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"Women aren't funny" : TwoXChromosomes




I'm just so tired of the army of men who like to camp the videos of female comedians (especially when the joke relates to their experience with men) just to snarkily comment, "Is this supposed to be funny???"

Yes. It's funny. To women. Maybe not to you, but it's funny and relatable to a lot of women. 49.74% of the world population, to be precise. Men probably aren't even the target audience. But as always, if men don't think it's funny, then it isn't funny, and women who think it's funny have a bad sense of humour.

This never works the other way around though. If a woman doesn't think a misogynistic comedian is funny, it's because she doesn't have a sense of humour and "doesn't understand how jokes work". That female comedian making fun of incels though? It doesn't matter if every woman on the planet thinks she's hilarious. If it offends the delicate sensibilities of some insecure men and they don't think it's funny, then it's not funny. Their sense of humour is never the problem. If men don't laugh, it's because women are not funny. If women don't laugh, it's because women lack a sense of humour.


Women are funny, get over it.

It's MENS fault these shows that don't get watched don't get watched. Why won't they engage in something that's actually not for them, sweatie?

And on this note, I'm really tired of shows starring funny women getting canceled because men. Or alternatively just because they are based around the female / non-cis-male experience. It's a real shame, because of lot of great shows have ended this way.

And it's not like Taylor Swift (music and tours) or Barbie movie have shown that you can have massive success by producing for a female audience. Like it's almost like they still believe we don't have our own money and just sit at home cooking for man all day.

Right, no one markets anything to women. Someone should take advantage of this audience.


I'll die on the hill that the all women Ghostbusters movie was effing hilarious. If it had men playing their parts it would have gone on to sequels, but thanks to the butthole men whining it was bad, they basically erased it from existence and they made a truly shitty movie featuring the original actors and some kids.


Twitter is a shining example of how much funnier women often are, as the hands down most clever tweets I see are predominantly written by women. I've often said I should compile a collective of the best examples, but I rarely engage with the platform anymore. Maybe it's that male-centric humor is often situational and not always overly, uhm, cerebral... to each their own, of course. Like, physical comedy does absolutely nothing for me. But an insightful, well-worded tweet? That's gold.

Right? Comedy shouldn't be funny, it should make you think.

Fake laughing to own moids, and, not die?

Mwn think they're funny cos we fake laugh to shut them up

or so that we don't die

You WILL laugh at my jokes


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>Right? Comedy shouldn't be funny, it should make you think.

The ghost of George Carlin lives on, rest in piss you fricking cute twink

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Now that's important comedy!

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Did he ever say anything bad about blacks or jews? I honestly can't recall a single joke at their expense.

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It's like how South Park has always treated blacks with kid's gloves. Even the provocateurs understand this weird social contract where we're all supposed too treat them like special education children due too them being r-slurred and insanely violent.

Black Buck Broken Trans Lives Matter

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>doing an episode where they drop 35 hard-R's in 28 minutes is "treating blacks with kid gloves"


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Which episode are you talking about? The one where Randy says BIPOC on price is right?

The whole episode ends with Token being a cute twink and Stan saying he can't understand what "it's like" due too being white. That's incredibly woke nonsense.

Going hard on blacks would be dunking on the massive crime they commit, how ugly they are, low IQ, gibs, etc. If South Park dunked on BIPOCs as much they have Jews or Asians their would probably be riots.

Black Buck Broken Trans Lives Matter

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>They said BIPOC a whole buncha times but it's incredibly woke nonsense because uh


You have literal brainworms friendo

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They're from Colorado, they've never seen a black person

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Ofcourse not, he was a standard issue liberal who also was slightly edgy.

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This but unironically.

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Christstrags be seething over Athechads, every such case!

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I'll pray for you

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No u

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There was a solid three months where some niche right wing circle on Twitter was just fricking roasting George Carlin. It was great.



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No wonder "clapter" is so popular with foids and leftoids.

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I wish i hadnt learned this word

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Great post! :marseyclapping:

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nanette is the single greatest work of comedy ever created

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I hate nanette so much it's unreal, but I frequently praise it because it makes so many people angry and/or uncomfortable.

It actually is great comedy if you consider the punchline to be the audience of squirming leftoids wondering if they're allowed to criticize it without being bigots.

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She slayed at the Apollo.

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Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn girl. Is this real. Feels edited.

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He looks just like his daddy :marseykween:

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i miss him so much :marseysulk:

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When I remember that the only man in that video still walking this mortal coil is Adam Egret my bones shake in rage.

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My bone shakes from the vigorous handy he's giving me under the Queensboro bridge

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me too :marseyitsbimothy:

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Comedy should be a sermon. It's about showing your devotion by pretending not to hate every moment.

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