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foid upset her actions have consequences :marseywomanmoment2:




"I just don't think she has the right to prevent me from dating her friend."

Sure, you can date him all you want if he wants to date you too. But it wouldn't be unreasonable for her to warn her friend that you cheated on her brother in the past. Four years is not that long ago. If you've changed then good for you, but you can't expect everyone to just forget about it.

I don't know, I feel it would be unreasonable. I was in my early 20s at the time, I think as a society we need to give people the room to grow. We shouldn't constantly throw mistakes of their past in their face

raise the age of consent to 25 NOW :#marseyprotestyes:

You.... cant be serious. You know what, I'll be nice. Look OP, you had a full blown relationship with your ex best friend's brother. You cheated. You hurt him. I'm sure Amina had to help pick up the pieces of her brother you destroyed. Yes, you may have changed. However, Amina doesn't want to risk the possibility of you hurting someone again who is dear and close to her. Not only that, but she's not your matchmaker. I'm sure she also wants to respect her brother bc who knows if Ron is friend's with him too. If you say you changed then prove it by your actions by staying away from Ron. Possibly from Amina too. If you chase Ron then it's just going to further prove to them that your selfishness is still there.

I'll probably stay away from Ron because I didn't consider she would probably tell him. It's just hurtful someone I call a friend doesn't trust that I've grown as a person

this has to be bait :#marseyxd: :#marseybaitretard:

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Does anyone think it's kinda weird how absolutely feral people get about cheaters? They don't even know the people involved. And like a HUGE percentage of people will cheat in their lifetime. You don't really know the dynamics involved in each case. *not suggesting cheating is okay or good behavior. I cheated once like 10 years ago and my boyfriend deserved it. I still don't feel bad about it.

Edit: itt downmarseyrs who got cheated on lol

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!foidmoment !incels

The foid cries out as she cheats on you

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An adulterous women drinks her fill, wipes her mouth and says "ive done nothing wrong"

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why would strangers judge me for having no integrity?

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Found the cheater :marseysipping:

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Does anyone think it's kinda weird how absolutely feral people get about cheaters?

!fellas frozen is for the streets confirmed 2022

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Literally the only people I know who ever defend cheaters are cheaters themselves, so I assume they're doing it to assuage some guilt. I guess ultimately it amounts to "just" a lie but it's a pretty big one and it completely annihilates any trust you could have in the person. It's obviously a really two-faced thing to do.

I've heard plenty of excuses like "well he's an butthole anyways" etc. but you always have the option to just break up with them (inb4 weird edge cases where the woman can't live on her own, but imo that's a minority of cheaters). In OP's case if she felt he was ignoring/neglecting her and not giving her the attention she wants, be it emotional or sexual, she could break up with him and pursue someone else. But she didn't do that because she's selfish and wanted to have whatever fling she wants while also maintaining a stable relationship with her finance.

Obviously people aren't going to respect someone who showcases that they're both untrustworthy and selfish. I mean those are two universally recognized "red flags".

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I cheated once like 10 years ago and my boyfriend deserved it. I still don't feel bad about it.

!christians this is your Babylonian Queen

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Part of the reason people get feral about it is that it's so common. And also people (foids especially) are feral in general and cheating is one of the few times that it's socially acceptable to show that.

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>And also people (foids especially) are feral in general and is one of the few times that it's socially acceptable to show that.

You're not wrong. My ex foid always accused me of cheating eventhough I was faithful to her. Fricking b-word caused me trouble at work by deleting my female cowoker's number and was a total psychotic nut. I even seen it with my sister when she tore up a guy friend and screamed at him for cheating on her friend. Women are way more psychotic about cheating than guys.

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She was cheating on you and projected

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1. People get really passionate about things with no moral grey area. Cheating is bad. There's really no two ways about it. People get so animated with their hatred for cheating because they don't have to worry about getting finger-wagged by moral busybodies. It's a free ticket to go feral about something, anything and people love showing off what a good person they are for hating the bad thing.

2. Personal fear. Nobody wants to be cheated on so if they vigorously condemn the act then they do their small part to increase the chances that other people will hear the message and not cheat. Or, less rationally, it reduces their chance of being cheated on because their condemnation means they are less deserving of cheating.


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Cheating is bad. There's really no two ways about it.

What if you're cheating on a Nazi?

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first you'd have to be dating the nazi, which would make you a nazi. which would make the person you're cheating on him with a nazi too, as well as everyone you've ever sat on a table with. so basically you're already living in full-blown nazi germany.

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That's why I participate in what's called "ethical non-monogamy" :#marseypolyamory: There is absolutely NO cognitive dissonance here whatsoever!

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The difference between cheating and dating 2 chicks at the same time is asking first.

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Consent is key when violating trust! :marseyagree:

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If she didn't trust me when she agreed to me fricking other chicks it's on her.

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Gotta read that fine print if you want that fine butt :marseyinvestigate:

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Neighbor that's no fine print that's a fricking movie poster

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Also, presumably, introductions.

@Grue love sucking peepee

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Not really, tbh. It's in the running for one of the worst things you can do to someone that isn't actually illegal, and there's no defense against it. The betrayal itself is one thing, but the fallout of it in a long relationship blows up the victim's whole world and worldview.

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Your high powered executive and mostly distant father did a number on your brain

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Honestly he really did

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Honorable mentions to your mother as well.

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People having a strong reaction to things is a sign that culture still has some teeth. Cheating is corrosive to a good society. It can cause real lasting damage to family units and a healthy society should have strong norms enforced around it. These norms are often most strongly created using shaming. These are all good things, cheaters are scumbags.


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Yeah after watching my father cheat right in front of me, ripping apart our family for some half rate bimbo kitty, I don't have a lot of kind words towards cheaters. Shaming adulterous scum is a moral imperative and the show Cheaters was a masterpiece for this reason.

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It's lol that the majority of people cheat during their lifetime, then lie about it

People are fake and straight

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>omg it's people judge me for bad things i do, whyyy

You have BPD, try to see if you can frick the answers out of your therapist?

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I'm not even taking a moral position on cheating, but the second I started reading this comment I thought "oh, so she's probably cheated before" and 2 sentences later it was confirmed lmao. I don't even disagree that reddit can get so feral about cheating but opening a comment with that has like a 100% correlation with having cheated in the past

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A foid who is performatively religious but still acts in a selfish r-slurred manner


You will burn in Catholic heck

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Is it really cheating if you're planning to exit the relationship anyway and are just waiting for a tactful time to do so

I say no.


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That was my situation tbh. He was trying to cheat (unsuccessfully lol…saw his texts) and kept accusing me of cheating on him. I was stuck in a lease with him for a few more months so I thought “frick it, if I'm going to be accused this much, I might as well actually do it”. I was also young and r-slurred. People and relationships are messy. People make mistakes, we are all sinners. I also had a bf who was the most “I WOULD NEVER CHEAT!!!” Person. And he did & I found out later he was a serial cheater. People are flawed. This is human nature. Thankfully we have God to forgive us and our mistakes. I wouldn't do it again but things are complicated and people frick up. People who think they don't have the capacity to do wrong are the ones who are vulnerable.

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>Thankfully we have God to forgive us and our mistakes.

>I cheated once like 10 years ago and my boyfriend deserved it. I still don't feel bad about it.

Froyo, to be forgiven you have to be contrite.

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Oh I was just very bored with her but she was suicidally insane (literally grippy sock jail bc I called to have her sectioned twice and her brother did from across the country once) and so I was doing her a kindness and waiting until she could be left without getting my dogs killed, if you think about it


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NPD/BPD pairing. A classic. Why we have never gotten together, I will never understand.

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I say no.

Then you are more r-slurred than I thought fish man

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Lol, you're a slut

So big a slut in fact that this does not hurt my chances of engaging in sexual activities with you in the slightest lol

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God I hope this is bait because otherwise @pizzashill was right

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>:marseypop2: foid cheater logic.

Cheaters are all dishonorable cowards. There is simply no valid justification for this behavior.

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Most morally upright PCUSA Presbyterian

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Full disclosure if you cheat on me i will be hanging myself the moment i find out

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I haven't cheated since that guy. I was young and dumb. I'm a fundamentally honest person and wouldn't lie and say I haven't.

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people don't like when people are disloyal and don't really need to know much else. "That b-word can't even be trusted by someone who cares about her, what is she going do to someone who just met her?

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I wouldn't even be that mad if it was just a one night stand*

*as long as I'm prettier than her

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Theres definitely justified cheating but I think people usually get big mad about the unjustified. Nobody gets upset of a wifebeater gets cuckolded its when good ppl get cucked theres a problem

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It's a little thing called empathy. :marseyindignant:

Post tits.

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Not satisfied with hand anymore?

@Grue love sucking peepee

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I didn't want it to get stale. Sometimes I ask for hand, sometimes tits, and sometimes feet. You never know what that wacky drumpf will say next!

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I hope the cancer comes back

:marseybreastcancer#: :marseybeandefiant#:

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Total cheater death

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I think cheating is shitty. Even in a bad situation, just fricking end the relationship first, but it's also none of my business. I'm not gonna lose sleep over some actor I like being outed as a cheater. Unless I have a personal connection with one or more parties involved I don't really care.

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Cheaters deserve to burn in heck, OP. You should disappear for everyone's benefit.

redditors are treating her like she murdered a child

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Betrayal is the worst thing ever to arise from mankind

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This is the biggest L you've posted so far and that's saying a lot

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For real, if you get cheated on, you're a loser.

That's the scientific consensus. So maybe don't take your shortcomings out on others

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@pizzashill was right about women

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@Grue upmarseyd you til the edit. Now @Grue is compelled too pick the option the OP (you) determined is wrong.

@Grue love sucking peepee, especially ones outside @Grue's relationship

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you're so good at baiting honey :@frozenchosenpat:

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Yo, Ya comment got automatically removed cuz ya forgot ta include i love sucking cock. Don't worry, we gotchu! We ain't gonna letcha post or comment nuttin' that don't express ya love and acceptance towards minorities. Feel free ta resubmit ya comment with i love sucking cock included. This is an automated message; if ya need help, ya can message us here.

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