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Dramawhore @FrozenChosen has tapped out and blocked me after my brutal written assault on her on rdama.net

R-slurred foid @FrozenChosen has finally blocked me after my brutal assault of words.


Yes, this happened 6 days ago but I've been busy IRL doing shit and also on-line laughing at Aussies on the referendum.

Let's do a deep dive on what I actually said to her that made her tap out.

Offense 1: Calling Out Her Non-Drama

@FrozenChosen made a post here titled "Read this post to instantly feel better about your life." It was a drama-free post but fairly amusing and entertaining, it's just a loser (even by Reddit standards) telling everyone what a loser he is. Good times.

But in this exchange, the demented hole seems to think that it is actually dramatic:

Actually :marseyakshually: feel bad for the foid, med school :marseydylan: is a b-word :marseyarthoe5: especially in the US and it sounds like she was pushed through her childhood by her parents or something which probably set her up to fail from the start. She could have saved lives :marseyblm: and helped society :marseyevilgrin: and now she is a drain on it. Truly sad.

:marseyfoidretard: I honest bet she's like bipolar or smth, something really hard to cope with. I do feel bad for her. Still dramatic tho

:marseygigachad: dramatic, there's literally no drama here

"Dramatic, there's literally no drama here." That's a bridge too far my friends.

Strike 1.

Offense 2: Calling Out Her Stupidity

In a post about why men (males) are invading women's (male) spaces, she opines that she's not like other girls :marseychonkernoticeme: and that men just need a place to get away from women, like men's-only country clubs. Except, that's not the argument about why men's-only country clubs shouldn't exist. I'd call it a simplification of the facts, but it's more like an r-sluration of the facts. Let's look at the exchange.

:marseyfoidretard: Omg it was a big scandal at this super fancy golf club where I grew up. They were forced to admit women/let women play. I'm a feminist/equalist but darn just let the men escape their wives for an afternoon.

:marseygigachad: Like usual, you don't fully understand the situation because you have 4 holes with your brain being the bonus hole. The argument about the country clubs specifically is that many business meetings and deals are made in exclusionary clubs and that this put women at a disadvantage in the business world. This may or may not change your opinion (it doesn't for me) but it's a lot more complicated than "hurr durr getting away from nagging front holes"

Strike 2.

And that's it my friends. I'm out with 2 strikes, the overly-sensitive clitoris with a bonus hole for a brain blocked me for my insanely brutal bants.

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you'd think with all the politisperging we get in place of drama, the hunger for real drama would make people put little more effort into looking for it. instead we're inventing our own nothingburger drama. dramaposters try to find actual drama challenge (impossible). more than that, who the frick even remembers usernames on this site lmao. even past the shallowest of inside jokes it seems like too much effort. the worst is all the simping and groomercord shit, holy frick it's a bunch of zoomer behavior.

total dramaceleb death. kill usernames. behead usernames. roundhouse kick an unfunny feud into the concrete. slam dunk a joke alt into the trash can. crucify filthy groomercord users. launch powerusers in a rocket into the sun, catapult narcissists into an active volcano.

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people try to post actual drama but it gets buried in meta posting, rdrama poweruser/groomercord nonsense, and janny pins. sad

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it'd be nice if the capy just removed the carp entirely because he is directly responsible for about 80% of cancer posts

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