I'm talking thrush or a uti.
Quite frankly I'm fricking sick of it. I know it just comes to either men putting their grubby, greasy, dirty, unwashed hands in me, OR them just not washing their junk properly.
It's partially my fault too, because usually I ask before they put their fingers in me, if they've washed their hands. You're not gonna believe this but I'd already had a talk with him about him stinking because HE DOESN'T BELIEVE IN (man made) SOAP (he uses olive oil), and him not washing his hands earlier that day after he touched RAW CHICKEN. He agreed to change that stuff, because he wants to be clean and smell good for the people around him. So I thought his hands would be clean.
My fricking mistake.
I'm in a rage. I slept with this guy that I've been seeing exclusively for a while, for the first time, I let him have access to my body in an intimate way, and now it's left me with unbearable thrush that I'M left to deal treat for days. And he doesn't have any consequences.
I spoke about this to him as delicately as possible, asking if he could please wash his hands next time, and that I also feel frustrated this happened, but me feeling that way is not his fault. He responded saying he just didn't get why I felt frustrated that it happened in the first place. “I've already apologised to you and offered a solution, what more do you want from me? You're blowing it out of proportion.” “No woman I've been with had ever complained about this, so how am I meant to know?”
Maybe I am blowing it out of proportion. But it's MY FRICKING BODY THAT'S AFFECTED, so I'm allowed to be upset by this!!!!!
I said, I know, the solution is simple, But I'm just asking for a deeper level of understanding and empathy. That you understand how I have to spend days physically rebalancing myself, and the emotional toll it takes having somewhere so intimate, be so uncomfortable. Is that too much to expect?? I'm sick and tired. And itchy.
Edit: Hey guys, just wanna say I do always pee after s*x / anything similar
i know you'll be quick with the "this is bait" posting , but check her post history.
Oh hun. You should've left the second he told you he doesn't use soap 😭😭😭
Seems he didn't even have to say it, OP said he stinks 😩
But is he hot? 🤔
SO hot. He does literally everything for me, I'm so not used to it. He makes sure I'm chill, relaxed, calm. Plans dates and always asks when he can see me again. And then this happened.
this reads like an incel story
it's like an olive oil bar of 'soap.' (it's pure olive oil, nothing else added in. He doesn't like putting 'man made' stuff on his body, and yet he'll eat junk food??? ) I don't even know man. I questioned it and he said 'well everyone in spain uses it.' and I said okay, I'm sure they do, BUT WE CAN'T SMELL THEM FROM HERE CAN WE
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Most seductive temptress ever. She must drive men wild with her words alone.
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It's all in the delivery.
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How do you even get an std from a dirty peepee if you're only letting them finger you?
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Director of Diversity and InclusionExecutive Bussy-boy 1yr ago #4811569 spent 0 currency on pingsNot STIs, a UTI and thrush (yeast infection). UTI after s*x are not that unusual. That's why a lot of women get told to pee after s*x. Anything dirty near the female urethra is inadvisable. The yeast though, it's usually because their immune system is just sensitive to it. She admitted she had a history of yeast infections and had learned to be careful with what went around and in her body but still:
Who knows what had been growing on that towel. Between her immune predisposition and that scrote's pigsty, she was done for.
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imagine being such a stinking whore that literally all you do is sleep around with stinky, unwashed men and then you have the unmitigated gall to complain about your problems
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Just sounds like she's got an extra yeasty vagina if this is a frequently recurring problem.
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