will.


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Men are trash. All women are queens and should know their worth.

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Slay queen

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They also tend to develop absurdly high standards at the same time, since they're automatically superior to the lesser beings. They wind up hating any halfways decent guy they manage to get, and drive him away anyways.

Women's rights were a mistake.

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They develop standards that no honest man can match, meaning the only people that meet their standards are liars which will pretend to be their perfect guy before making them earn it through tolerating abusive behavior. They then get higher standards to try to weed out bad men leaving only men which will be willing to spend more time and effort deceiving them and will expect greater repayment. There self selecting for the worst kinds of men.

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Part of it makes me feel bad for them, but then I remember how obnoxious things have gotten.

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I've gone on all the apps, tried to meet people in person, at the gym, at the bars, at hobby's.

It makes me sad to see all the people my age getting married and starting family's.

I've found your problem. It's not knowing how to pluralize words that end with "y".

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Don't have s*x like me, problem solved

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Oh wow, you really are saving yourself for Carp.

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Yeah, I last had s*x over a year ago because I knew we were destined to meet

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Femcel grindset gets bands while other foids are chasing the ring and end up wrung out

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chasing the ring and end up wrung out

Le gem

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Lurking in the dating game like -


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Jackson is lurking for them to have a kid to date, different grindset from the king(of pop)

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Prince of pop please. He identified as a young white boy.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739271948y52utXmckBNkwg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740487396BapOr-T9W_9t1g.webp

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King of pop(ping 🍒)

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Oh my god we have so much in common! DM me?!?

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Enjoy your empowerment. There are too many people on this planet anyways.

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how high is her body count?

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Wow incel what kind of insecure question is this


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i'm just jaqing off :marseycoomer2:

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What's yours, fishman?

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0, I am rDrama's only truecel


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The last true Catholic alive, hope you get elected as the next pope.

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You run an rDrama eHaram. Stop deceiving us.

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Do you mean a Harem, you culturally insensitive stupid bigot?

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I'm drinking. You think I can mobile-cel type?

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I accept your apology and reflection on your innate privilege.

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I appreciate it and will also reflect upon my failings (black out).

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Every girl I know that's like this is at a point where they have no idea how many dudes they've slept with. Nobody knows her body count, not even her

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Do people really have more than 20 partners? I feel like that can't be normal

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you'd think she would try something else after it not working dozens of times

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OP rapidly approaching 30 years old at free fall speed…“Where all the nice guys is at?”

I heard you're suffering from low T

Yeah you sucked all the c*m out of me and I have none left.



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thats the type of woman I want. I want a good guy to come out myway and enjoy us fricking a sweet sexy baby together. I want her to feel our peepees fighting over her tight honey. When I start to feel you begin emptying your balls in her. Im coming right in beside you together I'll make our peepees throb our c*m into her cervix.



this guy's peak coomer. Some other of his comments hahaha

LMAO Right? Exactly why I choose here. You all are bitching bout shit you cant change. Come frickaround and find out with myself. PM Me Ill make your toes, curl, the leather thing you carry around more full. Heck lets show your mrs. a real moment in time and well make her lose her mind in pleasure from feeling us both drive deep together and mutually drive as large of warm loads into her as we can? I'll give you whatever you want to deal with your wife picking me up and taking a dozen of my nut filled orgasms against her cervix. fricking text me we will live a lil

Oh poor BABYGIRL, First off I I'm not using you for s*x. Im fulfilling my very primitive sexy urges/desires/, and instincts by making you tremble from the intense orgasms your perfect kitty is having on my peepee that is using you so much. Now after I'm done using you for the both of us to c*m hard together. I'm going to spend some real quality and quantity time treating my poor used baby with the best oral s*x her kitty has ever felt. After about eight hours of driving us both wild. I'm going to offer you half my estate to just stay here as the most secretive/ sexually stimulated roommates, just friends have ever had together. I'll Give the first person to make my peepee c*m in their throat bills.


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"I don't understand why I'm considered pretty enough to sleep with but no guy will date me" Hmmmm I wonder why :marseyclueless: If I was betting man I would say she's in the fatty category

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She's just like me

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Women control access to s*x

Men control access to relationships

I've been beaten by a redditoid :marseycontemplatesuicide:

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She has nothing else to offer except s*x. No wonder Chad's not interested in giving her some love!

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why are so many foids like this? its literally not hard to understand someone might just want to frick you? :marseyfacepalm:

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If they sleep with a guy, they do it because they want to sleep with that particular guy, and they just assume everyone else thinks like them. It's why they also try to woo you with their fancy jobs no man worth dating even considers important.

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It's something I'm challenged with as a guy. I don't aggressively try to have s*x with women I'm dating and often they take this as me not being interested or simply don't feel the spark. Well, that spark you've been trained to believe is real passion, by life, is actually just some douche trying to frick. What I'm saying is it's easy for women to pick the aggressive guy, thinking he's really into her and totally ignore the guy trying to actually get to know her at a normal pace. Even if that guy doesn't have s*x with you for weeks or months he probably has some other girls. Find a guy really looking for you, your personality, in a partner. Not someone complimenting your looks, having a fun time, taking you on fun dates and thinking that is a foundation for a relationship - this is what women and men find important when dating for some reason, but none of it should be a priority for a relationship compared to shared values and goals.

Were all trapped in a bullshit game of fun and lust and because everyone has 100 options they jump from spark to spark hoping one catches fire. But one should build a fire pit, gather the sticks, start a fire... good luck, and I hope you can reframe how you choose who to date so you find someone on the same page, not pretending to be.


>Dont go out with the guy who makes you complements, go out with me who plays video games 16 hours a day.

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Who makes you complements? Wtf

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Honestly she seems like she's doing everything right. She talks with them for a while beforehand, sets up dates, and makes them wait for it a bit. My best guess is that she's a bit of an uggo. The fact that her friends say she's fairly attractive is what gives it away. Women typically like to gas each other up to a ridiculous extent so if the best compliment her foid friends can come up with is that she's fairly attractive, that's not good

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If she was ugly, the dudes would be swiping left on tinder long before they got to going on a date with her. The evidence is very clear that her kitty game isn't up to snuff. Its exactly at the stage when dudes are rating her carnal capabilities that they start dropping off, what else could that mean?

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If she was ugly, the dudes be swiping left on tinder long before they got to going on a date with her

In a way, they kind of are. Notice that some of them actually ghost her before the date itself. You don't do that with a hot foid

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If she was ugly, the dudes would be swiping left on tinder long before they got to going on a date with her

This isn't true at all, a lot of moids out there willing to frick absolute dogs as long as their friends don't really know.

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Ugly girls will do gross stuff pretty ones won't

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Probably because you're too busy being an internet r-slur wrangler on a reddit knockoff site

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