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:10inbongland: Foids don't like their skimpy Friday night outfits being preserved on the Internet for eternity






tl;dr: Apparently there's an "auditor" (thot audit?) trend on TikTok that involves filming young women out partying and foids don't like it because now everyone knows they're sluts.

!zoomers you're so based, keep it up

Daily Mail article about an account which sadly got banned or deleted, I can't find the one(s) they're complaining about now.

Edit: Here's something similar on YouTube but it's filmed by a foid so it's ok

Warning: contains British women


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lol I've seen those videos, part of that walk around a city genre where you also get to look at drunk bydło

Police say they are now actively trying to catch the person making the videos.

what are the police even gonna do? it's not illegal to film people in public places

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It's Bongistan, they'll find a way to punish them through some esoteric harassment law they have there.

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The UK made upskirting illegal recently so maybe they'll get him on that.

Not sure it's really upskirting if your "skirt" is a belt though :marseyshrug:

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You're confusing Britain with a country that has a constitution and rule of law.

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it's the UK. making someone feel slightly unsafe or offended is enough to get arrested.

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it's not illegal to [intentionally] film people in public [without their consent]

in some countries it is.

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It's also illegal to plow your bussy in some countries but I'm still gonna do it :marseyshrug:

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it's not illegal to film people in public places

filming? Depends on the country. Publishing it? Yeah... that changes things in a ton of countries. Publishing it for commercial benefits? And you add a ton of other countries to the list again. You can argue that ad revenue driving by the publication of the vid is commercial use.

here's a handy country guide: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Country_specific_consent_requirements

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in the videos they follow around the groups of drunk girls with hidden cameras

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129 thousand people voluntarily watched bong women. :marseyyikes:

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They saw that fatty at the start and kept watching :marseypuke:

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It's just like my 600 lb life!

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My 43 Stone Life

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It's like going :marseysal3: to the circus. Come one come all and cast your gaze on the bearded lady! Freak :marseypedoglow: show this way!

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idk horror is a popular genre anywhere

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!moidmoment secretly filming people is gangstalker behavior. :marseyindignantwoman:

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luckily there's a foid (immune from consequences) youtuber doing it too :marseycoomer2:

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moid foid

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Its not secretly though. You see people waving (or twerking :marseywomanmoment2: ) for the camera

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The women were filmed without their knowledge

This is Meg, everyone:


Manchester nightlife videos: Women 'feel unsafe'

after being secretly filmed


[https:/// //bbc. com/news/uk-england-manchester-68826423](https://https:/// //bbc. com/news/uk-england-manchester-68826423)<time>April 19,</time>



Manchester nightlife videos: Women 'feel unsafe'

after being secretly filmed


[https:/// //bbc. com/news/uk-england-manchester-68826423](https://https:/// //bbc. com/news/uk-england-manchester-68826423)


! [](https://https:/// //ichef. bbci. co. uk/news/480/cpsprodpb/7F4B/production/_133178523_de27-88. jpg. webp)! [](https://https:/// //ichef. bbci. co. uk/news/480/cpsprodpb/8B03/production/_133178553_de27-91. jpg. webp)! [](https://https:/// //ichef. bbci. co. uk/news/480/cpsprodpb/0A1B/production/_133178520_de27-90. jpg. webp) By

Laura O'Neill, BBC NewsBBCThe women were filmed without

their knowledge

**Women in the north-west of England say they

feel unsafe after videos taken of them on nights out

without their knowledge have gained millions of views on

social media and attracted a slew of misogynistic

comments. **

Police say they are now actively trying to catch the

person making the videos.

They are asking anyone who has been filmed to come


Meg, 23, from Manchester, was a victim of the

disturbing social trend.

The make up artist and TikTok influencer said she was

filmed on a night out in Manchester. She said she did not

realise she had been filmed until she was sent a link to

the video.

"I didn't see him, I didn't know I was being

recorded, " she said.

"I can't believe I've been targeted in that way. He

looked at me and thought 'yeah, I'll video

them'. "

! [](https://https:/// //ichef. bbci. co. uk/news/480/cpsprodpb/F47B/production/_133178526_de27-89. jpg. webp) The

video of Meg was posted by a stranger on the same night

it was filmed

Meg said she was filmed while walking along Deansgate

with two women she did not know. She had noticed they

were being harassed by a group of men and offered to walk

with them.

"I just walked with them to get a taxi, so we were all

together, " she said.

"I just ended up having a little conversation with

them. "

The video of Meg was posted later that night by a


It is one of dozens uploaded daily to platforms like

TikTok, YouTube and Instagram, usually on the same night

they are filmed.

The clips, which are often titled "Manchester

nightlife" or "Liverpool nightlife", have racked up

millions of views along with an abundance of misogynistic


"I have no words really other than it just made me

feel a bit sick, " she said.

"It's just not nice at all, and obviously not just in

a selfish way, but also towards the other women. A lot of

them will be really, really young girls, maybe even

underage girls not knowing that they were being


"There's videos of girls like falling over and having

their underwear on show and stuff. And then being posted

online like that, something really needs to be done about

it. "

Meg (right) was filmed while walking along

Deansgate in Manchester with two other women

Greater Manchester Police (GMP) says it is actively

working to catch the people making the videos.

Officers are being briefed on the situation ahead of

their shifts.

GMP said although it is not illegal to film people in

public, if the action is causing distress or harassment

it could be considered criminal.

PCs Ellison and Seu from GMP said it could be

difficult to spot people filming due to the technology

they use.

"A lot of people speak to their phone as they're

walking past, " PC Ellison said.

"We don't know if they're videoing or not as they're

going up the street. So it can be quite hard to get that

one. "

PC Seu said one woman had approached him about being


"She said he had like little Ray Ban glasses and at

the corner was a camera that flashed red, " he


! [](https://https:/// //ichef. bbci. co. uk/news/480/cpsprodpb/7CF3/production/_133178913_dji_0748. jpg. webp) The

clips attracted a slew of misogynistic comments

Ch Insp Stephen Wiggins of GMP's City

of Manchester central district urged anyone who has been

filmed or featured in the videos to come forward.

"We are very much up against it if we don't get that

intelligence, that information, coming from the actual

victims and communities themselves, " he said.

"We have intervened recently on a number of occasions

where we had males acting suspiciously in the city


"So our plea from our organisation is that people ring

us if they see any suspicious behaviour in the city

centre and will make sure that will be there. "


Inspector Stephen Wiggins said GMP was trying to

catch the people making the videos

Charlotte, from Trafford R*pe Crisis, is calling on

social media platforms to shut the accounts down.

She said the victim-blaming nature of the comments

made it harder for people who had experienced sexual

violence to come forward.

"It absolutely is a direct causal link to sexual

violence, " she said.

"These sorts of victim-blaming commentaries introduce

another level of shame.

"That becomes a barrier to women accessing the

support. "

TikTok and YouTube said they had removed a number of

videos and accounts relating to this content for

violating the guidelines.

A TikTok spokesperson said: "Misogyny is prohibited on

TikTok. Any content found to violate these guidelines

will be removed. "

For Meg, the day the accounts are shut down cannot

come soon enough.

"They shouldn't be allowed to be posted online without


"These videos are creating almost a danger of violence

towards women.

"The video that was took of me was posted on the same

night. So if I was still out that night and that video

was posted, that creates some sort of danger of violence

I believe. "

! [](https://https:/// //ichef. bbci. co. uk/news/480/cpsprodpb/11678/production/_105988217_line976. jpg. webp)

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more like deanogate, amirite? :marseyemojirofl:

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Foids and simps on reddit are foaming at the mouth while calling for even more laws against public filming. I hope bongs will have to suffer through even more restrictions, it's what they deserve :marseybonggenocide:

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God is fat. And She twerks marvelously.

And you know what? You don't fricking know if She has diabetes. And it's none of your fricking business. She's glorious either way.



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One of the DM's favourite articles involves them going out into town centres on holidays and taking pictures of young women. Why the frick are they complaining about this?

I Google "daily mail bank holiday night out" and get a billion results including

Easter Bank holiday revellers party at the start of the long weekend https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13251641/A-sore-eggs-morning-Easter-Bank-holiday-revellers-hit-town-start-long-weekend-morning-hangovers-mean-wont-Good-Friday-many.html

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10/10 in bongland

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She uses her powerful legs to reach higher vantage points.

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Welsh Racial Ability: Agility

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The best daily mail content is their usual articles of people being piss drunk in public

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>wear a bikini :marseycheeks: for attention

>get attention

>noooooo stop giving me attention :marseytedsimp2: :#marseycry:

!male feminists

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It's not for your attention it's for Kyle at the pub :marseyindignant: :marseycry: he never notice

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If you look these videos up, it's obvious that in many of them the person's using a hidden camera to record women. In a few of them, they're basically following them around, or hovering around them to catch all angles.

Where can I see these videos? :marseycoomer2:

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There are forums about this. It's a hobby.

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where which forums?! :marseyraging:

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they look fine. in fact more women should dress like this....


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Service a warning - you've been identified doing this concerning thing in public people are reporting now they have been harassed.

If they breach that they get a notice saying look we've told you to stop filming drunk girls. They have reported you over and over this is a notice

Then it's an offence to breach the notice.

Redditors can't comprehend a justice system beyond what their parents did to them as a kid

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People said they don't like this so …. It's illegal

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Meanwhile Mohammed can have his underage harem and bomb factory because it would be racially insensitive to profile him

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Women: omg I'm so cold, turn the heat up, air conditioning is sexist

Also women: just above freezing and overcast outside? Better wear booty shorts with my oversized hoodie

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Oi m8 fancy a snog?


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lmaoooo at 0:58 there's two chicks wearing a hijab with a literal bikini top wtf

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Why do those YouTube comments smell like curry

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Didn't the cameraman turn out to be an asian manlet or something?

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God, why are Uk women just so awful?

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JFC. Friday night has changed a bit since the 90s....

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I'm not saying this should be illegal but are we going to pretend that this is a well adjusted, normal person? No this is pretty weird.

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crazy how bri'ish girls only even have a remote chance to get dudes if they basically walk naked

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Sharia now please

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When I was in my "cis b-word" slutty phase in my early twenties before I realised I was trans, I would get dolled up and go out dressed as slaggy as I could get away with. Not to attract men, but to feel good by the fact men would be perving at me. Yeah and if the right moid showed an interest we'd hook up.

Moids are utter garbage though. Women don't mind someone having a quick glance but when you're creeping and taking videos it's a total moidmoment.

For every moid who gets to hook up with women on a night out, there's hundreds of seething incels who don't who end up creeping and staring and filming. Yeah, women don't dress up for the creeps, losers. Just the chads. That's not women's problem.

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