Men don't make sense. It's ridiculous. I don't even think men really like women.
Many women do similar things. Flings with guys they know aren't good for them, but settle down with a man who is marriage and father material.
Ok… this isn't talking about women
least fragile reddit foid
this smells like
Your looks aren't determined by your sexual activity.
Pornstars either have naturally good bodies or have worked on them, usually a combination of both. And that work is usually eating right and working out, you don't get more attractive by being fricked.
Men want to be reserved with their partner in public and get wild in the bedroom. When I'm in a bedroom mood, I may think about watching porn. When I'm not, I'm fantasising about the cute girl I saw in a bookshop or I see a young couple with a kid and I'm daydreaming about when I'm a father and husband.
OP And most men want women with good bodies, so I believe you guys do like the look of pornstars.
100% a fattie
Women also desire guys with good bodies. Porn didn't invent that.
Make a post about it. I'm talking about men.
absolutely seething
totally not a therapist is search of clients
This thread just made me hate men. You guys are hypocrites and losers
this thread is why i laugh at the male suicide rate
house edgy member
You are a psycho
of course you're not gonna say this to the males being objectifying, misogynistic degenerates in these comments. i've read comments from males IN THIS THREAD saying that "whores need to know their place in the world" and "should learn to drop to their knees if a man says so" so yeah i'll continue laughing my pyscho butt off
Go outside and get help. You're hurt.
OP Stating an opinion means she needs help and she's hurt? Who hurt her since you know.
OP quickly jumping to the defense of her fellow hoes
OP Make a post about that if it upsets you. This is a different topic.
after not receiving an echo chamber response, the fat foid runs to the twoX hugbox
I never understood this myself. Having dated OF models and the odd lapdancer in the past, I always just viewed it as "it's their chosen job and deserves the same respect as the any other job because at least they working for their money".
please ladies, just a crumb of coochie
this is just "alpha fux, beta bux" foid edition
Is that American thing? I wouldn't even think about relationship with a woman who were virgin, "pure" or not sexually active.
rent free
isn't that just a commited relationship, aka the majority of relationships?
so all women are whores?
and others.
see more in the thread
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Having fricked more people doesn't mean you're better at s*x, either. Did she forget you can have s*x with one person more than once?
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Or just be good after the second or first time? It's not rocket science
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Most whores I've slept with were dead fish in bed. Other than the few that were genuinely freaks
A true refined women is one that is in a relationship so she can work on her peepee skills without shame. It's really not complicated
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Yeah I'd say many of them don't particularly enjoy s*x, or don't have a healthy relationship with it and see it as something "done to them" instead of something they can participate in. And a few just like having s*x and are good at it (doesn't preclude them being crazy in other ways tho)
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The whores that are good at s*x are, in my experience, the absolute craziest.
The dead fish whore just has no self esteem and have no self confidence. She is female version of a simp
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Yeah literally no man ever wants to frick the town's bicycle because she's good in bed lmao. That's always a massive cope it seems like from Redditors.
Men in that position are far more concerned with just buying her a couple drinks at the bar and getting easy access to puss lol.
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If she was great in bed and good looking, she'd be locked up.
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I think that most people forget that, on either side
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Like many things, good in bed seems to be directly correlated to physical fitness.
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Dating whores gives us the ick
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