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this is the stupidest shit ive read. like what? sorry you had a bad experience with a person, but the influence of red pillers and manosphere types is orders of magnitude more powerful and more damaging. there is just no contest. the only thing pushing men further into misogyny is themselves, and the same men who espouse misogyny. the worst misandrists are nowhere near as bad as the "best" misogynists. if your reaction to a woman recounting her bad experiences with men or complaining about their general mistreatment is to fall harder into misogyny, that shits on you. maybe practice what you preach instead of virtue signalling about how good you are to women while "accidentally" conflating one woman with the entirety of feminism

“Suck it up chud!!” :m#!arseywitch2:

People like this keep me opressormaxxing :marseysal:

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Sorry you had a bad experience with a person, but

Can someone make a bot that posts this on every single TwoX post that hits the front page :marseyxd:

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Happy cake day!

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