This bait is , just read the thread yourselves.
Best subthread: misandry does real
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I try not to let seething freaks on Reddit get me down, but Christ, some of these people are nasty. I get that women don't naturally understand how men's feelings work, and vice versa. But the loud, active, sneering refusal to try to understand, coupled with the belief that these feelings must be bad, that they don't work the way they should...
Why is the internet teaching men and women to hate each other? Who could this possibly benefit?
Goethe wrote the book about this kind of situation hundreds of years ago. "The Sorrows of Young Werther." It ended in tragedy precisely because Werther was too r-slurred to cut her off and leave.
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The globalist eugenicist elite class. The depopulation agenda . Everything you see in modern culture is working towards that end
Don't MAID yourself, dont cut your peepee off, dont get on Elons rocket to Mars, or fall for any other obvious traps and you should be alright
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I blame the “feminism is for men too” crowd for believing/teaching that self-loathing repackaged as “equality” is a healthy thing for society
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I don't even think they believe being feminists will make women like them. They've just decided that women are supposed to hate men.
This makes me want to frick male feminists in the butt to show them they deserve love.
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Redditors are r-slurred cute twinks (in a bad way). Why let them get to you?
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Thanks, I needed to hear that
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No they understand, and they understand how to leverage them to their advantage
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Women only want one thing and its disgusting. They always want me to fight their battles. Quit using me for my muscles and just be my friend. My male friends never ask me to walk them home. And if they did, there would be beer, pizza, and video games at the end. Thats the bare minimum. Women expect me to lay my life down for them in the name of friendship without even giving me beer.
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Yes, (((who)))...
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Childhood is thinking you're Werther while adulthood is realizing that you're literally Wilhelm Meister
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They are finally educating young men on the dangers of straggotry
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The entitlement is just something that even a horror movie couldnt reproduce without seemining way to excatterated.
"Scary" to think that people read this and take anything besides jfc rslurs away from it.
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