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foids upset at a most hated characters list




Lots of women here. What's the list for most beloved characters? Bet it's mostly men there.

Here you go

Holy shit lol. Like I know men hate women but sometimes it just really smacks you in the face

tom and jerry included on the list and not a single woman really makes it for me

>tom and jerry included on the list and not a single woman

correct :#marseytom:

walter is so much worse than skylar though

It's exactly what I was thinking. Guys on the top of the most hated characters are sadistic murderers. The first woman, oh, she cheated. Her husband, the dude who did a 180 personality turn and turned into a drug dealer endangering the lives of his family? Top most adored character. Makes sense.

>the dude who did a 180 personality turn


This list makes me wanna throw up lmao

it's not most beloved, it's greatest and most memorable. guarantee Daenerys would be here if not for the ending. i can't think of any other popular woman in TV..?


:#marseyflamewar: :#marseyburn: :#marseyburn: :#marseyburn: :#marseyburn:

We need to make our own list, since this sub is mostly women I think it would be much better.

My personal list of greatest tv characters, since the other one was lacking:

1.Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

2.Arya Stark (Game of Thrones)

3.Peggy Olson (Mad Men)

4.Marge Simpson (The Simpsons)

5.Roz Doyle (Frasier)

6.Michonne (The Walking Dead)

7.Leslie Knope (Parks and Recreation)

8.Dana Scully (The X Files)

9.Miranda Bailey (Grey's Anatomy)

10.Samantha Jones (S*x and the City)

this is bait, right? :#marseylaugh:

Why Emily? 🤣

She's a woman.

Friends has a mostly female fan base so woman hating on woman sound right to me.


no one hates women more than other women

I watched Breaking Bad for the first time this year (I know) and from what I heard I was expecting Skylar to be this horrible demon lady. No, she's just a woman who is justifiably angry that her husband and father to her kids has turned methy. Wtf that is a totally valid thing to not be fine with!?

Skyler is my litmus test

I said the same thing upthread lol. It should absolutely be a first date question. If a man thinks she's the villain, don't frickt that man.

yes, using a cheater as your litmus test is a great idea :#marseythumbsup:

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walter is so much worse than skylar though

It's exactly what I was thinking. Guys on the top of the most hated characters are sadistic murderers. The first woman, oh, she cheated. Her husband, the dude who did a 180 personality turn and turned into a drug dealer endangering the lives of his family? Top most adored character. Makes sense.

"Don't the fans of the crime show realize Walter commits more crimes? How can they still like him?"

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Yeah her narrative purpose is basically to try to wet blanket everything that makes the show interesting. Plus she gives her loving husband a dry, unenthusiastic handjob on his birthday. Nothing justifies that.

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Yeah birthday you got to get at least a blowie

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I've tried explaining this to the Postman but I still just get cards.


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You're literally supposed to be rooting for him a lot of the time, it's how the show is written. Foid brain lol

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He's the Humpert Humpert of crystal meth

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Women are Wonderful and well-known too despise and be turned off by criminals, especially murderers.


Methchef and trans lives matter.

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It doesn't even say most loved, it says greatest. Foids lack reading comprehension

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The Skylar thing is actually a great first date question for moids to ask. If a foid watches Breaking Bad and thinks Skylar's behavior is justified then she is absolutely not relationship material and will cheat on you the second her beliefs diverge from yours

I'm gonna use this


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I love it because Skylar and her heaped animus is a microcosm of the patriarchy. Oh no, she was unfaithful! Infidelity is so much worse than murder.

Most people who despise her have the emotional IQ of a gnat.

This animator is one of the few who captures her spirit.

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Well then I guess I wouldn't ever want to date you, @Nancy-Pelosi

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You weren't in any danger of my cheating with you :marseyblowkiss:

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Neighbor wut?


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LMAO at the gigachad Walt Jr.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1735584487Pd3ql1pai5_mfA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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Where the frick is breakfast


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No, I disagree. Whether infidelity is worse than murder is completely subjective and highly contextual. You don't have the right to impose your moral standards on anybody else.

Nice cartoon though

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Found the incel

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My personal list of greatest tv characters, since the other one was lacking:

1.Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

2.Arya Stark (Game of Thrones)

3.Peggy Olson (Mad Men)

4.Marge Simpson (The Simpsons)

5.Roz Doyle (Frasier)

6.Michonne (The Walking Dead)

7.Leslie Knope (Parks and Recreation)

8.Dana Scully (The X Files)

9.Miranda Bailey (Grey's Anatomy)

10.Samantha Jones (S*x and the City)

This is someone aged 35-45 who only ever watched the most basic shows.

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It boggles my mind how the single most soy man alive, who made regular use of the casting couch and wasn't allowed to be alone with an underage actress, was somehow able to tap into the foid psyche well enough that foids still praise his work over female creators

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He wasn't the God of Soy at the time, in the 90's it was still fresh

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Women can't solve women fully because they are never honest with themselves.

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who made regular use of the casting couch

What's that? :marseyexcited:

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"I can make you a star"

:#marseyturnedontalking: :#carplazy:

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Aw, that's nice of him :marseyheart:

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Arya is not even the most interesting foid in the GoT universe. Both Daenerys and Sansa are a lot more interesting, even the Tyrell :marseybabushka: is better

Arya is le quirky super ninja assassin :marseysoyhype: wow girl power :marseysoypoint:

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She coasts on book Arya being a cool murder midget.

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Lol Marge Simpson, she fricked over the family a ton of times by being a loud mouth, more annoying than Lisa.

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Marge episodes were always the worst. I do love Lisa episodes though, and she would often team up with Jomer which was great. I'm going to say Homer > Lisa > Bart > Marge but Homer and Lisa are definitely close

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5.Roz Doyle (Frasier)

:10inbongland: urr the cleanuur dint cliin ovuur thuur

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I always like this type of discourse centered around foid characters in media because the narrative always boils down to arguing that men are the only people that apparently consume non-reality media so the onus of correctly supporting and liking foid characters and foid led IPs falls squarely on moid's shoulders.

It is a peak zero accountability argument disguising itself as fighting the patriarchy.

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Every single post on foid subs in general assume that men are the only ones who influence society, and that furthermore every individual man has the power to be held personally responsible for this.

I only wish it were true.

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The reason no one likes Skylar is because she was treated Walt like shit in the beggining of the show when he had cancer and then acted all high and mighty about the meth but didn't go to the police like the lawyer suggested. She took his drug money, but then acted as if she was just a poor victim.

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Yeah and I think that's why Carmella Soprano isn't hated near as much despite both her and Skylar being in vaguely similar situations.

Carmella was 100% self aware that she was a massive hypocrite but leaned into it because she knew Tony's life style guaranteed her and her children the most comfort and advantage in life whereas Skylar was fine with taking Walt's money in one hand but being a moralizing high roader towards him on the other and actually believed she was a better person.

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it turns out no one likes an annoying nagging b-word, no matter how justified they are

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It truly takes a biofoid or a sissy to turn personal taste into a moral struggle session.

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Idk that's pretty much the entire Marvel and Star Wars fandom too when someone when someone shits on them (Scorcese still causes seethe from them to this day from his comments).

They view an attack on their media as an attack on their personality because they derive their self worth from it being successful.

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How am I not supposed to hate Skylar after she wouldn't let Walt buy a laser tag business

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I somehow doubt men are the driving force behind that woman from friends being a hated character

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this was so r-slurred I swear poor emily :marseyxd:

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All these foids upset about the number foid characters on the list but yet not a single one complaining about there not being one BIPOC character :!marseyindignant: :marseydisgust:

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As a litmus test women should ask their partner what they thought about skylar. If he thinks badly of her, dont frick that man

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The absolute heck of not getting to frick a reddit woman :marseychonkerfoid: :marseysingletear:

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if they had anything else to offer other than a hole you can stick your peepee into

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:chudrage: die fakecel :chudrage:

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>"Greatest TV Characters of All Time"

>It's just a list of most popular shows


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3.Peggy Olson (Mad Men)

The most annoying and ugly character from a TV show after Eleven from Stranger Things

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At least that lobster had a meaty tail!

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I like the bait post with Buffy

she's the greatest



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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17008521600968785.webp cries about not being on either list

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Even redditors don't want to admit to paying for Peapeepee.

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