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what the frick is she expecting??? "oh yeah an extremely dangerous deadly disease is totally my fetish let's have tons of unprotected s*x!!!"


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That's more or less what is being pushed now. You see on the left they have been downplaying STDs, especially HIV.

1. You can't use the word "clean" to describe being STD free, that's considered rude and dehumanizing

2. You can't say on your dating profile that you will only date people who are clean or STD free, that's dehumanizing

3. Prep is being pushed as being protective, you don't need condoms if you're using this

4. Due to modern day medicine, HIV is not a death sentence anymore, people who act like it is are fearmongering

5. Just because you have HIV doesn't mean you'll pass it, it's "difficult" to transmit it

6. Rejecting someone due to STD or HIV status is wrong because the fears about STD are old and unfounded

Pretty scary to be honest. How is it that this generation is more r-slurred about safe s*x practices than the previous one?

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lol and it's all because strags and BIPOCs have the most stds hahahahahah

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I think 70% of new cases yearly, in the US, is gay or bi men.

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:mars#eymoidmoment: :snipsnip:

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You can't use the word "clean" to describe being STD free, that's considered rude and dehumanizing

What fricks me off about this is that "clean" totally apt. You keep things clean so you don't get sick!

"Nooooo! Don't call your house 'clean'. It's offensive to people with a black mold infestation."

:soyjakhipstertalking: :!ragestrangle:

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I think it's dumb for people to harp on this word because, in the end, it doesn't change the fact that people want to date someone who doesn't have any STDs. Even if you change the word from "clean" to "STD free", it means the same darn thing, changing the word didn't change the outcome lol

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Just because you have HIV doesn't mean you'll pass it, it's "difficult" to transmit it

This is actually true, though it mostly means that if you're a straight male, you probably don't need to panic if you forgot to use a condom when you fricked some bar skank, at least not about that. But if you're rolling the dice fricking someone with HIV regularly, you're probably going to roll a snake eyes eventually. It's also transmissible from mother to child, so if you decided to take the risk and wife up this b-word, kids are off the table unless you're a real piece of shit.

The highest transmission rates are for bottoming in anal s*x, and even that isn't super high, gays just have so much bareback anal with a high number of partners that the risk adds up fast. edit: was thinking of the topping rate, God hates bottoms confirmed

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>even that isn't super high

It's like 65%, compared to like 1% with vaginal s*x.

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CDC says 138 per 10000 exposures, which is higher than I remembered actually. I was thinking of the top number, which is only a little higher than receptive vaginal s*x.

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without vers people it never would've become the epidemic in the gay community it was and would've stabilized at levels more like what it is in the black community.

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Yeah, I'm sure it is true to an extent but I'm not willing to gamble on that, and lots of other people aren't either.

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No, I wouldn't knowingly gamble on it either, and I think people who oppose mandatory disclosure are r-slurs, at best. You can probably get away with driving without a seatbelt most of your life but it's a stupid and pointless risk too.

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That's a good counter example, I'm going to use that next time I get into a slap fight with STD idiots :marseybow:

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Pretty sure they had a medication or something to ensure the baby came out aids free decades ago. Could you cross check because I am remembering from memory.

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If the woman is on HIV medication during the pregnancy it reduces the risk significantly but would you consider any risk of giving a child AIDS acceptable?

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Yes. Less than 1 in a million is fine. 1 in a 100,000 a bit iffy but idk.

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Your notional wife gets in a car accident while on vacation in Shitholepol Oblast, Russia.

Xhe gets a blood transfusion by a doctor in the throes of alcohol withdrawal and later tests positive for GRIDS when she goes for a checkup at home. You are in the process of trying to have children, with ART therapy the risk can be reduced to less than 5%

Do you try for a child that has a high probability of being healthy, and even if HIV positive, being managed and likely cured by gene therapy in the next few years--or do you say frick it and give up?

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likely cured by gene therapy in the next few years

Obviously I'll get my kid cured at the gene therapy clinic staffed by AI that replaced human workers and that buys its power from the local fusion power company, duh

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>Prep is being pushed as being protective, you don't need condoms if you're using this

Doesn't that shit cost a $1000 a pill?

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I know it's not cheap, my gay bestie was complaining it costs too much.

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Nah you can get it for free because they're doing their best to harm reduce the fricking gay community.

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How is it that this generation is more r-slurred about safe s*x practices than the previous one?

Unironically because the last generation thought they were a good thing

Whatever old people say must be wrong and is to be derided

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Wrong. This generation is participating in far safer s*x by not having any. Incels rise up.

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This is non ironically what started @BrasilIguana's chuddening

Here in Brazil gay men were forbidden from donating blood because a fricking quarter of them have HIV and it was easier and cheaper too just not let them donate than too check every one of them for HIV

But of course commies and lefties went on a fricking decades long crusade too break down the barriers of safety

This post rests on native land unlike HIV patients which don't rest because they have AIDS

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Im glad im still a virgin.

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I'm sure you can find someone with an STD to help you out :marseyembrace:

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You know you want to collect all the STDs! :#marseycovidscare:

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also you're only 35x less likely to get it from penetrating a pozzed vagina than from a poz load in the butt; people act like it's 1000x, but really fricking her 35x unprotected is as risky as getting nutted in by 35 guys one of whom has AIDS. :marseynut:

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