I loudly reminded him I just cleaned it obviously hoping he would move to another bathroom. But nope. He closed the door and proceeded to take his morning dump. WHY?
What does your potty look like, when he'd done? One dump by an adult, who knows how to use a potty brush, shouldn't make a visible difference in a newly cleaned potty. If he regularly leaved streaks and splatters for you to clean up, today's moment of thoughtlessness isn't your main issue.
I had a coworker who once who was a really cool lady. Pretty and smart, any dude would be lucky to date her. She was engaged to be married and super happy about it. I can't really remember the exact conversation we were having but she told me she told her soon to be husband if she ever saw a fleck or streak of his doodoo in the potty she would just cancel s*x. Told me she had the cleanest potty she'd ever seen
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Just pee it off. God didn't give you a directional pressure hose for nothing.
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