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Foids Posting Ls :marseyl:




Lawyer up and leave asap. So many red flags: isolation, sexual assault, dead beat dad, shitty husband. You are raising your kids in a toxic environment.

Every time :marseyxd:

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On this night, we went out to dinner and had a wine tasting flight and some mixed drinks. We went to a few bars and had some beers after that. We were having fun for the first time in a long time, and we got really drunk. We eventually went back to the bnb and I took a bath in this amazing soaking tub (we only had a standard tub at home so I was pretty excited about it). He left the room to wander around and have another beer on the porch. I don't remember him coming back or getting out of the tub. After mixing beer, wine, and liquor, I was drunker than I'd been since college. Embarrassing, but true.

Since the beginning of our relationship, my husband has wanted to try anal s*x with me. I always said no. I was pretty open to most other things, but this just never interested me. He would try to convince me, I would say no, and we would move on. He turned it into a running joke. He gave me a valentine once that said something about doing "butt stuff," for instance, or he'd ask if I was finally going to do it for his birthday. I'd laugh it off and say no thanks, but it got a little annoying over time. The morning after our anniversary night out, he told me two things: I had been so drunk the night before that I'd peed in the closet after mistaking it for the bathroom (humiliating), and we'd had anal s*x. He said I asked him to and I enjoyed it. If he hadn't told me I wouldn't have known. There was no soreness or pain, presumably because of the hot bath I'd taken beforehand. I never brought it up again, but it has never sat right with me. I guess I didn't want to investigate the situation or my feelings more deeply because I didn't want to deal with it.

Fast forward to last weekend. I have a newborn and my husband hasn't helped at all. He took two weeks paternity leave, but spent it all bringing our toddler to his parents' house and working on taxes and researching different job opportunities over there. He hasn't done any night shifts. I'm recovering from a C-section, sleep deprived, and frustrated with his coldness and lack of care. We have been fighting more intensely than usual, and he has started videotaping our arguments because he knows it makes me angry. He said it was "the only way to make me behave," which enraged me. I wanted to make his videotape useless to him (in case things progressed to divorce and he tried to use it as proof of something, I guess), so I called him a male feminist and repeated my side of the story. My toddler was in the room. I am deeply ashamed of doing this in front of my kid.

LMFAO "I got super drunk and told my hubby to butt blast me, he did and I threw it in his face calling him a male feminist years later"

Peak foid

My husband then stayed up all night packing and moved to his parents' house the next morning. I am trying to care for the two kids by myself, and he comes over when he feels like it and hangs out with our toddler, who is very confused. He wants a divorce with no marriage counseling because I "crossed a bright line" by calling him a male feminist, especially in front of our kid. I am inclined to agree because he is terrible to me but blames me for all our problems, and I'm out of energy. I have asked for marriage counseling anyway, though, in an effort to slow down this process so I can get organized.

So she doesn't want counseling she just wants to stall. Peaker foid

Lawyer up and leave asap. So many red flags: isolation, sexual assault, dead beat dad, shitty husband. You are raising your kids in a toxic environment. Get a lawyer and collect what is your's, collect what is owed for your kids but if you stay it will get worse.

Literally none of that is true lol.

All of that, plus make sure he doesn't have the kid's passports. He is manipulative and frightening. Who knows what else he is capable of.


It's recommended not to do counseling with an abuser, but you should absolutely get therapy for yourself and contact DV support to start getting help and a plan.

Abuser? Where's his abuse?

Since he left, you should go to the county assistance office and file for assistance. You can even file for cash assistance. You do not have to be divorced or filing for divorce. The state will give you cash aid, help with childcare and even help with job training so you can get a job.

!nooticers Single moms have these shit memorized but still act like they aren't welfare queens

I wouldn't stress too much about calling him a male feminist in front of the toddler, he is a male feminist. He r*ped you. He's trying to minimize what he did you, which is a bigger deal than calling him a name in front of a toddler. Don't want to be called a male feminist, don't r*pe people.

He had s*x with his wife which in no way shape or form harmed her. She admits she wasn't even sore (lol peepeelet). It wasn't anywhere near r*pe

When it comes time for courts and such, just keep it about the facts, not feelings. You can explain why you called him that.

!burgers I'm not overly familiar with your courts, would that even be allowed during a divorce case?

It would be helpful too if you talked to a domestic violence program in your area, many offer free counseling and resources.

Why? He didn't hit her. He should've, but he didn't.

You've consistently said no to anal. There is no way you asked for it.

Oh horse shite. Foids getting drunk and deciding to try some shit they've always said no to is a tale as old as time

Drunk consent is not consent by law or by morality. It's time to break out the tea video

Oh so if he got drunk and hit the b-word that would be okay then? Because he hadn't consented to violence?

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Holy fricking shit women are genuinely evil and you will never change my mind

!chuds !nonchuds

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This but unironically

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Yeah, the fact that this foid is claiming r*pe to win an unrelated argument should be an obvious red flag. The fact that this obviously is not r*pe should be another but Reddit always buys the "drunk+regretful s*x is r*pe (for foids only)" line.

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>moids rationalizing and excusing bad moid behavior

:#marseysoyseethetalking: :#soyjakcobsontalking: :#soyjakferaltalking:

He knew she wouldn't want anal if she was sober. He did this deliberately. It was r*pe. !nonchuds

just kidding bb :marseyembrace:

We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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Depends what the context of their relationship is. I used to never have s*x with drunk women out of principle but then a girlfriend of mine got really angry that I'd never frick her while she was drunk (she loved getting horny drunk). So she gave me cart blanche consent while she was drunk, which I think was fine. Can't recall ever doing anything drunk that we didn't do sober, but she also never said no to anything I asked for so wouldn't have come up anyways.

Anyways moral of the story is don't date women that won't do anal sober as well.

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There was no soreness or pain, presumably because of the hot bath I'd taken beforehand.

Take notes, bussy boys :marseynotes:

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r*pe accusations are the least naggy moids that beg for anal deserve tbf

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I got blackout drunk, had s*x with my husband, and called him a male feminist afterwards and now he's leaving me!


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Good fricking morning

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So, of course, you're right. It was r*pe. You weren't lucid. People need to understand that when somebody is drunk, and clearly acting off, they cannot consent. It doesn't matter what they say. It doesn't matter if they're climbing all over you. Don't touch them.

Drunk relationship s*x is the best thing on this gay earth, so of course redditors are against it.

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sloppy drunk s*x, passing out, and waking up naked and going at it again

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how do u know?

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@peepeehands confirmed fakecel :marseypenny2:

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>Called him a male feminist and expected just like an apology for it all?

@LilMarseyontheprairie how r-slurred is she?

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What a wholesome rdrama power couple :marseyadmire:

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except the :marseybaby: ofc

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Of course! The baby should be removed from their household and put in a good home, like mine!

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Hopefully!!! We might visit her sometime this weekend. We've spent a lot of weekends since about May visiting her house and honestly we need a break

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Some other thread of hers she posted 2-3 days ago

She keeps interchangeably saying "our" and "my" kid.

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Does the moid have a full-time job? If so, foid at fault. If not, moid at fault. It's that simple when it comes to a stay-at-home spouse.

We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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She's a SAHM that hasn't had a job this decade. He pays the mortgage.

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well obviously moids fault then

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Delete the gym and hit Facebook



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!biofoids ur thots on this?

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He was probably a bit drunk too so it was a mutual r*pe.


Realistically though, bringing shit up in fights later instead of just talking about it plainly like an adult when something's bothering you is terminally r-slurred.


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bringing shit up in fights later instead of just talking about it plainly like an adult when something's bothering you is terminally r-slurred.

Makes sense why it's so common among women

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I only read the notification and don't click "Context" to see what the link is about so I have no opinion

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I think we should re-criminalize sodomy, but only for strags.

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All of that, plus make sure he doesn't have the kid's passports

Do toddlers have passports? What the frick.

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We need to find her moid and send this to him.

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