Men don't make sense. It's ridiculous. I don't even think men really like women.
Many women do similar things. Flings with guys they know aren't good for them, but settle down with a man who is marriage and father material.
Ok… this isn't talking about women
least fragile reddit foid
this smells like
Your looks aren't determined by your sexual activity.
Pornstars either have naturally good bodies or have worked on them, usually a combination of both. And that work is usually eating right and working out, you don't get more attractive by being fricked.
Men want to be reserved with their partner in public and get wild in the bedroom. When I'm in a bedroom mood, I may think about watching porn. When I'm not, I'm fantasising about the cute girl I saw in a bookshop or I see a young couple with a kid and I'm daydreaming about when I'm a father and husband.
OP And most men want women with good bodies, so I believe you guys do like the look of pornstars.
100% a fattie
Women also desire guys with good bodies. Porn didn't invent that.
Make a post about it. I'm talking about men.
absolutely seething
totally not a therapist is search of clients
This thread just made me hate men. You guys are hypocrites and losers
this thread is why i laugh at the male suicide rate
house edgy member
You are a psycho
of course you're not gonna say this to the males being objectifying, misogynistic degenerates in these comments. i've read comments from males IN THIS THREAD saying that "whores need to know their place in the world" and "should learn to drop to their knees if a man says so" so yeah i'll continue laughing my pyscho butt off
Go outside and get help. You're hurt.
OP Stating an opinion means she needs help and she's hurt? Who hurt her since you know.
OP quickly jumping to the defense of her fellow hoes
OP Make a post about that if it upsets you. This is a different topic.
after not receiving an echo chamber response, the fat foid runs to the twoX hugbox
I never understood this myself. Having dated OF models and the odd lapdancer in the past, I always just viewed it as "it's their chosen job and deserves the same respect as the any other job because at least they working for their money".
please ladies, just a crumb of coochie
this is just "alpha fux, beta bux" foid edition
Is that American thing? I wouldn't even think about relationship with a woman who were virgin, "pure" or not sexually active.
rent free
isn't that just a commited relationship, aka the majority of relationships?
so all women are whores?
and others.
see more in the thread
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Well that's true. Dudes rule.
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Maybe women should learn to do better if they want to be liked.
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Women on the other hand really love men
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They shouldn't
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Having fricked more people doesn't mean you're better at s*x, either. Did she forget you can have s*x with one person more than once?
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Most whores I've slept with were dead fish in bed. Other than the few that were genuinely freaks
A true refined women is one that is in a relationship so she can work on her peepee skills without shame. It's really not complicated
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Yeah I'd say many of them don't particularly enjoy s*x, or don't have a healthy relationship with it and see it as something "done to them" instead of something they can participate in. And a few just like having s*x and are good at it (doesn't preclude them being crazy in other ways tho)
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The whores that are good at s*x are, in my experience, the absolute craziest.
The dead fish whore just has no self esteem and have no self confidence. She is female version of a simp
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Yeah literally no man ever wants to frick the town's bicycle because she's good in bed lmao. That's always a massive cope it seems like from Redditors.
Men in that position are far more concerned with just buying her a couple drinks at the bar and getting easy access to puss lol.
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If she was great in bed and good looking, she'd be locked up.
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I think that most people forget that, on either side
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Like many things, good in bed seems to be directly correlated to physical fitness.
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Or just be good after the second or first time? It's not rocket science
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Dating whores gives us the ick
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Why are they acting like it's a mystery phenomena to have a different standard for what type of person you want to marry or frick?
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because this post isn't about women. go make your own if you want to talk about that
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I think most women are fundamentally unable to grasp this concept. Imo there's a lot of evidence that they don't. Read common foid dating complaints (frickboys, guys unwilling to commit, etc.) and they all evidence this disconnect.
Women for the most part have a much smaller gap between who they'll frick and who they'll marry. Physically it often even goes the other way. And a lot of statements about personality (“he's good to hook up with but too unstable for a relationship”) are in fact copes trying to explain the guy not wanting to commit as actually it's her being uninterested (it's not).
Because they don't have this big gap in frick vs. relationship standards and often lack the empathy necessary to understand men, they fundamentally don't get it when men behave this way.
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My boyfriend won't marry me because of the patriarchy, why is society making my man act this way.
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They have lately bigger gap, because Chad fricks everything
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It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.
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most w*man wont date a man if he's taken one peepee, but expect men to be ok with a w*man taking 100 peepees
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Especially when foid have different standards who they are going to marry
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1. Men want an exclusive relationship - the body count ideal is "I want to be special to her" not just "I want low libido and high libido at once."
2. Pornstars aren't hot, those are just the types of women willing to do porn moreso than just what scrotes find the most attractive.
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Porn is just stimulation, I think that's one thing they don't get. Most guys aren't really viewing it as another person filming themselves having s*x, or connecting with an actress, because it's actually pretty sad to imagine who would do that. It's just literal stimulation when you're bored and wanna whack off. The coomers on reddit aren't representative of the average moid
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The 18 year olds are and some milfs
Trans lives matter
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Women wanting tall men is a valid preference and all you insecure manlets will just have to deal with it
Men preferring chaste women is toxic and misogynistic and only losers would care about their wife's past
Trans lives matter about 59% of the time.
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Women don't have a bone shortening fetish though. It at least makes things more difficult that she hast to pull off a balancing act.
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Leo Frank was innocent
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They don't want something they destroy
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Still doesn't make sense 😡
Leo Frank was innocent
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Golden rule
Liberal whore -
Rightoid tradwife -
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The funniest part is that one of these is genetically determined and uncontrollable and the other one only relies on not being an r-slur (impossible challenge for foids unfortunately)
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Men universally have lower standards for who they want to frick than for who they want to marry.
This one fact causes a huge amount of confusion and frustration and made-up man lore among women. Women seem fundamentally unable to grasp this or maybe live in intentional willful ignorance. Almost every complaint about modern dating from both women and men is ultimately attributable to dynamics arising from this. E.g.,
That entire linked thread
Hoeflation: A 4/10 woman fricks a 8/10 man and incorrectly infers she's also an 8/10.
Frick boys: A “frick boy” is a 4/10 woman's perception of an 8/10 man who is in her frick league but out of her relationship league: She perceives him as unwilling to commit, while in reality he's just unwilling to commit to her (but would for an 8/10).
So on and so forth
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Hoeflation and dudepression are ravaging our nation. Hoeflation is giving women inflated standards and men are worse by every metric then their grandfather's but still expect a high paying union job, family, and ability to buy a house despite being more mentally ill and lazier than their grandfather's. It's over.
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A classic of modern foid r-sluration
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commies and hoes and incels and femcels don't understand the basics of supply vs demand.
only 10% can be in the top 10%, and no amount of historical revisionism, gaslamping, regulations, subsidies, bullshit, or even mass shootings can change this basic truth.
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In order to preserve my sanctity for my future wife I never goon to women as that would be unfaithful
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That leaves plenty of options open
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Hurrah for the pirate king! It is it is a glorious thing to be a pirate king!
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Only theater I've been involved with.😎 From a small town. Music teach said anyone who participates in some school production of Pirates of Penzance gets an "A." Me and the boys joined a 10 member choir.
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So based. I wish very badly i had the chance to play the real major general but unfortunately my theater career did not extend past high school.
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He does have the very model of a fun theme song to sing.
Our pirate King was very gay (in the twink way, not just theatrical). So like 5' with a wicked lisp. I'm sure our version drew way more laughs than the anything that would've more closely resembled the original, full length G&S play.
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Trans women are women, bigot
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Isn't the Madonna-Whore complex more of a man that either views foids as saintly beings or a devil and is unable to form long relationships with foids in either case?
A man not wanting to marry a prostitute or an OF foid is a lizard brain/societal reaction that moids have because they are considered as not being reliable mothers to their children.
Weird that a modern shibboleth of western progressivism is that s*x work is both empowering and real work but moids consuming that content is problematic at the same time.
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The s*x positive/s*x negative debates coalesced into the belief that it's OK for foids to be a appear in porn, but it's not OK for moids to watch it.
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So basically the Nordic model for prostitution applied to sexuality at large
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Paglia can't miss
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Based og feminist
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Another common narrative seems to be ‘moids are allowed to watch porn but it has to be ethically produced and purchased' which is pretty much code for ‘sign up for my OF to show you are an ally and Good Person'.
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Tinder and bumble now has a hobby category “s*x positivity”
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Madonna Whore is literally "I cant frick my wife because if I do she'll be just another disgusting whore im repulsed by instead of a pure wife I can love", its supposed to exclusively be for men in relationships/marriage and is extremely rare. Anyone bringing it up outside the context of a relationship/marriage is already entirely wrong.
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All gender wars is schizo lore and cosmic cope, none of the screeds make sense or have any foundation in reality. It's just upset people deciding that society and the other is responsible for all their suffering and exonerating everything they do as a necessary reaction.
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Dogfrickers like having their cake and eating it too
Leo Frank was innocent
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plus the government will give her half my shit if she decides to leave. marrying non-whores is precarious enough for any remotely successful man. marrying a hoe? might as well buy and crash an airplane, same waste of money but more fun.
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For all you guys' posting about body counts I haven't run into any issues yet.
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Gays don't usually keep count.
Excel couldn't handle the amount of entries anyway.
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what's your body count? :3
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8 by the strictest definition. I can still find a good and trad spouse!
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disgusting whore
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It's a more respectable number if you don't count my abusers ywy
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imma victim blamer u sound even grosser now damaged goods
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Damage is good actually
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Hm, more people voted for you than me. Weird how many people are wrong, here.
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disgusting whore
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Basically virgin in 2023 and since you are gay than you are true virgin
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What's your body count?

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!tops !bottoms
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That's not very likely, considering rDrama's demographics
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cis amab dramatards:
also cis amab dramatards:
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Who are you quoting??
Leo Frank was innocent
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If there no ring on your finger then you ain't settled
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Don't make me say it
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Dogs don't count?
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The big ones count because they're hard to pin down. You can just pick up the smaller dogs as if they were an angry fleshlight (they are)
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This makes sense
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I hate when people say this stupid new meme phrase. Also yeah that makes perfect sense already. Men don't want to date whores. This is somehow shocking to the redditor
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Jesus I hate redditors who bring this shit up. Its extremely rare and boils down to "my husband wont frick me because of an neurodivergent mental categorization of his own creation." Its the most dunning kruger point to bring up and they can't even bring it up correctly.
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Love did exist in the forties/fifties/sixties when housewives and SAH moms w/ working husbands were the most popular format of het relationships in the US (and so did slutty secretaries and hookers and single socialites w/ which their husbands had their extramarital sexual forays). There is a stark difference between the two types of women, and body count has nothing to do with it. It's the way u present yourself as a woman to men and your PERSONALITY that distinguishes the two (ie the women men want to frick vs the women men want to love/have children with). That's literally all there is to it. If you can't demonstrate value to a man outside of s*x, you are simply not marriage material. While its true that some men will date/marry either “type” of woman, most will not. I say this as a foid, I would know
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(Wo)Men enjoy casual s*x too, do you want to go back to the fifties or are you just afraid of (fe)male sexuality.
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as a s*x-haver and attentionmaxxer, I am definitely not averse to casual s*x nor am I afraid of my own feminine
sexuality. That said, I have casual s*x with men I would never date (ie too boring, we only have sexual chemistry, wld not add value to my life as a partner, etc.) and have relationships with men that I would (ie good personality, I see longevity in them, we have emotional chemistry, etc.). This is the same for men in that what distinguishes the two is literally only how they present themselves to me. 
I would not date a foidmoid slut
that is only looking for casual relationships in the same sense that a man would likely not date an OF geisha
who sells her body online. It is that simple. 
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It's over for betabux personalitycels lmao
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Snapshots: (click to archive)
There's a difference, I think. Men fantasize, hookup and masturbate about these whores, but they would never be exclusive or date these types of women seriously. The majority of men want their women to be more on the reserved side, while also being “their whore” only when it comes to the bedroom: (click to archive)
So guys want to frick girls who frick everyone, but want to date girls who don't frick everyone, but frick like they frick everyone?
Make this make sense.: (click to archive)
Interesting, but then why do they want women to look like these “whores” if they would never date or marry them?: (click to archive)
Who hates whores, they make the world go around. If someone is so concerned with their partners purity needs therapy.: (click to archive)
This thread just made me hate men. You guys are hypocrites and losers: (click to archive)
Why do women love stories where the woman cheats on her boyfriend/fiance but hate cheating themselves? The notebook, Titanic: (click to archive)
hugbox: (click to archive)
OF and web cam model here, when I first started it amazed me how many men would criticize Onlyfans and adult site streamers publicly , only to be on my DMS asking for freebies. Bunch of hypocrites.: (click to archive)
The Madonna/Whore complex remains sadly true for many guys. Women are either s*x toys or saintly wives you choose to have your children. They lust after the women they would never have a relationship with openly because they view s*x (especially the type of s*x they are interested in) as fundamentally degrading to a woman. At the same time they find it hard to maintain romantic relationships because they expect the wife/girlfriend to be perfectly angelic and pure. Even if she is a virgin he might get annoyed if she becomes too sexually demanding. S*x and love are split for these men and no one woman can ever really receive both because of their weird view of s*x and love as being incompatible.: (click to archive)
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Lmao why is this marsey so funny.
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will somebody PLEASE make a higher res edit of this
Leo Frank was innocent
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'every man would frick a pornstar'
A very broad claim
There are ugly pornstars
Is said pornstar sexually transmitted diseases free
What's the catch
And etc.
But no, I see much larger percentage of men agreeing to astronomically impossible chance of banging a hot actress, singer, media personality or an athlete
But not a pornstar
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If men could choice to bang pornstars or anime girls most would pick anime girls
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Here is a woman overthinking things herself. In an unpatriarchal world, women would quickly be enslaved and r*ped by any man who wanted to do so. The Patriarchy is what held all of this back. The Patriarchy is about structure. Boundaries. Consequences for those who cause disorder. The Matriarchy is about melting down all of your weapons, letting people enjooy
things, and waiting for someone who kept their weapons to carry you off.
On average, men are infinitely stronger than women. Misandrists still haven't solved that problem, short of these power fantasies in which men just sort of agree to let them do whatever they want.
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I'm hoping the pendulum continues swinging far enough that all feminists become hardcore gun nuts, a la Black Panthers
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this, but instead of ukrainian nazis it's armed wamen in kitty hats

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I think the coming 'solution' is technology being used to close the physical gap between men and women.
Technology has already given women an advantage in employment vs men. It lets them have their independent fantasies and silly little 'movements'. Why not the physical gap too?
Which is why it's so depressing how men are the main ones obsessed with technology, inventing, pushing it onwards etc. It feels like we're digging our own graves.
Contemporary liberalism-technology (they are inseparable imo) have devalued men's labour and position, but men's preferred work pushes it even further along.
Fiscally Left
Socially Right
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Lmao this b-word is admitting that feminism is causing the incel crisis.
TwoX does a little eugenics
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Holy based, I kneel at this eugenics feminazi stacy
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What's a bard/warrior complex, are neighbors multi classing now
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You dont magically become more attractive by being promiscous and you don't magically become better at s*x by having a lot of partners. If you're so r-slurred that you actually need to "practice" s*x instead of just having a brain and figuring out what dudes like you can do it with the same person lmao
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100% this foid is trying to do the "play dumb and ask questions to make them talk themselves into a corner" but isn't good enough to pull that off
Even if this was true, they absolutely do shame men for their sexual history, it's just for not having one.
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She's starting to understand
We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!
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Do women think that the only way you get good at s*x is by having sloppy first times with a hundred dudes?
The people the best at s*x are the ones with a single steady partner who they try stuff with and can have 10+ times a month. Not the ones getting a drunk hookup every other week
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I hate fat foids
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And women do? Like lol lmao this is pure
projection because the reality is the opposite of that and these b-words deep down know it
Leo Frank was innocent
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every word in this sentence disgusts me
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