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Mid-30s single foid has tried nothing and is all out of ideas. Why does the dating market suck here?




I'm a 34 y/o woman. Struggling with dating apps and dating in general. I'm trying to put the work in to meet men outside. I am just struggling trying to figure out where y'all are? I've been to HEB, Central Market and Whole Foods, no luck. Tried going out alone to restaurants a couple times and sat at the bar with no luck. Are there certain areas y'all professional men like to hang after work? I'm usually at the gym lol

Following bc I'm curious too. 30F and I go out enough to public spots but too chicken I guess to actually talk to someone. Gym had some cute bro dudes but I'd never approach. I've been approached at HEB on wash ave a couple times, maybe that's the new move? Perhaps pickleball spots?

Wishing you all the best. Same, I go out a lot alone actually. I have heard that women sometimes unknowingly are not open to men approaching them. So I'm gonna try to make an effort to make eye contact and smile more. I go to the HEB in montrose. I'm a resident and figured I'd run into more like minded men there? Idk. Pickleball does sound like a great place!

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I've been to HEB, Central Market and Whole Foods, no luck.

Am I understanding this correctly that shes trying to pull men at the supermarket?

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Foids fantasise about some irl meet cute where she drops her bag of brussel sprouts or sth and some hot guy picks it up for her

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Manifesting this scene from You


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It would be cute though :marseyhearts:

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For 1% of women. For 97% it would be a r*pe whistle in the guy's face.

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:marseydisagree: it depends on whether the guy is cute & charmingly disarming or weird and aggressive.

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If the guy is cute and charming, he is already married and doing medical rounds for another year before they move to Oregon for a higher salary and start having kids.

Sorry but thems the rules :tayshrug:

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(the deciding cutoff is how prominent his face bones are)

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Nah I've made some really uncalibrated and clumsy kinds of passes at women and literally not a single one has ever reacted angrily. I just got rejected but there was never any kind of scene. I don't know why some guys have this idea that it's actually likely that women will call the cops if they make a move.

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Legacy foid: "Oops I dropped :marseyautismcap: my cabbages :marseyflirt:"

Me: "Goddarn pull yourself :marseykys: together, lady. :handsomechud:"

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"Meet cute" and "the ick" prove that women are r-slurred.

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You are more likely to have meet cute in gangbang rather then in whole food

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Maybe she should try the bus stop?

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Definitly a higher throughput there Id imagine.

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Why would you want to date a man that has to take a bus in their late 30s, especially in 'murica?:marseycringe:

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Not heckin progressive of you comrade, we should ALL be taking the trains!

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This but unironically. I fantasize about a ons on the Orient Express.

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Cunnilingus on the Detroit people mover in front of horrified bystanders. Then I'll take you out for crack and fries

Best I can do

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What bus in America can you fantasize as the orient express? At that processing level of imagination, I guess you can turn a homeless guy into a dashing detective though.

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>taking the trains

>What bus

Dramatards demonstrating their top tier reading comprehension, as always.

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When men are cruising for chicks, they'll go to Target, not Whole Foods.

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At this rate she might as well try online dating on LinkedIn

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In fairness HEB and Central Market are really good grocery stores. At least she has taste.

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Absolutely nothing wrong with that, the problem is that most guys are either too shy to make an approach at the supermarket or think that it's a bad thing to do for some reason.

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lol she's putting in zero effort and just expecting to be approached. If women want to be able to stand around silently in places and get hit on, maybe they should have stopped telling the world that hitting on them in public was the greatest hate crime in history

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It's not that complicated: only hit on me if you're intelligent, charming, wealthy and hot. The rest of you, never speak to me and go seethepost about foids on the internet.

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if you're intelligent, charming, wealthy and hot.

If I was all of those, I wouldn't hit on YOU jamie

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>If I was were all of those

I forgot to include good grammar in my list.

:marseyitsover: for high standards femcels.

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still :marseywouldnt: :marseyindignant:

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Herstory*, chud

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The best thing is the man she rides is the man that ignores that 'advice'. Never listen to words when actions have commented on the topic.

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It is funny watching soys talk about how they're afraid of catching a felony :marseysoylentgrin: for talking to a woman, which, despite what online femcels may claim, is not actually illegal. The police literally can't arrest you for saying hi to a foid.

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The funniest thing is to perpetuate that narrative so men are afraid to talk to women from young ages and women never talk to men since they never make the first move.

Real :marseydevil:-maxxing

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And when the human race dies out, we devils will inherit the earth


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Dude shit tests lmao

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>maybe they should have stopped telling the world that hitting on them in public was the greatest hate crime in history

I don't think it was women in general who ever said that, it was a few "journ*list"s and Reddit types who did.

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That special moment when men stop putting in the effort to search for you and give you attention.

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>Perhaps pickleball spots?

Why tf is this lameass sport :marseymountaineer: EVERYWHERE now? I looked at local happenings in my area to get out tge house :marseykiwivampire: and it's all Queer :marseymicrosoftpride: Black :marseykvlt: Women :marseyuterus: Book Club or Pickleball.

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Oh, I read an article about this! There's a huge, well-funded pickleball cult pushing it everywhere and legacy tenniscels are :marseyraging:

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I can't even be mad at it. My former boss and my fat friends have both become massive shills for it and I know for a fact that they didn't exercise before.

It reminds me a bit of HelloFresh. I got fricking faaat after I moved from the woods and into the south. From 180 to 230 (eating the same, but with much less exercise and going from my 20s to 30s). Never learned to consistently cook until I got a free trial of HelloFresh a few years ago.

Fastforward and I'm back down to 180, haven't used a mealbox in over a year, and I have a lot of nice kitchen shit now that I use on a daily basis. In the past week I've made minestrone, shrimp scampi, chicken dumplings… it's probably taken up hours of my week when you combine it all, but it's not like I was going to use the time more productively otherwise, and it's an excuse to step away from my desk during the day.

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Are those grocery box services worth it? I know you're paying a huge upcharge, but is the variety/quality enough? Kind of bored and wanted to try something new and not have to worry about excess ingredients from the store.

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Yea it's definitely worth it if you're in a spot where you need the convenience. I haven't used them in a while, but traditionally they have a good selection of recipes you can request ahead of time, so if you're trying to go carb or dairy lite, they have something for you.

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Link? I wanna read about dumbass ball drama :marseyagreesuperspeed:

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I'll make a post about it later maybe

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Aging millenials need a low impact sport

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Anything that gets burgers moving is a good thing

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>i went to the grocery store for attention

Explains a lot

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Literally just bend over in Walmart.

How can any foid be an incel? You could be a female Ricky Berwick and still find a libertarian wiling frick your deformed child-sized body.

And before anyone says she wants love, I'm sure he'd be willing to wheel her around the park too.

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The "-cel" in "femcel" doesn't stand for involuntary celibacy, just for celibacy (and even that is incorrect, it's not celibacy, it's just not-longterm-relationship-at-the-moment). No foid can be an incel.

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I have met several femcels recently. One of them was even fairly hot. I wonder if she's just picky.

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Sometimes they are powerfully neurodivergent or just so neurotic they scare a guy off immedietly.

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Something something something I can fix her

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I'd eat out Aella like I'm four again and trying to strip paint off the walls.

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Usually those ones are insane

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Every weasel under 400lbs is able to be pinned

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You really wanna know where the men are? I'll tell you... You left most of them in your friend zone back in your 20s. And at 34, you think you're as high value as you were a decade ago, but you aren't. The men you want are already dating women in their 20s. At 34, your best bet is to lower your standards. And stop trying to find guys in their 30s. That's a man's peak years. You're going to waste another decade chasing men who are out of your league. Guys in their late 40s and older would be a good option, IF you can find one who isn't completely jaded by divorce.

Honestly though, good single men are increasingly rare, especially as you get older. The odds of finding a husband after age 35 is incredibly low.

The best thing we can all do is to start telling girls to stop eating their 20s with parties, clubs, hot girl summers, and hook-ups.


This guy has a puzzling comment history. Both incelposting and MTF posting?

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The incel to train pipeline is well studied around here

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had me in the first half...

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So many online dudes who were jilted by women when they were younger really love parroting this exact fantasy lol what a way to live with yourself

“That's what you GET for rejecting ME when you were 20 now we're BOTH miserable on Reddit dot com!!!”

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As a man (male) in Texas (where HEB exists): it is borderline unthinkable to approach a woman at the grocery. The feminist screeching has trained us against it. She would have to be at least a 8/10 which in Texas is like a bong 32/10 for attractiveness.

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When I go grocery shopping I just want to get the shit I need and get out as quick as possible. I'm not paying attention to anyone around me. The only thing on my mind each time I enter the store is praying they haven't fricking rearranged everything again.

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Any one that is bangable at heb is taken

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Any person I'd like to talk to heb is going to be hot and taken. It's never even crossed my mind that foids would fantasize about this.

You just chat up random girls and ask benign questions about carrots and cat food. Then if things are going well slide in a “what does your bf drink in beers, I need a rec.”

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As if women won't see right through that

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They'll only see through it if you're not attractive.

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You know you are allowed small lies in your social interactions when breaking the ice?

If the foid is interested, she will laugh and say she is single, which gives you the okay to ask for her number or a date. If she isn't she will say something else and you end the conversation.

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Every minute a foid finds out.

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^ I think I've identified her problem.

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What about a 20yr young bull🤫😉

That neighbor's thirsty as heck

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They post this daily in chicago and askchicago too. Women are struggling

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It is a sign of the success of the depopulation agenda, and it is a GOOD thing!

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I have not slept in 36 hours since being removed as a moderator and I have discovered depths of rage previously unknown to man. I could kill a moose with my bare hands and I'm fricking terrified of moose. Goddarn 8 feet tall and nearly one goddarn ton and I think I could kill it. There is fire in my blood and I need to get into a fight. Holy shit the adrenaline makes my skin itch. Holy frick I would like to tear something to pieces.



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Which aisles do you hang out in?

I love chocolate, so the candy aisle lol.

A mystery why nobody is approaching her :marseychonkerfoid:

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Picking up women in a grocery store? Are people in Texas this r-slurred?

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Account is almost two years old and this is the first time commenting or posting

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