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So they only interview one dude and he's gay.


Then after deleting his dating apps...

Still no boyfriend, but I'm enjoying the ride a lot more.

A gay dude who can't get laid? Something weird going on here for sure.

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I'm enjoying the ride

Yea I bet

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I'm not gay, but I'm pretty sure the guy in the pic would rate higher than a 1. He's not hideous.

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If a gay dude can't get a bf he has to -1/10 on the looks scale jfc

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getting a bf is hard. :marseysad: gay guys are so scared of commitment. :marseyscared: getting someone to put ur pp in is very very easy. :marseycock:

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If that's true prove it to me


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how? :marseybeanconfused:

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Or they are going for straights. I was doing language exchange with a dude from a week or two before he asked if I was single and confessed that he's gay. :marseyfacepalm:

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To be fair, its probably harder to get into a relationship than just fricking every man you come across

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I've been single for about 12 years, and was on the apps since they arrived.

I have found the men in London in particular to be flaky, chronically busy or emotionally unavailable. Most will match but never message, and those who do tend to jump straight to innuendoes and try to sway the conversation in a direction I don't want it to go.

I quit the apps on Valentine's Day. I definitely felt better emotionally, and have attended several speed datings events which I prefer. It's a much more organic way to meet someone. But I admit I recently returned to the apps, and I'm already at a loss with it. Claire, 38, London

>Claire, 38, London

She's doomed

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I quit the apps on Valentine's Day.


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imagine playing this game for 12 years and never figuring it out, just one pump and dump after another, and every year the guys get less attractive, and put in less effort... "but surely this one isn't just telling me whatever I need to hear to let him smash!"

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Being a chick on a dating app is the most easy mode possible. You literally just have to make good choices. A hundred new matches every day and they're all frickboys? You chose poorly while swiping. They bring up s*x shit too soon on a date? You chose poorly. They won't commit? You chose poorly. They would rather blame everything on everyone else than take responsibility for their own choices.

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It's only easy mode if all she wants are pump and dump experiences. The most interesting/attractive 20% of her tinder matches are OLD pros, who aren't interested in her for anything else. OLD pros frick down and marry up.

It takes a lot of willpower to filter out these 20% hottest matches, because it goes against all female instinct. But that's not even enough, the majority of the next 20% most interesting/attractive matches still aren't looking for more than casual s*x. Figuring out which are which is difficult.

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>its hard finding the dudes who are looking for more than getting laid

Have women tried not fricking them for more than like 2 dates then?

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Probably doesn't help that foids don't ever think about how to woo a dude. Their game is utter trash tier :marseypipe:

Have you ever been invited by a foid to do fun things? Something that doesn't amount to "let's go to that place, stand around and call it bad chemistry when you failed to keep me entertained for 2 hours on end"? Invited to a day of surfing, archery, kayaking maybe? The same formula works for both sexes: Boys / Girls just wanna have fun :marseyshrug:

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I invited a guy to break into an abandoned insane asylum with me one time, but he was all, "I dunno isn't that trespassing? What if we got arrested :soycry:"

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Promise him a beej in the middle of it and a moid will do literally anything.

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Sounds like a skill issue.

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idk it seems all the choices are bad choices

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Ok incel

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Maybe you should reevaluate your criteria.

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the criteria of randoms based on a just a picture and a self -description?

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Most will match but never message, and those who do tend to jump straight to innuendoes and try to sway the conversation in a direction I don't want it to go.

As if women don't have their own "I want your money" innuendos as well.

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