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We can't even have a women's(male) conference :marseyfoidretard:


I'm so annoyed. I am at the Anitab.org's Grace Hopper event, which is the largest gathering of women/non-binary technologiats in the world. When you filled out the form, you had to list that you were a woman or non-binary to attend.

During the opening ceremony, the chief diversity officer, who was not scheduled to speak, got on the stage to advise us that spots for women were taken by men who marked themselves as women/non-binary who then used pronouns "he/him" to officially register. He advised us that these cisgender men took the spots of women and non-binary people who had tried to register.

There are more men here than there are supposed to be. One guy had his mother come and try to register with us. They are taking opportunities that were set aside for us, including the onsite interviews and meeting with top professionals and companies around the world. The chief diversity officer announced that they stole those spots unfairly. Great for him to speak up, but it's bullshit that this happened. Cisgender men do not need more opportunities in tech. They are the majority. We need those spots. Underserved people and communities need those spots.

Edit: I didn't want this to become a non-binary, trans, or post against people who truly were invited to this event. It is about the large number of, statistically speaking, most likely cismen taking spots of underrepresented women in technology, our trans-sisters, and the truly non-binary.

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>and the truly non-binary.

I would sincerely love to know what she meant by this.


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Ugly white women with r-slurred sense of fashion.

That's the true enby.

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@Grue how would you prove your truly enby

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Frick if I know. In my experience it's a matter of knowing yourself and your own truth, and whether other people believe you or not is outside of it.

If I really wanted to try to make someone believe I am non-binary, in person, it'd have to be someone I have a relationship with already and then have a conversation about what non-binary means to me. But all I'd have is words and the good faith of who I'm talking to.

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They're getting woke in the enby question, run grue before they catch you.

>It's one complaint I have with a lot of NB people honestly. Even in trans spaces NB people expect to get their own exclusive groups, but to then be included in all groups that are for either trans men or trans women. They will get so mad at just the suggestion of a binary trans man or binary trans woman exclusive space. Even the irl support groups in my city are divided into NB only, trans men and NB, and trans women and NB.

>I really don't get it, it's not evil or exclusionary to have a womens or mens group and not allow non-binary people in. Non-binary people can have non-binary only groups. Women can have women only groups.


>I'm part of a women's subgroup in the hobby I participate in. A while back, an AFAB enby tried joining, but was told (not by me), sorry, we are a women's only group. That caused a huge stink, but the group held firm.

>I know other women were pissed and left the group, but I'm like, "Can't we have a space for just us women?" For what it's worth, there's a significant LGBT+ subgroup as well.


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Enby only spaces sounds a lil silly to me, but so does exclusively binary trans spaces. Like, would they exclude a gender-fluid? A she-it transwoman? No pronouns people on HRT?

But these questions are entirely academic because I built my own communities and they center more on the philosophical argument against sanity than anything. And I'm not going to be welcomed into any progressive spaces anyway.

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The cis-het men they are talking about


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:marseytunaktunak::marseychingchong: it's actually these two

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Like holy frick guys read the room

If women are a minority at this event, maybe she should read the room.

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"We don't want you here, but we're phrasing it differently so we can't get in trouble for violating your civil rights"

Where have I heard that before?

What's really funny about this issue is that it's basically a guy saying "we're completely dropping racial politics from our platform because people don't care about that any longer" and redditors (derogatory) still quote it as being about how economics is racial politics.

Edit: :#marseybreadcrumbing:


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Lol, that event is genius in how it played out. Now they are all arguing about how to identify impostors and if that is ok or not

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>tell people they can identify as whatever

>create exclusive space for an identity

>people identify as that identity for access

>why would the patriarchy do this :derpwhy:

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Comment section is a goldmine of libtoids ripping each other apart

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Why weren't those men named, shamed and then told to leave? The event was clearly not for them. They shouldn't have been allowed to get away with that bullshit.

Cause they don't know WHO they are. All they have is a disproportional amount of AMAB Trans People, so that they figured there must be abuse. But they cannot prove any particular person is lying

All the comments are saying you can't kick the scrotes out because they might be people of gender. TERFs had it right all along :marseydepressed:

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What are they gonna do? A genital inspection? These "people" are so regressive in their mindset. If George Floyd were still alive they'd want to name and shame him too if he attempted to go to this event. Grace Hopper is probably rolling in her grave when terfs and chuds like this are using her name in such a discriminatory light.


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Equating genitals with s*x? Sounds like you need some feminine peepee in your life:marseypass::marseychudstamp:

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Wasn't Grace Hopper unironically chuddy?

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She was a real scientist so....


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TERFs only issue is they don't have any possible path to power which tragically is the only issue that matters.

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Everything that was dismissed as bad faith critique turned out to be real issues, if only someone warned us.

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I :marseyloveyou: :!marseytrain:s so much for opening this portal to the chaos realm


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LOL still cucking to the trains in that edit

fricking deserve it


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gathering of women/non-binary technologiats

chief diversity officer

He advised us


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(Dude here)

First, I am so sorry that guys feel so entitled to do this. It's stupid and accomplishes nothing other than painting the guys as stupid as they are.


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we cant even have a mens conference

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This is like the 4th thread on this

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The people love seeing white women reap the consequences of their actions. :marseyshrug:

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Here are the proposed solution

Written affidavit

>What if you required legal affirmation of one's womanhood? Like, sign a paper saying that you are what you say you are, with civil or legal penalties for falsifying it? Difficult to enforce, but it'd enough of a barrier to cut down on predators acting on a whim.


Give up

>Realistically though, dont we just have to take everyone's word for it? There are bad actors, but also male presenting NB people. I dont see a solution without just making it "Women only" not "Women and Nonbinary

>Those saying you should just ice out any cis men you encounter... thats not exactly how it works. There are cis men legitimately at the conference working the booths and doing interviews/hiring. The badges don't always distinguish your role. I don't have a great idea for a solution, but men should definitely NOT be doing this!



Have to pass

>Yeah I'm with you and I AM a trans woman. Most trans women know when they are early in their journey they still look obviously male and will respect that most women's spaces aren't for them yet. I know a lot of baby trans women can find this unfair but that's just part of being trans, tons of things aren't fair. Once I was further in my transition and consistently read as a cis woman then I would go in women's spaces. A lot of this "you don't need to transition to be a woman/man" in the trans community makes 0 sense to me.


Vigilante Blacklisting

>Make a list, start circulating it. Just like unions have scab lists. Also, it'll be useful to verify so you don't accidentally misgender a trans or non-binary person who just doesn't pass yet.


Make your own conference

>I don't get it, why don't they just go to a different conference? It's not like there are no other options


Nazi Gemany

>By showing ID


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B-word bye πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ what's cringe is you stereotyping everyone on the planet who smokes weed. The only person here who's awkward, boring, lame and living in a haze here is you buddy. As someone who smokes weed everyday, I love doing things while smoking weed. Whether it be hiking, yoga, working out, studying or reading a book. On top of all of that, I have my own business and I'm getting a degree in Kinesiology. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ also, getting realizations are fun. Maybe you should smoke some weed one day so you can realize how you're projecting your own cringe personality on the rest of your pothead β€œfriends.”



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