The before and after:
$100k+ spent on treatments, AMA.
I began treating my acne scars in 2018. Had 10 rounds of blunt cannula subcision, all with either diluted sculptra or radiesse in the same session. Other fillers too...juvederm, restylane skinboosters...Had mass punch excision (12-14 atrophic scars on each side). Had 10 RF Microneedling sessions (7 Cutera Secret PRO & 3 INFINI RF Microneedling), Had 2 eCO2 and 7 eCO2 with secret pro, 5-7 TCA crosses with 70-90% strength, a phenol cross with fractionated erbium and subcision with Dr.Rullan in San Diego. And then the full 2 day phenol peel with Dr.Rullan in San Diego last December.
I also did a TON of microneedling and dermarolling at home for microswelling effects (like consistently, for over 2 years). Hate to say it but a lot of the after photos I am seeing in this community, 95% can be attributed to microswelling or photos taken in not the same lighting. A lot of it is the former - microswelling. Microswelling is great for self-confidence but we should be more real about it.
Acne scars are notoriously difficult to treat but it shouldn't be a shock to any of us. The collagen and fat is literally destroyed underneath our skin as a result of the inflammation our skin endured. I am ever hopeful though, my wallet can tell you that much. I even have a second 2-day phenol booked in August with Dr.Rullan. But please be willing to be more critical.
And there is no shame in some good ol microswelling, but let's calll a spade for a spade, shall we?
I am hopeful that tropoelastin will come out eventually...that microcoring may prove fuitful....something has to be done. It is long overdue.
You can read my threads here - I've painstakingly documented a lot of my acne scar journey.
Edit: how was I able to afford all of these treatments?
Answer: I saved. But my earlier treatments, my mom paid for. See, my mom has amazing skin. No joke. Like glowing. Poreless. She takes care of it too, has all her life. People tell her they want her skin. When I had cystic acne, she never took me to a dermatologist. Not once. When I first got scarring, she would tell me I just had large pores. Then she told me my scars would go away. It was a lot of psychological damage. But my whole family is like that. They all have amazing skin, and when i talk about my scars, they tell me I don't have scars. Which is crazy. Everyone on this thread sees them, I see them, ffs. Telling someone they don't have something when they do, that is so damaging.
When I finally did my own research, I realized scars were not going away (no duh right lol. But I had believed my mom because she's my mom). My mom later admitted to “not wanting to hurt my feelings” and not wanting to take me to a dermatologist because she didn't want them to give me medication. But honestly. I can't even blame her. I wish i took more accountability when i had cystic acne.
Anyway, she paid for the first bit of my treatments. The rest I have used my own money from work. This is also 100k spent over 5 years, not all at once.
Things i've learned in the past 5 years of acne scar treatments:
1. Microswelling is an amazing yet tortuous by effect of almost all of our acne scar procedures. You can save yourself the hassle of spending thousands on an ineffective laser by simply buying a good quality 0.5-1.0 mm dermaroller and doing a few sessions at home, microswelling voila! without the fat melting.
2. Do not spend your money on providers who do not specialize in acne scarring - you will regret it. There is a huge chance of creating new scarring from the hands of a provider who does not know how to treat acne scars.
3. Your scars will likely change shape throughout your treatments.
4. Also stay optimistic. Optimism is key. Be relentless in seeking improvement because it is possible but also try to be methodological in order to minimize error and saving money in the long run.
Before any treatments (um besides like 8 ematrix laser treatments ha ha ha)
Left: last year. Right: a fewm onths after my first phenol. Notice the same harsh lighting.
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Dad: I want my daughter to be strong, sharp, independent, and safe.
Mom: I will make her life as needlessly difficult as possible and gaslamp her until she becomes mentally ill.
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It's a fine line to walk. If the mom says anything the kid could be posting on raised by narcissists in a decade on how their almond mom forced them to eat healthy food and go to the doctor.
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Mom did nothing
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Acne medication is some of the most dangerous
shit you can possibly take, up there
with chemo. There
are literally
lawyers who specialize in suing various acne medication companies for horrific side effects like making your teeth
rot, birth defects, and death
due to drug interactions.
Mom did nothing
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Now apply this logic to
s and watch you catch a ban plus suspension
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This is what body dysmorphia does to people.
100% chance she would have a happy long term relationship either way. Straight men would barely even notice.
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Everything but obesity disappears once you know a person.
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That's because obesity is a personal moral failing.
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Moral and intellectual failing. To be obese you also must be stupid.
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Like late in life virginity
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You lol
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Even that.
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Is this a parody account?
Why is she posting these photos of herself getting owned?
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Eewwww wtf is that

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Chemical mask, peels the skin off.
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I think the idea is it peels off so deep it takes the scarified skin with it.
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If your whole face is scars none of it is
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That's why I'm the most handsome motherlover on this site.
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Yeah but you can't just remove your dermis, like it doesn't come off and doesn't regenerate either which is why scars even exist... Don't these people get told this by derms or are they just going straight into aesthetics clinics like I suspect?
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Do foids really?
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All the time. I just use a scrubby and gently buff the dead skin off my face in the shower. And I'll be darned the dead skin is gone off my face after washing it, no chemical burning needed.
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It also fricks your skin up in the long run. Cells can only duplicate themselves so many times before they deteriorate more and more
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Like a cassette?
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Ive never washed my face
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Indian foid, they're pretty common
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The frick
Is this gore
My skin hurts looking at this
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Jesus Christ what the frick
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That beak, fricking groce
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I spent $700 lasering my pubes off and that felt extravagant.
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About 5 years ago I almost lost a bet that'd make me get my pubes lasered off in the shape of the TF2 logo
Thankfully I never fail to frag
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What was the other side of the bet?
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use exclusively apple phones/(on person) devices for a decade
dude's a hardcore FOSS shill & still seethes when I bring it up, though his time's almost up. bet was in 2016
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Imagine this but with less razor burn
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Somebody please help me budget this my family is dying:
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POV you just opened King Tut's sarcophagus
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lmao i thought you were memeing about the meme taiwanese entertainer
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How do people even get acne scars? Are they picking the spots or are the spots getting infected and basically rotting away their face?
Seems pretty disgusting to me. Glad I kept clean as a teenager.
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It's 95% genetics apart from the 5% gross f*cks who don't wash.
Little Stacey who produces 10L of skin oil per minute isn't going to be saved by washing her face extra hard at night.
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if you're the unluckiest ladygarden in the world, you can get congenital cystic acne, which is like pimples that have a bunch of shit going on underneath the skin. These can cause scars because they're basically mini wounds that heal. My mother had it as a teenager and she has scarring as a senior citizen
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It's just a result of having really bad acne over a long period of time. Washing doesn't save you
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I think these are something you can't get rid of. Natalie Nunn has them and she's had all kinds of work but her bad acne skin remains. That really sucks. That's something that you get while young and it never goes away. I knew someone with bad acne like that.
Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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I got cystic acne out of nowhere last December and immediately got accutane. Fixed all my issues and I only had to take it two months.
it's borderline child abuse not to get your kid the appropriate medical treatment for this imo. Sucked so hard to leave the house for a few months when it started.
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I assume scars happen after continual acne breakouts, so if you act quickly you should be fine. I feel for any kid with acne problems. From what I can tell, if you wear heavy makeup on top of it you make it worse especially if you don't wash your face at night. I've always been obsessed with washing my face before bed because I feel nasty and can't sleep. My sis can sleep with her makeup on and her skin is fine though. Lucky b-word lol
Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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Its both number and severity. You can get a single small scar from aparticularly bad zit but it seems to go away over time and almost no one will notice it. The people who get the patchwork cheeks tend to have tons of untreated acne over a longer time.
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Yeah that always confused me some people refuse to take it but it's cheap and has no side effects???
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Idk can't accutane make you want to
? I would be nervous putting my kid on it but I'd consider it.
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Toasterfrickers strike again, however she could've spent $100k over 5 years on whore tier makeup with the same result.
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I came across a community where Asian chicks would rave about a special butter knife that they would use to spread make up on their face? Like they were actual toast.
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"The whiter the bread, the quicker you're dead." - Ben Franklin.
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As long as you can get a good starter from her
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Has this foid never heard of a skin graft? There will still be some scarring but would probably be closer to 5k and have far better results
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Where should she get skin from that won't grow body hair on her face
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What? I'm actually half tempted to look up a graft presentation and send it to you given how r-slurred this comment is.
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Buddy you don't need to be a fricking peepee about it. We're not all make-believe doctors here.
If you're grafting skin from another location, would it not continue growing hair like it did in it's original location? So taking skin from your arm would result in a peachfuzz constantly growing in the grafted location, wouldn't it?
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Her ballsack
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Back of the neck?
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Here's to the next 100k getting grifted off her
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Just get a guy that needs glasses and tell him that you'll dump them if he wears them, problem solved.
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Is this dramatic or just sad?
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in b4 "i can fix her"
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Gary just posted how he could
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Fact: Acne scars are from you popping your acne; acne is not supposed to leave scars.
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I'm pretty sure cystic acne is a whole nother animal and it leaves scars bc it destroys the collagen. Luckily I treated mine early but I don't think it's always bc of messing with your face.
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Googling cystic acne brings up a whole list of close up acne popping videos.
Fricking gross. Why do these exist?
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Idk I always left my face alone
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It kinda looks worse. Astaghfirullah.
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She should be proud of herself. It takes a talent to have such shit genetics
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Imagine being so insecure that you spend 100k on something 99% of men don't care about
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There's like 1 or 2 scars gone.
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Why doesn't she shave the hair off her face?
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That's kinda sad.
Also LOL.
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Why would her parents not just put her on Accutane when the acne was really bad? All this could have been avoided.
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grocery store turkey maxxing
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Snapshots: (click to archive) (click to archive)
Before any treatments (um besides like 8 ematrix laser treatments ha ha ha): (click to archive)
Left: last year. Right: a fewm onths after my first phenol. Notice the same harsh lighting. : (click to archive)
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