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All these people jerking it over how astrology is just a bit of fun and trying to find meaning in patterns, blah blah..

But tell them you're an avid phrenologist and suddenly that's disgusting and wrong. Go figure..

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Moids be like "You read star charts, I read crime stats" to get some action.

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To the tune of taytay "but she reads star charts, i read crime stats."

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starchart gf calipers bf

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I love how the entire thread Is redditors justying precious foids "women believe in astrology because traditional religions are much patriarcal" when women are also also more religious in traditional term

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Someone there said oppressed people use magical thinking to cope with their miserable lives.

Which is probably why redditors believe in r-slurred ideologies.

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Assuming White women are oppressed ahahahah

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Lmao gotem! :marseygiggle:

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Literally ‘the opium of the people' by Karl Marx


Fiscally Left :cheers: Socially Right

:unicorn: Nonfiction = Fiction :mummy: Fiction = Nonfiction :!unicorn:

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Women tend to be more esoteric in general, never met a man who unironically believes in ghosts.

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I did, He Is schizophrenic btw

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Need to learn more about Mozambique fr

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TFW I saw a ghost as a child and still think about it today :marseyscared:

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touch grass?

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You've never been to Scotland, then.

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No true Scotsman is actually a man. They wear skirts.

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Dan Akroyd comes from a long line of unironic paranormalcels. It's what inspired the movie Ghostbusters.


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Someone is pointing that out with statistics to every comment like that and he gets consistently downmarseyd, lel

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malinformation is not tolerated on reddit, chud! trust the science only if it's the good faith one


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Nah, the entire thread is people not answering the actual question because doing so gets you banned or downmarseyd, so they just talk about astrology in general. Like the top comment points out.

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Astrology is harmless compared to the people, mostly men, who identify with and 'believe' the MAGA republican nonsense.


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Real tradition is believing what wise women say

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but only wise women

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If she knows about the meanings of stars, then she's a wise woman. If she breathes, she's a thot.

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If she breathes

I can fix her :#ragestrangle:

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imagine viewing screenshots of textmessages posted in a subreddit called niceguys

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>posts on /r/sciencebasedparenting

>Also defends Astrology


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holy frick, average redditor Science Lover

:#marseyxd: :#soysnoo:

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That person posts almost nowhere else but parenting subs. And not just a little, either. Their entire personality is "mom".

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true king

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>I wish I could upmarsey this 10,000 times and send it straight to the top (over that “maybe women are cognitively dumber” comment…). So many of my girlfriends are scientists and teachers and programmers and lawyers and engineers who participate in astrology culture because it's silly and harmless and fun and affords them a way to be introspective in a humorous and lighthearted way. The fact that reddit's out of control astrology hatred would declare all these women stupid pseudoscientific morons is just wild to me.


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>So many of my girlfriends are scientists and teachers and programmers and lawyers and engineers who participate in astrology culture

No, he's right, they're just also r-slurred. They took a lot of college classes but they're still women.

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I bet this guy is a scorpio :marseynails: no wonder all his gal pals friendzoned him

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haha no it's all totally just made up for fun but we should definitely burn some sage now that we bought our new place because it's supposed to help with ghosts LOL I'm obviously kidding that'd be TOTALLY ridiculous but like we should def still do it 😜

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I think it has to do with women socially conditioned to want activities that involve self-reflection. Astrology is based in nonsense, but it is kind of useful.

>foid nonsense


>foids engaging in self reflection


Redditors are so r-slurred lmao

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I once was dumped using a tarot reading, it was meant to help me self reflect I think.

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I remember I had a friend who busted out the ouiji board and everyone kept asking if the other person was gay and pushing the circle thing to the yes :marseyxd:

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That's actually why tarot cards are fun.

Give yourself a reading sometime and try to fit the card meanings into your life. The cards are just cards, the meanings are random, but as you start to think about parts of your life in random abstract contexts you can learn quite a bit about things in your life that you might not have considered.

And it's way cheaper than paying a therapist to say "and then what? and how did that make you feel? tell me more about that?"

:#marseythinkorino: :#marseytarotfool::#marseytarotmoon:

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I will now frame my entire life off of my drama gambling results.

Should I switch from cycling to swimming?


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Sounds like a yes to me

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I'm about to move from TWINK to TWUNK


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Swimming it is then


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should I kill myself


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Should I enjoy life as it is despite all the difficulties and failures?


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Won 10000 coins


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the goombling gods have spoken, the rope is not for you, you will be content and ascend one day


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You have to do a foid suicide with Tylenol or something. Good luck king!


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I sadly have no Tic Tacs to overdose on. :marseygiveup:


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Just make a vague social media post alluding to an attempt then. Youll get all the attention with none of the liver damage! Just make sure to avoid replying to anyone until at least a day after the post to maximize concern!


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All the top comments are random speculation based on redditor biases. Hmm I wonder why foids believe bullshit that just feels right :marseyclueless:

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Someone should post a study calling astrology pointless to /r/science

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It's unironically bc women are smarter and more in tune with the divine than men.

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That's historically illiterate. Men used to be far more into astrology. Virtually all early astronomers believed in astrology including the ones we think as very rational, like Galileo. Once men have definitely empirically proven that astrology is bullshit, women got into it.

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I have elaborated sufficiently for anyone that knows what the words I said mean. If you do not know those words, elaborating is pointless. If you do, then you are reading without thinking about what the words mean and elaborating would be pointless.

Re-read what I said but this time try to think about what the words mean. I'm not interested in entertaining people that want me to talk at them without respecting my efforts by actually thinking as they read.


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Again women mostly lack introspection, empathy and theory of mind so they need this kinda crap to tell them who they and others are. It's also why pop psy crap is also popular. Why actually try to understand others when you can just pull out a two sentence personality for them and move on to caring about your new handbag or something.

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Aren't women more empathetic?

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Lie made up by women

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They say they are. It's whether you believe them or not.

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Moids be like:

>I'm a Scorpio

That's made up nonsense :!soyjakanimeglasses:

>I'm an ISTJ-T

So true!! :!bigsmilesoyjak:

Or, if you're a Korean foid enjoyer like me:

>We're compatible bc we're both scorpios

That's made up nonsense :!suprisedasianwife:

>We're compatible bc we're both O positive

뽀뽀 오빠 :!marseygeisha:

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I have literally never met a man that knows what intj means, that's absolutely a white woman thing

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