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Reminder to always film yourself having s*x with foids




Christian Ziegler is accused of recording a s*x act without consent, police said in a statement on Thursday.

A woman with whom he and his wife had a prior consensual sexual relationship previously alleged that he r*ped her.

According to heavily redacted police documents, Mr Ziegler, his wife, Bridget Ziegler and the unnamed woman had planned a threesome in October, but Mrs Ziegler was unable to attend.

Mr Ziegler instead arrived alone, the complaint alleged, and assaulted the woman.

But police in Sarasota say they reviewed hours of video evidence and conducted nearly a dozen interviews and determined that it was unlikely that any sexual battery took place during the 4 October encounter.

"Ziegler recorded the encounter on his cell phone," Sarasota Police Department said in the Thursday statement.

"The video showed that the encounter was likely consensual. Therefore, detectives were unable to develop probable cause to charge Ziegler with Sexual Battery."

Better to be charged with voyeurism than r*pe, am I right?

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Film every interaction you have with foids. They are by nature liars and reputation destroyers.

Would you handle a venomous snake without protective equipment? Would you walk through oakland without a gun?

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>He interacts with foids


Not helping the Fakecel allegations here losie


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Nobody who styles themselves as a cel actually is one.

The truecels are people like TSpez and dontlogmeout who try to style themselves as intellectuals

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I would rail you in front of @Poj though :horny:

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Pretty chad move to ask for a $2 million pay off from the Republican Party when you have video proof you're innocent

This is the reason women rarely file a complaint.

The police have cleared him, so that's that.

As a woman, I have my doubts about the findings.

She told him she didn't want to participate without Bridget. He showed up anyway. Whether the police found what occurred to be legally actionable or not, his decision to go over to get what he wants despite being told "no" personifies the entitled behavior we see from too many men.

Secretly videoing the encounter is an additional violation and I'm glad they are pursuing that.

If he had accepted her initial refusal, none of the rest of the story would have occurred.

No means no, not just go over and get what you want anyway.

Remember, just because she consents doesn't mean she actually consents.

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:chadnordic: hey my wife couldn't make it. want to have s*x anyway?

:marseywomanmoment2: yeah might as well

:chadnordic: ok :hump:

:marseywomanmoment2: ...omg I was r*ped.

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as a woman, I have my doubts about the findings.

She told him she didn't want to participate without Bridget. He showed up anyway. Whether the police found what occurred to be legally actionable or not, his decision to go over to get what he wants despite being told "no" personifies the entitled behavior we see from too many men.

Secretly videoing the encounter is an additional violation and I'm glad they are pursuing that.

This is the same cope these people have when a police bodycam vindicates the police :marseycop:.

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He could still face a video voyeurism charge

>Set up cameras in bedroom to protect against false r*pe allegations

>Government tries to make this illegal

I hate women so much it's unreal.

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I doubt that's why he was filming.

Someone should market a blackbox recorder where the video can only be extracted with a warrant or something.

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Foids would be marching in the streets if such a device were filed for patent.

"Noooooooooo we need to be able to destroy your life if we don't get our way noooooooooo"

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That starts with dudes dodging r*pe charges and ends up with all citizens being forced to wear bodycams 24/7.

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That would still violate 2 party consent laws. :marseysigh:

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2 party consent laws don't apply to homemade porn.

Assuming you are doing this in your own home.

If you do it at their house it's another thing.

But it would be more difficult to set up hidden cameras there anyways.

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I think the issue here is the woman claimed she didn't consent.

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This neighbor set up a threesome and his "Wife wasn't able to attend?" And he still was like yeah im gonna go frick this whore without you honey?

And wife was just okay with that?

Some shit aint adding up chief :#marseydetective:

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Sounds rich

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This would be perfectly normal for my relationship :marseysipping:

if there were any other foids willing to frick me :marseycrying:

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You've got to be careful around a mayo foid a few years ago a b-word of a tenant of mine wasn't paying up her rent and when I went to boot her butt out after numerous attempts to make contact with her fell on deaf ears.

I ended up going to the house myself on my ones :marseysigh: and found her lying on the bed in her birthday suit high AF on crack :marseyheroin:

Called an ambulance to help her out than she proceeded to file a claim against me, ended going to court over this bullshit as she tried claiming I touched her up etc... :marseysick:

And she claimed mental health issues to, so got to stay in the property for over a year rent free (even though it was only a 3 month tenancy) while the case was going on :marseycapitalistmanlet:

I don't even enter into my own rentals now frick that shit rather leave it with a third party or go in with protection (GoPro)

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rentoids being sub-human :marseymanysuchcases:

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found the incel

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Legitimately, why would you enter a tenant's unit by yourself if you are already in conflict with them? It's like you don't understand women or poor people at all

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Seeing her naked body sprawled out on the bed was legit the most traumatising part of the whole ordeal + the legal fees that had to be folked out which was a substantial amount ended up needing to borrow money :(.

To be brutally honest and to answer your question, my arrogance was sky high and I thought I was invincible and never get stuff like this a second thought and just wasn't expecting it. Plus she was like x2.5 my age so had a lot more experience.

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this is why i don't have s*x

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no it isn't

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MAGA(t)s absolving MAGA(t)s because they're MAGA(t)s. Got it.


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Follow on to this story from a few months ago. I'm not terribly shocked.

Maybe don't stick your peepee in obvious blackmailers. :marseyshrug:

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"Filming a s*x act without consent" is r*pe

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As usual:


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buddy I've got a sexual battery right here

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