:marseyfoidretard: :marseyhmm: :marseytank: :equals: :marseyjudge:



:p: :period: :s: :period:

:f: :u: :c: :k:

:t: :h: :e:

:h::i: :e: :r: :o: :g: :l: :y: :p: :h: :s:

:a: :w: :a: :r: :d:

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The C in NATO stands for Court

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She's trying to cover up her r-sluration by claiming the European Court of Human Rights isn't a foreign court. This is somehow even more r-slurred than her initial claim. :marseyfoidretard:

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the :marseytunaktunak: was referring to the EU I guess? :marseyconfused: i'm confused

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did the tories manage to pass the Rwanda thing already

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Guess that's what the true English :marseybongcop: want. More boat people


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:marseytunaktunak: are over-represented in our cabinet :marseytunaktunak!: :marseykneel:

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Stella and Suella getting into an argument sounds like something I'd read on the tulpa subreddit

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Power flows from the barrel of a gun, NATO is a court that dispensed with the silly wigs but it can sentence you to death all the same.

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Er, can I change my answer?

I meant lol @ bongtards pretending to be a self-governing country instead of a weird little postimperial rump stuck on the side of Europe. EU should get that growth checked out by a doc.

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stella creasy r-slur confdence

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What I love the most is that some people are trying to say "It's just a prank, nothing will happen" or play it down.

No dude, this is a case with media attention and you fricked around enough that questions are getting asked. You're not going to end up in Guantanamo Bay or some Super Max Jail where you won't see sunlight until the day they let you out, but you are going to get a ton of legal scrutiny and it's going to make the next few years of your life suck.

Even if it doesn't reach federal level, the FBI still is going to have a folder on you. The local cops are going to want to ask questions, and I bet some other levels of state judicial system will want to chat too. It's not going to be fast or easy, and you even have half a brain which I doubt to pull a prank like this, you need a lawyer last month. It won't be cheap to defend yourself, and it'd be in your best interest to shut the frick up and let a lawyer do the talking. Or heck just look up Law Twitter about what happens when a judge decides he doesn't like you and needs to teach you a lesson. They've got a ton of legal leeway to make you regret waking up.

On top of that, you're going to have be very careful with what you do and how, because even if you think you're some top mind of Info Sec - The Home Game you're not that good and now people are paying attention to you.

This is going to be interesting to put it mildly no matter how it goes. I mean you did frick with a major court case that has eyes on it all over the country, and they've already getting cops involved and looks like the FBI is joining too.

I'm just saying it won't be pleasant.


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