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When did we as a society completely stop imposing consequences on women? Was it around the same time it stopped being okay to slap your wives? So many women these days need to be lightly beaten.

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I think it's the mixture of competing ideas together like the classical women needing to be coddled, helped, saved and the modern women being strong, independent, powerful. Then you have moids supporting both ideas simultaneously, doing anything for foids in their never ending quest for a crumb of gussy.

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August are you actually gay?

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Thats why he can accurately analyse the scrote pathology. Because he is not beholden to it.

God i wish i was gay :marseybottom:

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Men need to come together as a social force. The reason this shit happens now is because men don't do anything while women run around screaming like r-slurs about how they need to never face consequences.

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Let's meet at top golf

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I suspect this is impossible. There will always be defectors since the average male is so desperate for kitty

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Also moids :marseyfeminist: are more likely to agree :marseyyesandno: with feminism :marseyhandmaid: than foids :marseyblops2chadcel2: being against it.

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I suspect this is in big social desirability bias by now. Grillers will just say they agree with feminism when they hear the motte of equal rights combined with the "agree with me or else" spiel.

But you are still right. Female suffrage is the moids fault. Antisuffragettes tried to restrict the vote about about it to a women-only election, which would've resulted in the proposal failing.

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Sure thing, I'll be right there

:marseysal: ( :marseygrilling2: )

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We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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start imposing consequences on simps first

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Around the time we gave them the right to vote and drive cars.

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Social media isn't reality

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True but also I talk to women IRL all the time (not because I want to, mind you, but because I'm in academia) and they're just as r-slurred as they are on the internet.

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>30 year old moid posting big mouth reaction gifs replying to young women on reddit

ayo someone check that neighbors hard drive

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Oh no, he might find vulnerable 23 year old foids attractive! Won't somebody think of the children adult women!

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If she's not 25 she can't consent

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its 30 u libertarian

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It's 120. S*x with womyn is inherently libertarianphilic.

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Actually, women's brains aren't fully developed until menopause. Literally libertarianism for this man to be attracted to a woman under 45.

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>they've also not been having s*x because of him. Sure, he's allowed to say no, but if it's no s*x because he wants to "persuade" her that's clearly wrong.

Sounds like shes not totally consenting to being denied s*x... is this r*pe?

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Yikes, you aren't entitled to s*x, incel. Women can say no for any reason

Yikes, withholding s*x is manipulative and abusive, incel. Women are entitled to be satisfied

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What do incels call this kind of r*pe?

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Ahh, I see what's going on here. Historically, this kind of scenario is more common with foids: they start dating a guy, and then want to change him into something else. Then, after they change him, they don't love/respect him anymore. A lot of times they have underlying attachment patterns from childhood, towards unavailable men. Once they get a man to be emotionally available to them, he's not appealing anymore, and all they see is his flaws.

In this case, it's the moid who fell for a hottie in a stripper-adjacent job and he was all AWOOGA AWOOGA when she first started giving him attention. Then, once they have bonded emotionally, he wants her to change. But if she does, the same thing will happen: he will lose interest and get bored, and go looking for a topless maid or something...

The linked reply from the 31-year-old soyboy is actually completely, 100% right, in this case.

The dude started dating a woman who makes a great living doing sexualized work. Now he can't get it up because she does sexualized work. 100% on him, 100% his fault, 0% hers.

If he had started dating someone in a context of shared conservative values about modesty or sexuality or something, and then she decided she wanted to hoe it up, then he might have a valid complaint that she was changing the rules, or something. He would still be wrong for being an anti-s*x loser (s*x is here to stay Christcucks, get over it. Sorry, not sorry). But at least he would have a fair complaint that was breaking the boundaries they started under.

But this is 100.000% insecurity on his part, and 0% on her. He thought she was hot before, but now that he has emotionally bonded, he wants her to change. But once she changes, if she changes, then he'll start looking for hoes again. And then he'll be sad that they are hoes, and want them to wear burkas and stay home, but then he'll get bored of them, and go out looking for a hoe.

There is probably no way to make this relationship work, but if it's ever going to work, he needs to do some work in therapy to learn about himself and what he really wants. Simping for hoes is such a sad and hopeless life, because once the simp lands the hoe, his inner simp comes out, all whiny and needy and insecure. If the hoe tones down her public sexiness, he loses interest. If she keeps it up, he gets more needy and manipulative and infects the whole relationship with patterns of shame.

If you're gonna date hoes, you need to be into the hoe life.

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Impressive. Normally people with such severe developmental disabilities struggle to write much more than a sentence or two. He really has exceded our expectations for the writing portion. Sadly the coherency of his writing, along with his abilities in the social skills and reading portions, are far behind his peers with similar disabilities.

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bro I'm loving your new addy guy. These effortposts are :marseykino: shit

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I bring fire and nothing but

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Actually true, can't turn a hoe into a homemaker.

If it was a sudden career shift during the relationship, absolutely beat some sense into her.

But you can't date a stripper then be surprised when she's a stripper.

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Hoes and strippers can make awesome homemakers, who can make good money, too. More than engineer moids, as seen in this case.

But that can never overcome the insecurity of short/small-peepee/overweight/insecure moids who crave the attention of the small-waisted, big tiddy, perfectly-proportioned hoes, but who then want to immediately cover up and conceal her hotness from the world, the instant she pays them any attention.

It's the classic incel/permanent-adolescent-boy cycle to be AWOOGA attracted to hot naked chicks, then, as soon as they get female attention, to want the foid to become a surrogate mommy who covers up and cuddles and comforts them, and to simultaneously start searching for a new AWOOGA hottie, only to try to turn into a surrogate mommy/therapist/bestie.

Actual chads/studs just want hotties for s*x, and that is actually hot. Real simps and "nice guys" actually want to form a long-term relationship and to grow together as people, which is also attractive. What is gross and creepy is the incels who pretend to want one, in order to manipulate their way into the other.

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Actually spitting

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so true bestie

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No u

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>moid can't get it up for bikini model

:marseylgbtflag3: detected

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>bikini model

>that posts on TwoX

Lets not pretend she's a 7+

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Gotta be at least attractive enough to keep the job

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Probably just a diversity hire.

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Yeah, like how Hooters has to hire one 300-pounder w small titties... :platysarcasm:

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Porn addiction is the most likely answer here.

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So he's technically correct...

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Carp your like 55 stop fooling around grandpa

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carp is in his prime shut the frick up before i have to make you :marseybuff#:

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In his prime for twoX for sure :marseysmug2:

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The Prime of Jean Carpie

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didn't even know bikini barista was a thing. must be some weird california shit.

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No they were bigger like 10 years ago. A chick in lingerie makes you coffee. They're only a big city thing though.

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somehow seems worse than a tittybar but can't put my finger on why

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Mixing s*x and a normal activity is just worse than mixing s*x with the already degenerate and adult coded activity of drinking

If you're going to a sexy business on your way to work or on your lunch break you have a problem

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I guess I also think of coffee shops as an acceptable place to have a business or personal chat and I'd never want a person I know to see me in a place like that

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A titty bar is genuine white trash shit, a lingerie coffee-shop is like the redditification of that.

The first has SOVL, even if it's gross and low-brow.

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The first has SOVL


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every one ive been to is horrible just go to starbucks tbh

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i mean i get it, i guess. it's like hooters but coffee. had just never heard of it before.

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But why?

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Why would someone use partial nudity to bring in customers? IDK dude that's a fricking deep mystery we will never solve.

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Lol we had two or three in my town of less than 50k pop

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I had to look it up, apparently it started as a Seattle thing, probably still mostly on the west coast tbh

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>I can save her

The cuck and the ☕ deserve each other

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It's one of those scenarios where a murder-suicide would be a net gain for everybody else.

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The only thing I'm mad about is women who oppose domestic abuse. I have nothing against them having an OnlyFans account, dressing like a whore, and fricking guys who are not me, but I'm very upset that I'm no longer allowed to give women a proper beating when I'm stressed.

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Anyone who has been to the bar with their bros knows what any remotely attractive bartender deals with. I imagine it's just as bad at bikini barista places (I'm classier than that so I wouldn't know)

If you care about your loved one you obviously don't want non stop bros hitting on your girl.

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I'm of two minds about this. (Not the s*x worker adjacent part thats already a deal breaker)

If my foid is getting hit on by gross dudes all day as a normal bartender, I may assume she has developed some sort of resistance, an immunity, and probably will not fall for their tricks.

On the other hand you have a quiet mousey conservative girl who doesn't party much. I think I'd be more insecure about what she'd do in the event of some PUA putting the moves on her in the rare event she's out with the girls or whatever because it's a wildcard, nothing is proven

Probably ideally you want some happy medium where she's kinda used to it but doesn't field dudes for a living

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Carp how old are you


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He won't answer. You have to ask like this:

Carp, how old are you bb?


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Late 20s, but two decades of heavy drinking and smoking makes him look like he's in his 40s.

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!dramatards please laugh at my joke, I implied Carp has been drinking and smoking since no older than 9.

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Real "clap, please" energy.


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Jeb is fricking :marseyme:

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I look youngish for my age :marseypretty:

If it weren't for the grey hairs i could pass for 25.


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bikini barista?? they made hooters starbucks????

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Trans lives matter


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God s*x bots are going to devastated womens value.

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Keep in mind the people who are actually considered pick mes by foids are women saying “maybe we shouldnt tell teenagers we want to castrate them”

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