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:marseymanysuchcases: obesity is the physical reflection of spiritual ugliness

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Why is it seemingly only women :marseyblops2chadcel: who get r*ped and cope by having s*x with everything under :marseyhandsup: the sun?

Jewish lives matter

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Like gays aren't famously promiscuous :marseyeyeroll:

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Good morning

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It's 10pm, ⚡️🧒🏿⚡️

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i used to work in this field and i can promise that not only do men do this too, they are 10x worse. to the point that if i saw a male name on my schedule or heard a male voice, i died a little inside. because i knew there was a 70% chance that the next 30+ minutes would be spent describing how they can't stop sucking peepee, etc in graphic detail.

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You used to work in the field :marseytradwifedaisy: of r*pe??

Jewish lives matter

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lol it was as a trauma/r*pe crisis counselor

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Most qualified dramaposter

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Lol that makes more sense

Jewish lives matter

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:marseyhomofascist: :times: :marseygroomergrooming:


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my aunt was fat. she had gastric surgery. she immediately started going to bars and having s*x with anyone who would have her. while she was married.

i guess gastric isn't a "don't be fat" surgery it's a "be a trollop" surgery!

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I became obese, because at 24 I was sexually assaulted, which resulted in a pregnancy.

Must be tough for a foid after having her greatest fantasy fulfilled. How can one feel such highs again?

Problem is, now I'm getting attention I haven't received in years at 37. Men, ATTRACTIVE men, are super in to me I cannot stop fricking them. 4 men this week. Why? Why now? How am I so confident? Why am I ok with this when for so long I wasn't?

Foidal empowerment = being a whore.


Trans lives matter, unlike legacy foids'.

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Get that peepee queen

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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Gets peepeeed 4x weekly, still feels :marseyfeelsgoodman: the need to brag about it to fill the void in her heart. L.

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Lol fatty is still chasing validation

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Is this femcel fiction?

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it's /r/offmychest so yes, fiction

I've thought about making a /h/meta post about fake Reddit posts

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Do it please :)

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Meta hole is for groomercordstrag inside drama

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I was going to doxx myself too

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Please dont expose your breasts

Post your credit card and SSN thx

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few, if any, femcels are actually celibate. they just dont get to have s*x with 10/10 chads :marseychud:

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Based, chads need to get taken down a peg or two

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Good for her

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Haven't we all crawled on to a fatty? Haven't we all felt shame? Who am I to role my self?

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havent we all crawled on to a fatty?

I havent

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Found the incel

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Depends how fat we talking.


I'd personally not go above the Yellow range however yeah the odd times she might be Obese in the orange but have that weird distortion where the face is cute without looking chubby and because of the bigger tit's an butt it's actually not entirely distasteful. :marseypass2:

But I'm not willing to mount up any large mountain peeks (red) or willing to study and become a seismologists to measure the level of destruction she may cause when rolling over. :marseyobesescale:

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Honestly? Goals


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SUPER pro fat. Or was I? I was unhealthy, unhappy, unfufilled, and faking every fricking moment. EVERY fricking moment. I thought about suicied a lot.

but then

honestly miss fat me. I knew her. She was AMAZING.

she needs to make up her dang mind if being fat was a joy or heck on Earth.

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Obese fingers typed this.

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>can't stop sleeping with men

Even after losing weight she has no accountability :marseygoodnight:

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I went to Mexico. I had the gastric sleeve.

I honestly miss fat me.

She'll get back there

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Snappy, how do heterosexuals reproduce?

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739271948y52utXmckBNkwg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740487396BapOr-T9W_9t1g.webp

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Maybe therapy would be better at this point.

Better than s*x? Have u ever read this title: “I haven't had therapy for 12 years and now I can't stop”


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gotta be coomer/incel fiction

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Of course it is. One month ago this account claimed to have a boyfriend.

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How about you suck my peepee? I have an advanced engineering degree, speak 3 languages at near native level, know 6 high level programming languages at an advanced level, am a C++ metaprogramming guru, can do software design and architecture, have written kernel modules, know both analog and digital electronics, have programmed FPGAs, can even do fricking webdev and REST APIs if someone asks me, am a one man devops team and know Kubernetes, can do ML, am a decent scrum master, heck I can probably even frick your wife better than you do.


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