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Incels couldn't come up with this one :chudconcerned:




I'm talking thrush or a uti.

Quite frankly I'm fricking sick of it. I know it just comes to either men putting their grubby, greasy, dirty, unwashed hands in me, OR them just not washing their junk properly.

It's partially my fault too, because usually I ask before they put their fingers in me, if they've washed their hands. You're not gonna believe this but I'd already had a talk with him about him stinking because HE DOESN'T BELIEVE IN (man made) SOAP (he uses olive oil), and him not washing his hands earlier that day after he touched RAW CHICKEN. He agreed to change that stuff, because he wants to be clean and smell good for the people around him. So I thought his hands would be clean.

My fricking mistake.

I'm in a rage. I slept with this guy that I've been seeing exclusively for a while, for the first time, I let him have access to my body in an intimate way, and now it's left me with unbearable thrush that I'M left to deal treat for days. And he doesn't have any consequences.

I spoke about this to him as delicately as possible, asking if he could please wash his hands next time, and that I also feel frustrated this happened, but me feeling that way is not his fault. He responded saying he just didn't get why I felt frustrated that it happened in the first place. “I've already apologised to you and offered a solution, what more do you want from me? You're blowing it out of proportion.” “No woman I've been with had ever complained about this, so how am I meant to know?”

Maybe I am blowing it out of proportion. But it's MY FRICKING BODY THAT'S AFFECTED, so I'm allowed to be upset by this!!!!!

I said, I know, the solution is simple, But I'm just asking for a deeper level of understanding and empathy. That you understand how I have to spend days physically rebalancing myself, and the emotional toll it takes having somewhere so intimate, be so uncomfortable. Is that too much to expect?? I'm sick and tired. And itchy.

Edit: Hey guys, just wanna say I do always pee after s*x / anything similar

i know you'll be quick with the "this is bait" posting :marseyoctopus2::marseyoctopus4:, but check her post history.

Oh hun. You should've left the second he told you he doesn't use soap 😭😭😭

Seems he didn't even have to say it, OP said he stinks 😩

But is he hot? 🤔

SO hot. He does literally everything for me, I'm so not used to it. He makes sure I'm chill, relaxed, calm. Plans dates and always asks when he can see me again. And then this happened.

this reads like an incel story :#chudsey:

Olive oil? How does that even work.

it's like an olive oil bar of 'soap.' (it's pure olive oil, nothing else added in. He doesn't like putting 'man made' stuff on his body, and yet he'll eat junk food??? ) I don't even know man. I questioned it and he said 'well everyone in spain uses it.' and I said okay, I'm sure they do, BUT WE CAN'T SMELL THEM FROM HERE CAN WE


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SO hot. He does literally everything for me, I'm so not used to it. He makes sure I'm chill, relaxed, calm. Plans dates and always asks when he can see me again. And then this happened.

that whole "omg if a hot dude said/did this it wouldn't be harassment!" meme is probably the most true meme ever created.

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Neighbor ScRoTe BaNgMaId GrOw Up p:

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Jesus that thing is going up into his ribs must have a 20 rnd mag .45 acp

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I somehow never noticed that he was packing in this video lol

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of course it's not why would i ever reply to a comment like that seriously :smoke:

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That meme is like “no shit” tho, moids are way worse. A hot foid making mistakes at work will have a squad of simps ready to help. Fat chick? Probably not.

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nah. fat chicks also have simps ready to defend their honor at the drop of a donut.

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Absolutely, but the number of them is much smaller

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as a black man you gotta know all about simping for fat white foids!

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Ignore the white woman magic, king

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unrelated but are you doing fantasy football again because you should and we should do a keeper league and do it EVERY YEAR

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I might be able to… depends on if my work league falls apart or not. It is looking like it might right now. When do you need to know by?

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idk by game 1 of the season i guess

i haven't started a league or even really talked to anyone about it. i'm hoping someone else does all the work to get one started/going. :smoke:

recently i got an email that the sleeper league was "reactivated" but that's as far as it's went and it's what made me remember rdrama fantasy football

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We'll fight twice as hard for double the BMI :marseysalutea#rmy:

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Meg effect is real

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isn't that a movie about a shark

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True but i meant meg griffin

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First time learning about how attractive people have it better off?

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foids will literally turn they gussies into a fricking science experiment for a fricking man if he's a fricking 9 or 10

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Twox women will sleep with anything which pretends to listen to them, don't try to potray them as getting good peepee from hot men. They're getting bad peepee from chubby chasers.

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That synonym for post wall

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Incels must be seething

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This should tell you everything you need to know about this lady


She also posts in /r/r*pekink2 lmbo

Edit: holy shit, she is crazier than I thought

I've spent my whole life wishing my dad would abuse me

I'm sorry for how disgusting this post is.

I'm not sure if I've ever been sexually abused as a child.

It took a lot to finally admit to my therapist that the thought of my dad touching me inappropriately or raping me makes me feel like it's the only time he's ever loved me. We spoke about that a bit more, and then my therapist asked me

“How do you know that him doing these things to you feels like love? How do you know he'd love you if he touched you?”

My therapist asked me how I'd feel if the dreams and fantasies I have of my dad raping me were true. I said it would be a relief, cos then how I feel would make sense. It feels perverse to say.

When I first masturbated at around 13/14, I orgasmed to the idea of being r*ped. Nothing else got me off for years, and still I struggle to orgasm without it.

When I first started having s*x at 17/18, I wanted to be r*ped by older men. That's all I did. For years I saw these older men and let them use me. I was r*ped a couple times and it totally unfazed me. I lost my virginity in a bloody way to an older man who r*ped me and I didn't care.

The only memories I have of my dad touching me inappropriately are when I'm 5 and older and he'd wash me in the shower, well into my preteens, and he'd wash my clit too hard until it hurt and he had to stop. And also one time when I was around 6 and I was sitting on his lap wiggling into his peepee and he liked it.

I fantasise a lot about my dad touching me, having s*x with me. It disgusts me but I can't stop. I feel disgusting after. I have nightmares about him raping me sometimes too. I feel traumatised when i wake up.

It's getting worse and sometimes I just get so desperate that I wanna go home to him and have s*x with him and make him me r*pe me so I can finally feel loved and say “yes, I knew it. Finally I can be allowed to feel like I was sexually abused by you!” I want him to do it over and over so I can feel close to him.

I'm really sorry for how gross and triggering that is.

I honestly had no idea these weren't normal. Why am I like this? Am I just fricked up? My therapist thinks this all comes from somewhere. i don't know. I feel disgusting and crazy for thinking this. Do csa victims think like this?

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I've spent my whole life wishing my dad would abuse me

most mentally stable twoextra foid

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/r/radiohead is the worst one by far

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I like the bends more than OK computer, what do you guys think?

Same conversations for 30 years

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I like the bends more than OK computer, what do you guys think?

Incorrect take but I don't give enough of a shit to argue about it

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Irrelevant, Kid A is the only one worth listening to

The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko

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The only memories I have of my dad touching me inappropriately are when I'm 5 and older and he'd wash me in the shower, well into my preteens, and he'd wash my clit too hard until it hurt and he had to stop. And also one time when I was around 6 and I was sitting on his lap wiggling into his peepee and he liked it.

Breh. By Allah I hope this is fiction.


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Unfortunately and judging by the rest of her post history, it doesn't seem like it

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Let's hope that it's just a delusion

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MAID was invented for this person

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bruh my non-rdrama reddit acc is just my city, favorite rapper, hobbies and whatever random problem im having atm

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Carp could fix her

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If only he were here to do the fixing :#carpflirt:

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usually I ask before they put their fingers in me, if they've washed their hands

Most seductive temptress ever. She must drive men wild with her words alone.

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Just sounds like she's got an extra yeasty vagina if this is a frequently recurring problem.

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It's all in the delivery.

Mmm, let's get you all clean before you touch your dirty girl.

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How do you even get an std from a dirty peepee if you're only letting them finger you?


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Not STIs, a UTI and thrush (yeast infection). UTI after s*x are not that unusual. That's why a lot of women get told to pee after s*x. Anything dirty near the female urethra is inadvisable. The yeast though, it's usually because their immune system is just sensitive to it. She admitted she had a history of yeast infections and had learned to be careful with what went around and in her body but still:

OH MY GOD. HE DOESN'T HANG UP HIS TOWELS EITHER !!! I stayed over and he asked if I was cool using his towel. I said sure, and he pointed to a crumpled up towel on his desk. It was soggy and STANK so bad. I was so sick of his shit that I just used it.

Who knows what had been growing on that towel. Between her immune predisposition and that scrote's pigsty, she was done for.

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imagine being such a stinking whore that literally all you do is sleep around with stinky, unwashed men and then you have the unmitigated gall to complain about your problems

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I shower every day, sometimes twice a day, and have OCD about washing my hands but my girlfriend would still get UTIs. Is this just another case of women blaming men for their own disgusting tendencies

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tell her to stop wiping back to front

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Oh yeah that can also do it, one of the biggest advantages to a bidet is preventing UTIs, and sometimes doctors will recommend that.

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UTIs can be caused by peeing right before s*x, having a poor diet, not washing adequately or using the wrong product to wash. This applies to both men and women, but of course women are higher risk.

To the extent of my knowledge just having s*x shouldn't cause a UTI unless you also have one, did you ever have a burning sensation in your UT?

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did you ever have a burning sensation in your UT?

Yes. I ignored it and it went away

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Never had a UTI in my life. She did interrupt s*x from time to time to pee (probably after the doctor told her to) so I'm assuming that's the case.

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OP is absolutely bat shit crazy. Her history is should be s*x Ed material for boys to warn about sticking your peepee in crazy

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Her post history is wild. I gotta dig deeper. But she's complaining about dirty scrote hands (valid btw) and posts this 3 months ago


Leftover meals all over the kitchen, nothing is washed up. I wear the same clothes for multiple times in a row so I barely need to put a wash on. I haven't changed my sheets in months. It's disgusting I know. I used to do it weekly. I've washed my hair maybe a handful of times since January. I'm starting to get ants and woodlice.


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Is it normal to struggle to hold a full time job?


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wom*n do shit to themselves i swear

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>HE DOESN'T BELIEVE IN (man made) SOAP (he uses olive oil)

imagine he makes her squirt then ts happens


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Mmmm drink in the toxic queefs of the female redditor, lads :marseysniff: Smells like victory

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do u neighbors just not wash your hands?

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lmao imagine being a slave to big soap

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