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Women leaves hours of filmed s*x between her and her new man on ICloud. Ex-husband finds it on their kids iPad. She is the victim




I was slut shamed in court and got my children taken away from me

I have no idea where to turn. I am heartbroken.

I will be more honest than maybe I should be. This is in Texas.

I have two children and have been their primary custodial parent since birth. I have been with my current husband for seven years total. He is only the second man I've ever been with.

One day, I asked if he would ever be interested in exploring more. We had transparent conversations, we were open, he wasn't against it but wanted to do it with someone that we trusted.

Over two years we did this six times. Always safely, lways consensually. For posterity pictures and videos were taken.

Fast forward 6 months, we bought one of my children—10 years old—an iPad. She wanted the ability to use a messaging app and so I sync'd my iCloud account to her iPad.

The dad gets them every weekend and so sometimes they take their devices over there. You can see where this is going. What I learned later was that Dad had been trying to get the password to the iPad for years and eventually he figured it out and went through everything.

He found the hidden folder. He found the videos and the pictures.

He filed for emergency full custody.

The court documents state: “I exposed my children to hours of pornogrsphic material, that the material shows that I am doing these things against my will, forced by my husband, and by doing this in the custody of the children, have shown that I am unfit to be a mother.”

We got an attorney, we went to court. The judge (another woman) basically eviscerated me.

She said things like:

“I don't know any self-respecting woman who would do these kinds of things.”

“Has anyone checked the internet to see if these are on her OnlyFans?” (no mention of this was made, she just.. said it)

“I believe in the 1800s they called women like you jezebels.”

At one point my attorney said that I had sat my children down to explain what they saw. She said “oh, well what did she tell them?”

I said: “Their step dad knew about it, that it was safe, consensual and I'm sorry they had to see it.”

The judge said: “The fact you think any of this is okay makes this even more concerning to me.”

The dad said I was doing these things while I had custody of the children, and yet my attorney and I put together actual evidence that none of these videos were ever taken while the children were in my custody. The judge said “this isn't a trial so I'm not looking at evidence.”

At one point the judge said to me: “If you tell me your husband forced you to do these things, you can leave here with your children, and we will get you the help that you need.”

I told her that everything that happened I wanted to happen and it was done safely. She said she didn't believe me and told me the children were being given to dad.

My attorney basically had to walk me out of the court room, and I barely remember what happened afterward.

My attorney said in 14 years he had never seen someone judged based on their character and not their case so blatantly. He said “you were slut shamed by a puritan.”

This is why I'm posting here. I just don't know if I'm a good mother any more; if I'm ever going to see my children again. If I'm in the wrong maybe that's what I need to hear so I can get better.

Two days later the dad called me, I wish I had been recording, he told me: “I told you I was going to take them from you, didn't I? You never believed me.”

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I was slut shamed in court and got my children taken away from me

i'm not reading the rest of the post but from the title alone this seems like a win for everyone else involved

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That line was the giveaway that this was fake.

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My attorney said “you were slut shamed by a puritan.”

you missed the funnier tell

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This is really entertaining incel porn :marseypopcorn:

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"Only took one hand to write!" :m#arseycoomer:

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The dad gets them every weekend and so sometimes they take their devices over there. You can see where this is going. What I learned later was that Dad had been trying to get the password to the iPad for years and eventually he figured it out and went through everything.

I'm sure it's real hard to get a passcode from a 10 year old.

She said things like: “I don't know any self-respecting woman who would do these kinds of things.” “Has anyone checked the internet to see if these are on her OnlyFans?” (no mention of this was made, she just.. said it) “I believe in the 1800s they called women like you jezebels.”


My attorney said in 14 years he had never seen someone judged based on their character and not their case so blatantly. He said “you were slut shamed by a puritan.”

Low key dunk by the lawyer

Nice larp. Should have included an OF link to "her" profile page.

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This story is about as fake as a twox story gets lol.

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There's strong similarities between this post and a /r/legadvice troll who said she lost custody for religious reasons. The same style of verbatim but selective quotes, and pointing out the attorney had never seen something like this in her 14-year legal career. Always change up your scripts!

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Your link

I agree with you. Our attorney said: “In 14 years I have never ever seen anything like this. You were judged and punished for what you (do not) believe.”

Current post

My attorney said in 14 years he had never seen someone judged keyed on their character and not their case so blatantly. He said “you were slut shamed by a puritan.”

It's the same number of years lmfao

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It's too fake to believe or even enjoy, really should have kept the details minimal.

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Not to mention that it's obviously written by a redditor (derogatory) and not a intercourse-having foid

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So dad found the videos:

What I learned later was that Dad had been trying to get the password to the iPad for years and eventually he figured it out and went through everything.

She doesn't elaborate on when/how the children had seen it though, just mentions in passing that they had:

At one point my attorney said that I had sat my children down to explain what they saw. She said “oh, well what did she tell them?”

I said: “Their step dad knew about it, that it was safe, consensual and I'm sorry they had to see it.”

Weird how she quotes the judge so often (often enough to get the idea across that the judge believed that whatever kinky shit this foid was up to was forced on her), but she offers no details as to what the content of these videos actually was. lol

"lol Sorry your honor for making r*pe porn with my husband and his friends and putting it on my kid's iPad. OOPS!"

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Good bait is ambiguous

People will pick a side on their own, make up the details to support their view, and then start arguing as if they're gospel

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I've noticed that men can seemingly do anything and still have access to their kids if they want it.

This might be the most delusional take on TwoX all week. At the very least top 10, they're all very delusional

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Yes I'm sure the attorney said slut shamed in a professional enviornment.

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>One day, I asked if he would ever be interested in exploring more. We had transparent conversations, we were open, he wasn't against it but wanted to do it with someone that we trusted.

Wife wants to bring a bull into the relationship, film their weird cuck porn, kiddos find it, loses custody of them, woman most affected.


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This is 1000% made up

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