89wcth/thh 1yr ago#5082789
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Sounds to me like you just can't handle your bottle.
I'm 20, I've had my fair share of blacking out. All I had was a double vodka coke and a single vodka and redbull.
The paramedics were joking around apparently saying I was just very drunk. It's no where near my first time drinking and a few vodkas would not have me how I was.
And all I had was a double vodka coke and a single vodka redbull (which I don't even think I finished).
I probably should had seen it coming but I didnt. I've spent the whole day in shock unsure of how to move forward. I've always struggled mentally and now to have this I don't know what to do, I don't really know anything about BPD either. I feel lost
Claims to have Trigeminal Neuralgia. !chuds is this the new fake disease for crazy white women?
Reminder that of the 4,924 cases of “spiking” reported to the police in the UK in 2022, only 24 (0.4%) were forensically confirmed, and all of these were MDMA or cocaine. An NIH Study of a similar size also corroborates that not a single case of spiking involved sedatives like rohypnol.
All of this endless hysteria over something that has never been confirmed to have happened even once.
Biden didn't send a mob at the capitol to disrupt the peaceful transition of power
dramaqueen 1yr ago#5083411
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I ordered "tire cleaner" from the UK once that was just pure GHB, the 'date r*pe' drug. Wasn't my favorite as it has a really strong chemical-esque taste and knocks you the frick out. I had insomnia from other drug withdrawals so I took it to sleep, worked great for that and no hangover like alcohol.
It was YUGE in the UK party scene in the 80s and 90s. Beer had gone up in price so punks, ravers and other degens switched to GHB because 1 tsp was like you'd been drinking all day
Hoss 1yr ago#5083766
Edited 1yr ago
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Rohyphnol (flunitrazepam) is a diazepine so basically by having the biggest benzo tolerance known to man. The only one that gets close is clonazolam ime but I've never gotten real hands on with flunitrazepam, missed my chance. But I've seen God's strongest bartards take a roofie and go out to eat and shit for fun lol
im not homophobic i wear rick owens
1yr ago#5083126
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alright imma hit yall wit my boozer origin story
when i was like 10 my mom mixed vodka (i think) with a soda then poured the rest of the soda into a cup for me. she ended up mixing up the drinks and leaving me with the drink. i dont remember anything past that point but apparently she found me facedown with half the drink spilled all over my bedroom floor. i remember feeling like shit and her giving me water laughing her butt off tho. up until this point i only had had a beer but didnt feel anything because i only took a few sips
When I was really little my dad would drink 2 or so tall boys a day but never finished them and me being American assumes they were soda so I was drinking nearly a full 24oz of beer a day till my mom divorced him
My first time was mixing up coke for coors at around 6 or 7. It was a hot day on the beach and I was thirsty so even though I thought it tasted bad, just drank the entire can. Had a few more and was found asleep on the floor of the hotel room
I was pretty bummed because i missed out on jet skiing. I also get sent the photo taken of me passed out drunk on the floor a couple times per year from my dad.
Just stick your finger in your kitty you coward.
1yr ago#5083698
spent 110 currency on pings
I understand why youre asking, honestly hands down all I had was a double vodka and a single vodka. I've been black out drunk before and it was nothing like this for me personally. The paramedics were joking around apparently saying I was just very drunk. It's no where near my first time drinking and a few vodkas would not have me how I was. According to my friend I was completely limp, I wouldn't unclench my jaw and my eyes kept rolling into the back of my head and same as your friend I couldn't walk or even hold my head up.
Lmao drunk
Defintely reach out to the club and police.
Why do people spike others? I mean you clearly had friends around you, so what would other gain from it? Just curious
!nooticers I've noooticed that many cases of alleged spiking suffer from this. WHy waste ur drugs if you don't have access to the foid? Why not just offer her drugs?
some people are awful human beings sadly
Generic doomerism passed off as content
!biofoids how often do foids try to pass off getting smashed as getting drugged among yourselves?
honestly hands down all I had was a double vodka and a single vodka
Correction: all she remembers having. The thing about blackout is that it wipes out about half an hour to an hour of memory before you drink enough to blackout.
1yr ago#5082829
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All my girlfriends left me in the middle of the road it was only my male friend who took me to his house cleaned me and took care of me. The next morning we reported it but nothing was done.
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that whole thread is dumb
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Is it a !moidmoment if it's aimed at ftms?
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is the one posting the comment a moid?
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Yes. Trans men are men.
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If it doesn't have a scrote, it's a foid
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Posts in /r/suicidewatch, /r/ftm, /r/chronicpain, /r/bipolar, /r/anxiety and on and on and on
Claims to have Trigeminal Neuralgia. !chuds is this the new fake disease for crazy white women?
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Facial neuralgia has been a go to malady for junkies trying to score from doctors since William Burroughs was a young man.
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huh, i wonder what happened there
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new rule of the internet, if a chronic disease exists then there will be munchie white women doctor shopping for a diagnosis
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Reminder that of the 4,924 cases of “spiking” reported to the police in the UK in 2022, only 24 (0.4%) were forensically confirmed, and all of these were MDMA or cocaine. An NIH Study of a similar size also corroborates that not a single case of spiking involved sedatives like rohypnol.
All of this endless hysteria over something that has never been confirmed to have happened even once.
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there was this guy on reddit who used rooofies recreationally i wish i could find it
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Im a recreational roofie user myself
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King shit, dudes rock
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I ordered "tire cleaner" from the UK once that was just pure GHB, the 'date r*pe' drug. Wasn't my favorite as it has a really strong chemical-esque taste and knocks you the frick out. I had insomnia from other drug withdrawals so I took it to sleep, worked great for that and no hangover like alcohol.
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This was nearly 8 years ago and I was drugging myself into oblivion each night so I have no fricking clue my guy.
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L drug use
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It was YUGE in the UK party scene in the 80s and 90s. Beer had gone up in price so punks, ravers and other degens switched to GHB because 1 tsp was like you'd been drinking all day
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How does that work?
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Rohyphnol (flunitrazepam) is a diazepine so basically by having the biggest benzo tolerance known to man. The only one that gets close
is clonazolam ime but I've never
gotten real hands
on with flunitrazepam, missed my chance. But I've seen God's strongest bartards take a roofie and go out to eat and shit for fun lol
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its a drug so ppl take it to get high
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You love to see it
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Yeah, you definitely got spiked by some stranger for no reason and it wasn't something boring like low blood sugar.
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alright imma hit yall wit my boozer origin story
when i was like 10 my mom mixed vodka (i think) with a soda then poured the rest of the soda into a cup for me. she ended up mixing up the drinks and leaving me with the drink. i dont remember anything past that point but apparently she found me facedown with half the drink spilled all over my bedroom floor. i remember feeling like shit and her giving me water laughing her butt off tho. up until this point i only had had a beer but didnt feel anything because i only took a few sips
!boozers discuss
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When I was really
my dad would
2 or so tall boys a day but never
them and me being American
assumes they were soda so I was drinking
nearly a full 24oz of beer a day till my mom divorced him
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what the frick. Why didn't he just order short
boys if he was gonna
out halfway through?
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beer is soda tbh
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Based alcoholic mom.
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i love her so much
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On my 21st bday i had a Long Island ice tea and couldn't feel my face. Immediately wanted to vomit after having it.
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That's a lot of liquor tbh
Are you a teetotaler now or what
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Nah, I actually kind of like LIITs lol
I had legitimately not drunk measurable alcohol before my 21st, I'm too much of an
But i did vomit from drinking for the first time when that Wagner Group thing happened. Haven't had more than like two drinks a night since then lol.
I've been making bomb old fashions with the season.
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Holy shit you weren't kidding
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I finally made more simple syrup and bought real luxardo cherries.
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Baptism by fire. That's 4 shots in one, lmao.
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Yeah I don't think bro held back the booze either, he knew it was my 21st lmao.
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My first time was mixing up coke for coors at around 6 or 7. It was a hot day on the beach and I was thirsty so even though I thought it tasted bad, just drank the entire can. Had a few more and was found asleep on the floor of the hotel room
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Tbh that is the best way to end a day at the beach at any age
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I was pretty bummed because i missed out on jet skiing. I also get sent the photo taken of me passed out drunk on the floor a couple times per year from my dad.
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Coors doesn't taste bad though, frick off with that beer snobbery
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Coors is mid at best. It's what I would drink if offered but I'm not going out of my way to buy it.
I was also a very young child expecting to drink soda. The frick do you think any beer would taste like to a child expecting soda?
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Well you didn't specify your age....
I'm sorry i got aggressive
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Must have been drugged
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Youth is wasted on the young.
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So you asked them to test for roofies since it was within a couple hours right?
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Lmao pooner, cutter, BPD, junkie. No way this is just some cry for attention.
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Lmao drunk
!nooticers I've noooticed that many cases of alleged spiking suffer from this. WHy waste ur drugs if you don't have access to the foid? Why not just offer her drugs?
Generic doomerism passed off as content
!biofoids how often do foids try to pass off getting smashed as getting drugged among yourselves?
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Correction: all she remembers having. The thing about blackout is that it wipes out about half an hour to an hour of memory before you drink enough to blackout.
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I wish my drinks were spiked. It's so unfair being a moid.
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Try going to gay bars?
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I haven't had more than 3 drinks since my early 20s
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Ahhhhhhh, nice catch
I should have been tipped off by the posts on /r/BorderlinePDisorder
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She just didn't eat before
drinking. Many such cases.
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happens to me all the time
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I straight up fainted like 2 months ago cause I didn't eat much before drinking, gotta have those nutrients.
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Uhhhh womanbros?
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This is bullshit - you're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of no longer adding anything useful to the discussion.
archive.ph (click to archive)
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