In the last few weeks a trend emerged on TikTok where women explain how they spend money. But most importantly, they reveal how they make sense out of those expenses, even though some of them don't make sense. Lo and behold: girl math:
It's over for market research-cels. Zoomers will tell you their spending habits unprompted for a bit of internet clout.
What does ‘girl math' look like?
1. Forgoing sales means losing money
Imagine you're at the mall, and you spot a cute handbag at a discounted price. You want this item and it's on sale — not buying it would be stupid, right? This is ‘girl math' and the marketing industry loves it.
Brocels remind me to never share a bank account if I ever marry
2. Skipping daily expenses makes you money
Say you love drinking coffee everyday. Where I live an espresso costs around €0.75 — I know, come to Portugal. If I don't buy coffee one day, that means I've made €0.75 for the day. Quick mafs.
3. Paying with cash is like paying with free money
The cash sitting on your wallet feels like Monopoly money. You don't see any charge in your bank account, you don't see the numbers drop, so it's not as painful.
I've always considered it low IQ behavior. What compels these people to publicly admit to it, and even associate it with your gender?
A Consumer Expenditure Survey by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics found out the following: men spent an average of $41,203 a year as opposed to $38,838 by women. In absolute terms, men do spend more than women.
Foidsisters we are so back, science has saved us once again with cold, hard facts.
However, when we take into account how much each gender earns on average, the story changes. According to the Census Current Population Survey, men earn an average of $76,460, whereas women take home $56,360. In other words, men spend $53.8 out of every $100 they earn, and women $68.9.
This is why fighting for equal wages is evidence based policy. It's basically like quantitative easing.
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I actually agree with this. I hate cash and never carry it and when I have it for some reason I get rid of it as soon as possible. It's usually on gas though.
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You also keep all your money sitting in a savings account rather than investing it. Probably nobody should follow Carpmath with their finances
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Savings accounts are at 5% right now and that is absolutely outperforming my stocks
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Only bc the banks are guaranteed 5% from bonds and they desperately need your deposits. You could get the same return or more without the middle man. Either way, enjoy it until the market crash
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spookieturkeymerrynew yeardonkeyJump in the discussion.
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Yes, why would I take 5.25% in a same as cash account where I can keep my money as liquid as a checking account when I could just lock it into bonds for 12 months and get 5.25%

This is why I only take financial advice from schizos on street corners, their advice is far superior to anything on rdrama
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At least you would be locked in for a year. I doubt your returns in the bank last that long. I'll be surprised if they hold the economy together 12 more months. You are going to be locked in the same way if there are more failed banks
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spookieturkeymerrynew yeardonkeyJump in the discussion.
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I understand that, but to me having a couple hundred k that's as liquid as cash is worth the risk of losing out on 0.5% of my APY for the year. I would say that this tiny risk tradeoff is worth it for the vast, vast majority of people.
You taking a quantifiably worse option to stick it to Chase, which it sounds like is the real reason, is fricking r-slurred. 10 Trillion dollar Blackrock conglomerate doesn't give a shit about the $67 they'll make for the year leveraging your 15k in neetbux, lmao, use their services if they fit your needs better
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As someone who had to deal with the fdic after a bank failed, I would be very wary of having a couple hundred k liquid in one bank. Even if it's technically insured in full by the FDIC, they make it heck to get your entire amount back and it is not quick
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gonna have to agree with the dramatard above you. liquidity makes it worth it. three months ago i had a ton of money in HYSA. but for me it was because im building a house without a construction loan, and wanted to make some quick dough while waiting to complete the draw schedule. already got about 20-25k from just chillin.
would have been nice except the project is already about 250k over budget
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yeah that's what I thought a year ago lmao
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u know u can just withdraw ur moni
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Not when the bank goes under. This happened recently. When it happened to me decades ago, it was a small bank and not national news and the FDIC are ginormous buttholes. They don't just release your money when you have a lot of money even if you are married and have a business and everything should be insured
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spookieturkeymerrynew yeardonkeyJump in the discussion.
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holy shit r u r-slurred? burgers have like 300k$ insured
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In theory. I am telling you in practice they act like they don't owe you anything and it is a ginormous pain in the butt dealing with the government, and that is with one small local bank going under. It's not like “here is your check, we are good guys from the government and follow the rules”
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spookieturkeymerrynew yeardonkeyJump in the discussion.
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umm yes it is? The FDIC will literally take over day to day operations immediately over night.
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Thanks again btw.
Once everything gets settled I'll transfer more over but right now I have 60k moved over to Ally -- 30k in savings, 30k in an 18-month CD.
Didn't realize my Chase savings was only 0.01%, absolutely nuts.
Got scared for a moment that I was going to get a big NSF fee. I kinda expected transferring from chase-checking to chase-savings to be instant, but instead had a Pending Transaction race to see which would clear first, the money into savings or the transfer to Ally.
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check out ufbdirect
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I like cash more. Can't trace me
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Wrong, we trace the skin particles from every note and save them in our anti terror database
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Plus you can't snort a line of blow with a rolled up applepay nfc chip.
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you need at least three of them to do this
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most of my income is cash but I don't keep track of it, I just keep some spending money in my wallet and stash the rest
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Most of my income is in cash but I just leave it in my g-string unless I'm going up invest it.
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The Bible has a lot to say about how we should handle our finances. In Matthew 6:19-21, Jesus says, "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
This verse is a good reminder that we shouldn't be hoarding our money, but rather using it to bless others and further God's kingdom. So, while there's nothing wrong with keeping a little cash on hand, we should be careful not to let it become our treasure.
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Post cash bucket
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so you can report me to the cra? nice try
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Are you a stripper?
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Leaf detected
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I call $100 bills "fun coupons" and take several dozen out with me each day
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Literally the safest investment
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I've almost never used cash since high school. Even back then, I used to give it to my mom to send to my bank account.
The only exception is when I'm on vacation in shitholes that still haven't figured out modern technology, like Germany.
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I needed an ATM in jamaica. That was a whole story including the guide walking me through an elementary school
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Need cash to hide income
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If I withdraw cash I mark it down as already spent, so it's effectively free money after that point.
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Someone handed me change the other day and I had no idea what to do with it. You want me to stick a handful of change in my pocket for what reason? To throw at a homeless person when I'm driving home?
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Maybe you should be in biofoids
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!biofoids I told you I am ideal to lead our ping group. Vote for carp.
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I will never let a pro-life moid lead my ping group. BRING BACK PENNY
Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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A pro-choice moid is a dude whos willing to kill babies just to get a nut. Not the sort of moid anyone should want to associate with
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He's still a moid though. BRING BACK MY BLACK KWEEN PENNY!
Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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Don't spend it on gas, neighbor. Credit cards give out extra cash back for gas. Spend it on booze
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Yeah, I don't carry much cash either. Well, tbh I carry about $500 in emergency money that I don't touch. It's come in handy before. But then I replace it so I don't think I see it as free money.
Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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story time 
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You're not gonna make it bro
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I feel the other way around, paying with card feels like you're not spending anything, but I almost never pay with card.
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This is sort of correct. Not buying a widget for $X is the same, economically-speaking, as already owning that widget and selling it for $X.
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Wow, such a wise aphorism from one of our greatest Founding Fathers!

Lmao stupid whore. Women are r-slurred

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This but unironically
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was the original soyjak 
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Also, absolute travesty that there's no B Frank Marsey
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Generate infinite money for yourself with this one glitch
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Your econ teacher was overemployed
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"and selling it"
Every day that post about how 21% of people are functionally illiterate becomes more relevant.
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it presumably generated non-monetary value for you while you owned it
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What happens after the precondition that makes those two situations completely different is irrelevant.
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Case 1: Buy $product for $100
Result: Wallet=0, products=1
Case 2: Don't buy $product for $100
Result: Wallet=100, products=0
Case 3: Sell $product for $100
Result: Wallet=100, products=0
Cases 2 & 3 are economically equivalent. In both situations, you've decided you value X dollars more highly than Y product.
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Hey windowlicker
Case 2: Don't buy $product for $100
Result: Wallet=100, products=0
Case 4: Perform $service for $100
Result: Wallet=200, products=0
These are the two scenarios that the girlmath talking point is comparing. It is about a feeling of having made money, and therefore now having additional money for other purchases.
A consumer reselling a product does not give you retail value, it is not equivalent to not buying the item, and the relevant scenario does not already presuppose owning said item or an equivalent amount of money
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No, the girlmath scenario is joking about how not buying something is the same as making money, and it is the same if you're considering selling something you own as one of the ways we might make money.
In fact, as you point out, avoiding buying something is better (economically speaking) than selling something, because we'd rarely get full retail value for used items.
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Literally nobody is talking about selling something. The girlmath scenario is not selling anything. It is not directly comparable to any scenario in which they already possess something they desire to sell.
Making money means increasing in money. You do not make money by choosing not to lose money.
You don't have an income because you chose to stand around and do nothing, instead of throwing your money in a fire, which you totally could have done but didn't you money maker you.
You also have a few teachers in your history that need to be fired.
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I'm talking about selling something. Selling things is one way to make money!
You don't think it be like it is but it do.
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I pretty much only spend money on chicken breast and exotic machines from facebook marketplace, like all men do.
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Beans, lentils, and chasing 250hp/liter in every internal combustion engine I own (more than 10.
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That's a good TikTok video (better than the article)
women are simultaneously great at questioning why you buy anything fun so you stop wasting money on dumb hobbies and then you'll go to the mall with a foid and the cashier with say “you can also get 50% off,” and she'll spend way more time in store choosing what other shit she wants, then find out that thing isn't covered by -50%off, only the garbage is, etc
Buy one and get a 2nd 50% is a dumb persons tax because 99% you only need or want one and 50% off sounds better than spending 150% of what you intended. If it was a 2 pack for one with a single 150% price tag most people wouldn't even think to buy it
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The more you spend on dumb hobbies the less you have to spend on pampering her like the rightful queen she is
Foid and trans lives matter.
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This but unironically. All my sugar daddies better be fiscally responsible with one giant glaring exception.
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It's a shame this is being taken seriously. The vidyas I've seen seem to be girls laughing and joking with their hubbies. My grandma would take me shopping, and we'd joke with my grandpa about how much money we saved him with all the sales we didn't pass up. It was a frickin joke. Come on people. Have a darn sense of humor.
Even Henry Resilient who I watch for xqc updates was watching some videos and the girls were laughing. It was obviously a joke and he was sitting around saying "omg they are so serious!" jfc Relax people.
inb4 the incels and KW farmer losers talk about "but much seriousness."
ETA: you see below? All pinkname incels lmao.
Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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Majority of moids and foids find it funny because it's relatable to them doe.
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yeah it's funny for sure cuz there is a hint of truth to it just like all comedy really.
Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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is what you look like right now 
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Same energy as
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total chud defeat
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It's a joke.
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God, thank you. Stupid moids jumping in on a joke and yet they will cry and whine about rdrama falling for bait. God darn people it's so obviously a joke.
Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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"It's le ebin joak"
Girl math might be a joke, but it was invented to justify foids' bad spending
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I think it's less about justification and more self-deprecating millennial/zoomer humour. “Hurr hurr I'm such a mess“ kind of thing
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Moids generally don't practice self-deprecating humor because their ego prevents it. They're terrified of losing face or being the butt of a joke.
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you dumbass incels ever think that the 1950s trad wife you crave so much is financially illiterate? That's kinda one of the things that they struggled with when their husbands died.
Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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She wouldn't be a tradwife if she was smart enough to make it on her own
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Just beat her if she spends too much on bread.
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All I'm saying is there's a reason it took that long for them to do it.
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They were gonna have poor spending habits anyways, "girl math" is just a way to joke about what was already happening.
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over this is insane. Is there gonna be an RDrama post about girl dinner next?
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