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>My favorite thing about modern society is how mad women are. They're mad at their husbands. They're mad at their jobs. They're mad at their kids. They're mad at their parents. They're mad their jobs, their bosses, their cars, their phones, their doctors, their neighbors, their televisions, their celebrities, their bodies, their face, their walls. They're mad at everything. It's the only emotion they have. They don't know how to be anything else but mad. And all they have to do to stop it is just let us do everything for them. But they're just too mad to see it


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Womyn are told to be wonderful and any criticism are related to misogyny, therefore they simply cannot see themselves wrong and put themselves into men's shoes.

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an incel wrote this comment

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Doesn't mean their wrong. Even a sexless clock as the saying goes.

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Incels aren't hated because they're wrong about the nature of women.

They're hated because the only way they use that understanding is to be insufferable losers.

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>women only want in shape dudes with money

>why can't I play video games and smoke weed all day then land a women. Women suck

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This but unironically, except I don't blame society I blame God

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There is no god. Only darkness.

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I'm sorry, I guess I should've just been born handsome.

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Yeah that's right. Fricking die, ugly :marseymagdump:

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Touch grass bro

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Women are so dumb they voluntarily put themselves under capitalism and now have male problems

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All the top comments are simping and replies are immediately asking why is the foid's safety the moid's responsibility and there is no answer.


Good bait.

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The best part is people talking about his "feelings of being rejected" being why he doesn't want to be around her so much.

This psychological nonsense is cope to mask the inherent transactional nature of moid/foid relationships.

She wants his muscles, he wants her kitty.


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It's even dumber, because let's say they are right and he's just mad because he got rejected: so? he still is not obligated to walk this girl home.

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Also the safety argument is r-slurred, he's probably more likely to get mugged going home by himself than her getting r*ped.

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best part is people talking about his "feelings of being rejected" being why he doesn't want to be around her so much.

Why would that even be considered a wrong thing? Many frienships end or drift apart after one of the friends declares having romantic feelings for the other while not being reciprocated (at least taking a break for a while and going back to hang out after getting over it is a healthy option), I think that's understandable, or do redditors want the guy to remain in a perpetual state of simpery?

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or do redditors want the guy to remain in a perpetual state of simpery?

Well, yeah, that's exactly what they want.

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It's because traditional masculinity, which includes protecting any foid nearby, has unparalleled utility in low security environments. The police were an attempt to nationalize the benefits of traditional masculinity by making guardianship and retributive violence into a state funded position. Even white people don't trust the police any more and there was a burger crime spike so we're seeing a return of the demand for the privatized police force of traditional masculinity. Neighbors be getting spooked by true crime podcasts and social media to the point of feeling they need a scrote in their corner with a tire iron because the police are evil and won't help them.

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The foids responses in that thread map onto Claudia Card's concept of patriarchy as men running a security racket/cartel in a pretty funny way.

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>So then I stopped simping


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You were interested in ensuring her safety only while it was possible that she would date you. The second she said she just wanted to be friends you suddenly couldn't care less.

Classic "nice" guy behaviour - act like you're a decent person/good friend, but drop the act when your advances get rejected.

this is everyone behaviour tho. the equivalent is when women suddenly switch off the sexuality as soon as she learns there's no chance of getting what she wants which happens all the time.

in fact nice guys are more likely to keep up the act in the hopes that she changes her mind if he intensifies the niceness

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1. A lot of colleges have safewalk programs these days. Don't even have to call an Uber.


2. She could get a boyfriend to walk her home.

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Male guardian culture stay winning :chadarab:

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Three :marseydilbert: years tho...


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I try not to let seething freaks on Reddit get me down, but Christ, some of these people are nasty. I get that women don't naturally understand how men's feelings work, and vice versa. But the loud, active, sneering refusal to try to understand, coupled with the belief that these feelings must be bad, that they don't work the way they should...

Why is the internet teaching men and women to hate each other? Who could this possibly benefit? :marseydepressed:

Goethe wrote the book about this kind of situation hundreds of years ago. "The Sorrows of Young Werther." It ended in tragedy precisely because Werther was too r-slurred to cut her off and leave.



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Why is the internet teaching men and women to hate each other? Who could this possibly benefit? :marseydepressed:

I blame the “feminism is for men too” crowd for believing/teaching that self-loathing repackaged as “equality” is a healthy thing for society

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>can't get laid

>accept it

>hate other men who can't get laid

>"If I don't deserve to get laid, how DARE you think YOU do?!"

I don't even think they believe being feminists will make women like them. They've just decided that women are supposed to hate men.

This makes me want to frick male feminists in the butt to show them they deserve love. :marseycry:

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Redditors are r-slurred cute twinks (in a bad way). Why let them get to you?

:marseycantsneed: :marseylaugh:

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Thanks, I needed to hear that :marseyembrace:

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>women don't naturally understand how men's feelings work

No they understand, and they understand how to leverage them to their advantage

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Women only want one thing and its disgusting. They always want me to fight their battles. Quit using me for my muscles and just be my friend. My male friends never ask me to walk them home. And if they did, there would be beer, pizza, and video games at the end. Thats the bare minimum. Women expect me to lay my life down for them in the name of friendship without even giving me beer.

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Who could this possibly benefit?

Yes, (((who)))...


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>YWN go to a clothing store with a section for Sturm und Drang drip

Childhood is thinking you're Werther while adulthood is realizing that you're literally Wilhelm Meister

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Who could this possibly benefit?

The globalist eugenicist elite class. The depopulation agenda . Everything you see in modern culture is working towards that end

Don't MAID yourself, dont cut your peepee off, dont get on Elons rocket to Mars, or fall for any other obvious traps and you should be alright


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They are finally educating young men on the dangers of straggotry

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The entitlement is just something that even a horror movie couldnt reproduce without seemining way to excatterated.

"Scary" to think that people read this and take anything besides jfc rslurs away from it.

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His friendship came with strings attached. This is not a friend. Not only that, but he is prepared to leave her in a high risk situation because he is being petty.

Walking back to your dorm in a college town = HiGh RiSk

Little peepee energy couldn't handle rejection

You can diss the OP fine enough without body shaming.

Body shaming isn't cool no matter the gender of the OP.

This was not body shaming. He is speaking of his energy, not technically speaking of any physical part of the body.


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Watching Reddit switch from “crime's actually a fictional rightoid psyop to make cities look bad” to “women are in mortal peril anytime they leave the house alone” is always fun. :marseyfoidretard:

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Someone needs to call them racists for assuming the woman will get attacked while walking home in the dark

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I love how upset redditors get about the phrase "small peepee energy", ironically very small peepee energy to get so upset about it

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I read the thread, I will go against the grain here and say if he was doing something for 3 years and then abruptly stopped I could see why she was in a bit of disarray. While it is her job to make sure she has someone to walk her to her place, doing it for 3 years and then stopping abruptly could mess her up quite a bit.

I think he is the butthole for waiting 3 years to ask out a girl rather than doing it in the first week of knowing her. The answer would have been the same

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I think he is the butthole for waiting 3 years to ask out a girl rather than doing it in the first week of knowing her. The answer would have been the same


That said, a really similar situation to this fake story did happen to me in college and I did walk her home.

I was such a simp lol :marseylaugh:

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I just can't imagine being so cucked :marseytoad: I'd do something for a woman :marseystanleycup: for 3 years who I wasn't frickin

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Enjoy people for who they are, not who you want them to be :marseyboomer: its good to be ambitious but you'll unsettle your stomach always being unhappy with what and who you have :marseyboomer!:

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You should :marseynorm: be saying this to the guy who wasted :marseyhungover: 3 years of his life to try an get one date :#marseyxd:

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That's the thing though. A woman's company isn't enjoyable. They are neither funny nor interesting, and listening to them is emotional labor.

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having interest in specific things isn't only a personality trait, it's also a skill (maybe a cousin to empathy/“open mindedness”, but also creatively connecting things to existing interests). Nobody, not even neurodivergents, are born excited to make spreadsheets for Mr Grossberg.

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Chatgpt butt comment

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Summarized using ChatGPT:

Not liking women is a skill issue

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So true

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Am I the only person deeply disturbed by this? Like how are relationships even supposed to work if all men get out of them is s*x? Isn't love supposed to be a thing?

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Women have to make themselves loveable in order to be loved. Seems like the perpetually online ones have forgotten that part.

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I hope you're either fricking your mom or not helping her at all. :marseysmug:

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>I think he is the butthole for waiting 3 years to ask out a girl

Why does everyone assume that he was carrying a torch for her the entire time? Maybe he was in a relationship or only interested in her recently.

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Honestly, it's even more embarrassing to be “friends” with a female for that long

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No no, he stopped and for a couple of weeks she didn't say anything (bc she hoped that by pretending not to care, he would relent). Only when it became clear that he actually had stopped did she pull out the "poor helpless drunk foid" card.

Also she seems like the type of foid who "only has guy friends" and "is one of the guys" as she's being left alone with a guy so often. If she was normal, she'd just walk with a group of other foids.

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Islamic Wisdom which clears Western individualism

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YTA. If one of my homies needed some safety :marseywood: in numbers, I'd be on his six and strapped ( :marseykink:) and not only not expect s*x in return :marseymonke: but refuse :marseyno: any sort of compensation. Real homies got each other's back, that's what it means to be a homie. This guy is not a homie. He's a flake. One day he'll find himself :marseytedbackstab: with no homies and the streets will eat him :marseyvore3: (Marsey's street :marseybigbird: name is The Streets).

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>the streets will eat him


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Am I the only one who doesnt feel unsafe walking at night? Like wtf?! Even Patsy fricking Cline wasnt afraid of walking around late at night and crime was worse back in those days. People today are just so fricking soft, stop fricking around on your dumb phones and get your shit together!


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Imagine wasting all that time when you could have asked her out within a week of knowing her, would have saved a lot of time

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Feelings can change. Assume that they were hanging out only in a group for years and only recently they started to do stuff together (like share a new hobby). Then he gets interested in her.

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This is fake anyway. No 21 year olds are still living in dorms lol. Unless he's an idiot and considers off-campus apartments/housing the same as “dorms”

The anger it generates is funny though. Didn't read the thread btw :marseydevil:

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I love this thread because it makes the average Redditor sound completely unhinged and I totally see why they fell into this trap, because it's one that leftoids in general tend to fall into in lots of circumstances - that if a privileged person (eg. a moid) gets in the habit of doing something for an oppressed person (eg. a foid), then they are an butthole if they just randomly stop deciding to do that nice thing. Foids shouldn't have to walk home in dangerous circumstances, thus if you were helping her not have to do that and then you stop, then you are responsible for her having to walk home and thus YTA. The average Redditor cannot think beyond this to discover the underlying principle that you cannot place these sort of long-term burdens on people just because they did something nice for you once or twice, otherwise you are attaching a massive cost to being nice and that's probably a bad idea.

You can see that some of them recognize the problem with that logic, so they pivot to a backup argument: "You were doing something nice because you wanted to get laid, and that's bad." They think this is some sort of dunk, but again it makes them look unhinged because of course people go out of their way to get a date or laid, and you can't treat this as presumptive dishonesty.

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I dont see how walking someone home in the hope that she enjoys your company and wants a relationship is different from buying someone coffee or a meal in the hope that she enjoys your company and wants a relationship

In both cases youre providing a service/courtesy.

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After looking at all those comments from angry women insisting she should still get the special treatment I have to ask - do women know what they are doing? Like are all these women deluded, or are they just liars?

Like do women legitimately not realise that they are getting special treatment because they keep batting their eyelashes and showing off their tits implying it'll go somewhere, so the special treatment stops when they confirm it won't ever go somewhere? Or is every woman on earth just a compulsive liar pretending they don't know exactly what they're doing?

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Like are all these women deluded


, or are they just liars?

Also yes.

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Probably around 90% have no concept of it at all, and the remaining 10% have some idea but wouldn't believe the extent of it.

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Deluded most likely, but it's advantageous too be deluded in that sense since it will benefit them.

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These are fat and ugly women. They have nothing to offer in the first place, so they SHOULD NOT get special treatment!

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The people who go one those subs are legit standard deviations below average intelligence, completely incapable of any slightly complex thought.

Nice guy bad, you dont walk because want s*x, you bad nice guy.

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>getting nothing in return

The company of a friend ain't nothin', sport :marseyboomer: y'know back in my day kids were EXCITED to see their friends, now they always on that dang phone………….

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This bait needs an update that Reddit convinced him and so he walked her home the next time she was drunk and then they had s*x. Imagine the seethe.

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all women are queens

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total foid death

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Was the crime rate purposely spiked to improve the desirability of men, will more violent crime solve the incel crisis?

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because she was extremely scared walking alone at midnight especially when she was drunk.

I don't know, maybe try not to return home at midnight, especially when you are drunk?

If this were real, I think the guy probably switched off a bit too quickly. He should just man up and told her he does not feel motivated to escort her home anymore.

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Back in high school a girl once asked me to walk her back to her car after a swim meet. Sometimes I wonder if she liked me. She wasn't like the other girls (in a good way.)

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