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29 year old woman wants to leave relationship because she's bored, asks 30+ year old women if it's the right thing to do…


Only one person who says “put some effort” isn't completely obliterated.

Lots of other women say they're happy (their profiles indicate otherwise)

Just another reminder why you should NEVER take advice from terminally online losers (us included)

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ITT: scrotes pretending no moid has ever had a midlife crisis, fricked the babysitter and his life.

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Jimbo you're not making the point you think you are. Banging the babysitter is far less selfish than initiating a divorce over something dumb like histrionics or your husband banging a babysitter


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>it doesn't count when we destroy a marriage for stupid selfish reasons. :marseyclueless:

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Banging the babysitter is a tradition


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If you didn't want us to bang her you'd have never let us hire such a pretty one or let us see how good she is with the kids


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Lol, things are only comparatively bad! If one gender also does a bad thing then it's not a bad thing!!

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I know someone who did exactly that

tbh he's much happier now with his new gf (babysitter thing didn't last obvs)

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Im going to frick the au pair. Or the pharmacist.

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I'm not mid life yet! I'm young! YOUNG!

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>As Mother Swift sang "I'm pissed off you let me give you all that youth for free"


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As Saint Dre sang

Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks

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They lick on these nuts and suck the peepee

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What did he mean by this??

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lmao I don't think her husband even did anything wrong (aside from marrying her). Usually they'll complain about something but there's nothing here.

It's literally "I want to get a bunch of attention from people but my husband can only give me so much should I divorce him to go slut it up for a few years".

Absolutely ZERO consideration of what happens afterwards ofc.

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Yeah the time to do that was in her early 20s so she can realize how unfulfilling it is and "settle down" in her 30s. But i think that's a lesson learned best by experience so i think she's already fricked not living it up earlier. Now even if she tries to fix things with her husband, she'll always be wondering.

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imo if people have even a sliver of emotional intelligence they can glean many of those lessons from others. Pretty easy to talk to your friends about their experiences and derive some knowledge from them, you don't need to necessarily do everything yourself.

But she clearly doesn't have that.

She mostly just seems entirely ignorant of the future - she'll be in her late 30s or early 40s when she eventually wants to re-enter the dating market to "settle down", and I doubt she'll find someone better than her current husband at that time. (I'm assuming he's not so bad because if he was, she would have mentioned it.) But, like many people, she's incapable of forward thinking and planning for the future so all she's thinking about is "maybe I can have hot s*x with a bunch of different dudes".

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It's pretty fulfilling. Don't mistake women whining that they want more or would pick the bear as statements of things that at true.

Bang guys way hotter than you to fulfill your sexual desires. If pregnant, abort.

Get pregnant by a gainfully employed guy to forcibly steal his money to fulfill your investment desires.

Biological desires scratched, investment desires scratched, baby present, satisfaction nearing maximum

When kid grows up, marry desperate loser with a house so you have somewhere to live when child support runs out.

Die happy, doesn't matter, banged stud, got cared for, raised baby.

For a guy to be this fulfilled he'd have to wake up, bang his three concubines, go hunting on his reserve, knock a guy out for talking shit, and go to bed.

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>single mom

>hoping you can find a "desperate loser" who owns a house when you're 50-60

yeah that sounds so fun

is getting peepeeed by Chads for a few years really that great? truly it must be some golden peepee :marseydarkfoidretard:

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i don't think they consciously think like that; they ovulate, get "r*ped," and then continue normally until they ovulate again. eventually the hormones have less of an effect obv

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god it's so grim that if you ask broads on the internet if you should leave your MARRIAGE because you want more attention they'll mostly all say yes. and i say that as a woman in her 30s. i understand that it's partly due to conformity, women's forums/boards/groups are heavy on conformity and so anyone who has a different opinion from the majority will just not say anything. this allows a few people to set the consensus and then everyone else who chirps up will dutifully agree. but it's still very bleak to me that the majority opinion is divorce is just fine because there's always more attention and more peepees out there for you and you wouldn't wanna miss out. what an empty life. :marseysad:

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our democracy :marseyhillary:

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I do hope this foid ruins her life

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I want attention.

Why write all those words when it can be summed up in one sentence.

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I want more attention



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Her dating prospects won't be objectively terrible but they will be much worse than she's used to (29 year old divorcee vs early 20s). If she gets divorced she'll probably have fun being some guys' fleshlight for a few years and then when she wants to get married again she'll realize how badly she fricked up her life.

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Invest in IVF futures

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real talk need to find a publicly traded company that deals in IVF because it's gonna be a lucrative investment

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I love how they all support her when she at best just has some vague feeling of wanting something different.

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Believe all women. Support all women.

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I want to have fun while I am young and have a young body. I want to sleep with other people. I want to share this best version of me with people who actually appreciate me. I want attention. I want to travel and have new experiences. I want the freedom to do what I want. As I woman, I feel like there is a timeline before you are labeled as “gross” for acting younger than you should.

Yes, the timeline ends when you get married or go through menopause, whichever comes first :marseyeggless:

Now, I am emotionally mature enough


I am in therapy

Of course you are r-slur :marseydarkxd:

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Just another reminder why you should NEVER take advice from terminally online losers (us included)

Bullshit we give great advice. Someone tell op to sell her husband as a slave to Dubai.

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I love watching miserable women tear down a confused peer so they can turn out just as crab-like and miserable. Like watching a zombie movie where all the bad guys lose.

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They hate each other and will only team up if it is to avoid accountability

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They compete covertly under the guise they are all on the same side.

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This isn't just gassing yourself up, this is some nitro

I will be 30 in a few months and I feel like I am the best version of myself that I have ever been. IMO I am successful, educated, I feel the most beautiful and sexy than I ever have. I feel mentally strong and have strong relationships with friends and my parents.

I want to have fun while I am young and have a young body. I want to sleep with other people. I want to share this best version of me with people who actually appreciate me. I want attention. I want to travel and have new experiences. I want the freedom to do what I want. As I woman, I feel like there is a timeline before you are labeled as “gross” for acting younger than you should.

Now, I am emotionally mature enough to know that these wants are a little ridiculous and are overly glamorized in my head. I am in therapy.

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She's rationalizing her basic instincts into thoughts and decisions, but the reality is that her husband's to blame. She describes their relationship as "stagnant," meaning he's too focused on mundane things like work and has let himself go, just like many men his age. :marseydepressed:

But can we really blame him? Given the terrible economy and the current job market, it's understandable that he's struggling. Weight gain and depression are almost inevitable when you're in a constant state of survival mode. Ultimately, the fault lies with his higher-ups and those who control the economy within the government. :marseynoooticer:

What I'm basically saying is umm...we need to round up all the

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Nice user ID

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Also great news: 40 is the new 30 and you'll be surprised: your 40 year old body will still be banging. Seriously, I'm not some rando with amazing self-esteem. But it really is true. When I was younger I was scared shitless of turning 30 because all my references were these old people who had let go of themselves and were in unhappy marriages. Newer generations are not like that. Go out any night and there are so many hot af 30-somethings enjoying life. Promise. Plus the older you get the more you know your body, how to have pleasure with it and how to not be too self-conscious about it.

As for wanting to share this version of yourself with everyone: don't ever believe whoever tells you that is "immature". It's only immature if you're reckless to yourself or other people in the process, but to want to actually experience life to the fullest will never be immature or vain. You only have this one, better make it count.



Profile is :!#targetspotted:

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I love Garfunkel and Oates <3

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So good.

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>I will be 30 in a few months and I feel like I am the best version of myself that I have ever been. IMO I am successful, educated, I feel the most beautiful and sexy than I ever have. I feel mentally strong and have strong relationships with friends and my parents.

>My husband is really trying to make things better but I have this wall of uncertainty that's keeping me from whole-heartedly moving forward with him.

>I want to have fun while I am young and have a young body. I want to sleep with other people. I want to share this best version of me with people who actually appreciate me. I want attention

this kween should leave her husband and be a thirtysomething single mother

thirtysomething single mothers attract all of the best men and def not an endless stream of coomers looking for a living fleshlight :marseyagree:

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Fricking whore.

Hope she dies alone.

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No one in real life has ever treated me poorly for being a 33 year old, childfree divorcee. In fact, I often get congratulated. I've had women look at me with envy. I've had several middle aged women ask me for advice on how to work up the strength to leave their marriages.

Her entire post history is screeching at other women to leave their boyfriends on AITA-type subs, but I'm sure she's super secure and happy with her life as a 33 year old, childfree divorcee!!!

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>A delusional miserable post wall woman has delusions of grandeur on top of her other problems?!


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why does having fun always mean being a whore?

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