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Got spat on twice now. London has become horrendous for women




I'm a 30yo woman working in London.

Tonight I was waiting to cross a busy street outside a station and some thin dude on a bike slowly rolled passed, looked at me and spat right to my face. I had the reflex to turn away and I tried to run after him. I called the police who was not very helpful except taking details and just being very nonchalant about it.

About a year ago a group of young men on bikes were in a park and one of them literally approached me to spit in my face. Called the police immediately. Got a crime number, of course nothing was done and I didn't even get a call back so I'm really not hopeful on what happened to me tonight.

Am I missing something? Has this become acceptable behaviour? I asked the police that tonight and she said it certainly wasn't "an every day thing".

I really don't stand out in a crowd, I'm an average woman height/build and have blonde hair. How can this have happened to me twice and not be more common? I'm livid this has happened to me twice and must be happening to many women in the city who don't report those disgusting scumb*gs.

EDIT: I have removed the ethnicity of the perpetrator - even if that's just a factual observation - since it's all some comments are focusing on and isn't the point of the post.

this is what women voted for and they deserve it

sort by controversial to see all the noooooticers that got deleted :marseynoooticer:

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EDIT: I have removed the ethnicity of the perpetrator - even if that's just a factual observation - since it's all some comments are focusing on and isn't the point of the post.

She deserves to be culturally enriched.

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hmmm I wonder which one it was?



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https://i.rdrama.net/images/1720283382636399.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17202833827554994.webp

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It's worth noting guy below me is right, Asian in Britain means Indian or Paki, not Japanese Korean or Chinese like us Americans. Also, the woman is dumb and voted for this.

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Shut the frick up, no one voted to be spit on.

>unless you vote for my rslurred reactionaries you're personally liable for every bad thing that ever happens!!!


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>Vote for cultural enrichment

>Complain about being culturally enriched


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>vote to gut the economy and ship jobs overseas

>job outsourced


See what a dumb argument this is?

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No, leftoids have been screaming "diversity is our biggest strength" for decades now. If you're voting for a party that openly supports illegal aliens, you will soon figure out the consequences (and nobody will feel bad for you)

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This was in London, the Conservatives have been running the UK for the last 15 years.

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There's no such thing as a right wing party in the UK. Just varying degrees of left

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They are leftoids. After all, Bernie Sanders would be a conservative in the UK.

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One party wants to bring brown people do the work. One party wants to take the job out and to the browns.

Either way you'll end up an unemployed r-slur :marseywink:

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The dumbest part is that we already saw that twitter girl from the other day doing all the spitting. :marseythinkorino: It's a :marseyextinction: moment but for the opposite reasons.

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Hawk Tuah on that thang

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Both are solid arguments :marseyshrug:

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The torries dont seem to care about the large amounts of Pakis coming in either :idontknow:

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The gammons of bad uk assured me that anyone who has voted tory in the last 10 years is pro paki.

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unless you vote for my rslurred reactionaries you're personally liable for every bad thing that ever happens!!!


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would you spit on me :marseyspit:

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Only with a 2/3 supermajority vote

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Keep in mind this might be @peepeehands' one and only opportunity to exchange bodily fluids with a woman (german), this might be the most important vote of our lifetime.

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awwwwwww :marseyhugpeepeehands:

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anti spits are fascists

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Females did. Including your "based TERF" Rowling. Never forget, she wants to flood your country with 3rd worlders and is asking for this and mass r*pe gangs.

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>vote to import men who hate you

>Men who hate you spit on you

>Wtf I didn't vote for this

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I voted for the scary brown men to murder you, not be rude to me.

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/r/leopardatemyface moment haha amiright

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Oops, turns out they're all kitties who couldn't make it in their native land. Lucky for them that it's impossible to be weaker than a woman

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No you literally did but because of foidbrain you don't understand cause and effect

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People typically pay for that not vote for it

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I voted

!grillers the only thing we unanimously agree on

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The only thing you did was vote for me to spit on you. Good job cute twink, I'm coming for you tonight.

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Shall I wear something cute?

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I'd suggest you cover up. I'm bringing a large amount of saliva.

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Naw, just to import spitters en mass, how could a woman ever be expected to realize doing so might be a bad idea? (Aside from every man who's not just trying to bone her telling her it's a bad idea)

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No one directly voted to be spit on, but voting en masse in the way they did made that happen. Votes have consequences sweaty :marseysmughips:

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It's not even voting really, if you support letting tons of pahjeets and pakis into yo dumbass anlgoid country then expect these kinds of events to be the result.

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They voted for parties that support spitters

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>EDIT: I have removed the ethnicity of the perpetrator - even if that's just a factual observation - since it's all some comments are focusing on and isn't the point of the post.


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yep. totally irrelevant. probably NOT the same ethnicity as the last one.

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Weird, happened to me (f) about eight years ago in Lewisham. A white guy about twenty years my age spat on me on the pavement. Sad to hear that it's such a common thing happening. WTF?!

The only undeleted comment that mentions race.

I hope the guy who did this to you hits a pothole, flies off his bike and breaks both his knee caps.

I've given this comment a cheeky "threatening violence" report, let's see how it does.

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I was going to ask if they could pepper spray these guys, but then I remembered Bongs can't even buy cake ingredients without being hassled by the nanny state


!burgers come laugh at the subhuman bongoloid state of affairs

:marseyusa: :marseyusa: :marseyusa:

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where's your cake baking license

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Uh, uh, it's it's my other cloak. Uh, let me go grab it. One second...



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Burgers complain that gangs of feral youths roam their streets unchallenged but they also complain that TERF Island has the solutions.

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TERF Island has the solutions


Was to solution to vote in more limp-wristed leftoids who suck immigrant peepee even more than bong conservatives do?

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If only their solution was serious consequences for vandalism and not some r-slurred age limit on purchasing eggs.

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>getting stabbed and spit on despite nanny state attempts at regulating everything under the sun


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wrong, we dont complain about that

blacks complain about it when people like zimmerman shoot them

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It's not that there isn't a will to do anything about it (people are trying), but not only were police force numbers and budgets cut in droves over years of Tory "austerity", but there's been an even greater mass exodus lately of people leaving the police now ( https://www.polfed.org/westmids/news-and-events/2023/officers-leaving-police-service-in-record-numbers/ ) thanks to the highly stressful, under-trained and under-paid environments that those long-term austerity measures generated.

And this is not to mention the constant media hatred the police get for the bad eggs in the force like Wayne Couzens or Cliff Mitchell. The police perform absolutely vital services in the city but for every 1000 officers doing a good job, their reputation is completely undone by the occasional criminal or psychopath who gets into the system (which thanks to budget cuts, is also not well-equipped to root out). And lets face it; when do we ever hear about the good cops? They exist in droves, but we never hear about them because good news doesn't make content or generate clicks, which then not only feeds into public animosity towards the MET but also makes the officers serving under it feel hated no matter how hard they try to do a good job.

Honestly, why would anyone want to become a cop these days? There's little-to-no sense of making fundamental differences to society or being rewarded for exceptional work when the politicians are working so much against the people of the country. And working conditions like this when you have to constantly deal with the worst & most difficult members of society every day only fosters environments where good officers become jaded, average or bad ones (or leave altogether) and lousy & unscrupulous ones are encouraged.

One of my unironic favorite parts of the internet is watching British progressives use American rightoid arguments in favor of the police because it lets them try to dunk on the Tories.

You can legit see some leftoid subreddits instantly pivot from "more police can't prevent crime lmao" to "of course there's more crime when there's less police lmao" the second they can blame the less police on the rightoids.

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More police was a British left stance until :marseyfoidretard: got mass access to the internet and couldn't tell the difference between Britain and America because their phone showed them America.

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You can legit see some leftoid subreddits instantly pivot from "more police can't prevent crime lmao" to "of course there's more crime when there's less police lmao" the second they can blame the less police on the rightoids.

Extremely good point. You can see this in subreddits for cities where the DA takes a super anti-policing stance where the same dummies that claim more policing creates more crime will also claim that the progressive DAs are victims of a conspiracy by the police depts who refuse to actually "do their jobs" (something that the leftoids didn't want to happen anyways). The police are just doing what the leftoids wanted them to do, which is not go after criminals who commit non-violent crimes no matter how disruptive and harmful they are. That whole spiel about "akshually we just want cops to stop shooting minorities" gets trotted out as if they weren't claiming the very act of funding police and prisons causes more crime when the money could just be spent on social services. The DAs won't even bother prosecuting these offenders in a lot of cases anyways, so why should the police even bother? The leftoids should be grateful that the pigs and their bootlickers are staying out of the way.

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What race were they?

!chuds !nooticers

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Anglo Saxons maybe? I heard they liked to r*pe Briton women


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Nah nah, they r*ped them into their own gene pool.

!male feminists

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Ay guvna, luv me sum Pict women

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computer add people on bikes


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Does that still work? Steve sailor dropped "particularly shooty people" on tuckers podcast and that should be on the list

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Spitters. With a hard r

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Reminds me of that "10 hours of walking through NYC as a woman" video. Lady who made it took it down because people noticed all of the dudes who followed her or made creepy comments were blacks and mexicans.

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My favorite part is that every 10th comment is Andrew tate lol

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white supremacist incels did this

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British police are so underfunded they carry sticks instead of guns. Sad state of affairs

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how the frick did they take over the world

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Because nobody had an army when the brits did, and they dgaf about human rights at that time. They also had MANDATORY bow&arrows practice at one point and now you can't go shooting off bows for training in your own city square any more

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...did she try not dressing like an infidel whore in Islamic London, with her bare hair and showing of neck and wrists?

She's lucky she only got spat on.


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Part and parcel

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@WildStar thoughts?

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I'll keep it short.


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holy shit lmao

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This is their home now. You being spit on by society is them showing you the door. It's extremely disrespectful to not take this cultural cue and find some other place to exist. Why are white women so fricking rude?

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WARNING!!!! If you overuse lefty lingo and go over the top, they can smell you out as "sus" and a r-word. you have to play midwit IQ, and agree to other peoples comments, before making them look like leftist cowtools.


But they follow me for years on those sites and on invite only groomercords and on other reddits not in that news link. I CAUSED THE BOTS TONIGHT, SORRY!



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