Darklands shill, do not engage
8mo ago#6664131
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This but unironically. But just because I'm not going to support DeBeers' bullshit. If a woman wants you to just dump money in a burn pile for her, kick her b-word butt out.
Yeah if I ever get married she's gonna have to accept a lab-grown diamond. It's the same fricking thing minus the child slave labor involved in harvesting "real" diamonds.
Nah it's deeper than that, wedding rings came about because of a massive DeBeers marketing campaign, but that's because America stopped recognizing/honoring breach-of-promise lawsuits,something I learned about from an old episode of Andy Griffith my parents were watching. Essentially if a man asked to marry a woman and then changed his mind, a woman could sue him,because once a man popped the question,even in the old days the hanky-panky usually started and there was a non-zero chance he knocked her up, but either way,; her smv as they thought of it back then took a huge hit. So basically women could sue men for stealing their virginity. The diamonds came in to replace that because it showed the man had a significant investment in the woman and wasn't playing around,and then once the question was popped, they would also hanky-panky. Today, it makes no sense when on average, if you're stupid enough to marry a woman, 4-7 men have enjoyed her before you,they don't honor their virginity so why should a man buy a big butt gemstone that was essentially buying it(her virginity) in the old days?
I'm saying you're an ugoid seething, I'm pretty chill, I know I'm on the level of a maggot in terms of women's attraction to me, but women can't handle knowing they've taken an irreversible hit to their sexiness.
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This but unironically. But just because I'm not going to support DeBeers' bullshit. If a woman wants you to just dump money in a burn pile for her, kick her b-word butt out.
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Yeah if I ever get married she's gonna have to accept a lab-grown diamond. It's the same fricking thing minus the child slave labor involved in harvesting "real" diamonds.
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Nah it's deeper than that, wedding rings came about because of a massive DeBeers marketing campaign, but that's because America stopped recognizing/honoring breach-of-promise lawsuits,something I learned about from an old episode of Andy Griffith my parents were watching. Essentially if a man asked to marry a woman and then changed his mind, a woman could sue him,because once a man popped the question,even in the old days the hanky-panky usually started and there was a non-zero chance he knocked her up, but either way,; her smv as they thought of it back then took a huge hit. So basically women could sue men for stealing their virginity. The diamonds came in to replace that because it showed the man had a significant investment in the woman and wasn't playing around,and then once the question was popped, they would also hanky-panky. Today, it makes no sense when on average, if you're stupid enough to marry a woman, 4-7 men have enjoyed her before you,they don't honor their virginity so why should a man buy a big butt gemstone that was essentially buying it(her virginity) in the old days?
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I think the body count shit is just a pathetic cope to fantasize about rejecting a foid.
It doesn't matter if she's a virgin she still hates you.
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Nah, I lose respect for women that I know aren't virgins, the same way sensible women are turned off if they know a man has been to prison.
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im literally screaming, Their smv is so far above yours that it doesnt matter what you think, and Youll take what you can get
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In our part of the world we say "No Seal, No deal"
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...are you trying to say that I'm a British TERF?
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I'm saying you're an ugoid seething, I'm pretty chill, I know I'm on the level of a maggot in terms of women's attraction to me, but women can't handle knowing they've taken an irreversible hit to their sexiness.
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Geg, who the frick is seething?
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